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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Publications and Other Writings File, 1923-1980 (continued)
Babcock, Barbara A. "Margaret Mead, A Personal Recollection"
Dillon, Wilton, "Margaret Mead, 1901-1978"
Epstein, Sam and Beryl, "She Never Looked Back"
Houston, Jean, "Margaret Mead at Seventy-Five"
Kanen, Fay, film on life of Mead
Levi-Strauss, Claude, "Margaret Mead"
Samuels, Ron, production film on life of Mead
Miscellaneous correspondence
Writings by others
Barlow, Kathleen, "An Ethnography of Childhood..."
Lipset, David, "Changing Leadership in Papua New Guinea"
BOX I309 Undated
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
Abstract of commencement address
"Anaesthesia for the Baby's Sake"
"The Areal Aspect of Culture Contact Situations"
"The Changing American Family" (unpublished)
"Choose an Exit Now"
Comment on Emily James Putnam's The Lady (?)
"The Discontinuity of Rebellion"
"Education and the Community in Samoa"
"Ethical Gains Through Recent Developments in Anthropology" (abstract)
"The Implication of Certain Forms of Dysnomia for Personality Development"
Introduction to the study of primitive art
"Keeping Women in Their Place in New Guinea"
"The Meaning of Freedom in Education"
"Molly Whuppie"
"A Poetic Pick-up on a Bus Stop"
"Rank in Polynesia"
"Spontaneity as a Condition of Democratic Life"
"Unwarranted Pessimism"
"Why We Study Primitive Man"
Miscellaneous publications material
Writings by others
Poetry, Léonie Adams and Edward Sapir
BOX I310 Miscellany
Card file on status of writings and activities
Articles, books
Check status
Future, possible
Mead as consultant
Pending publications
Pending transcripts
Published, 1975-1978
Unfinished products
BOX I311 Published books
And Keep Your Powder Dry (Bibl. 142, six editions)
BOX I312 Anthropologists and What They Do (Bibl. 816)
An Anthropologist at Work: The Writings of Ruth Benedict (Bibl. 537)
Anthropology a Human Science (Bibl. 804, three editions)
The Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering
BOX I313 Balinese Character: A Photographic Study of Balinese Childhood (Bibl. 140)
Ruth Benedict (Bibl. 1291, two editions)
An Anthropologist at Work: The Writings of Ruth Benedict (Bibl. 537)
BOX I314 Blackberry Winter (Bibl. 1178, nine editions)
BOX I315 The Challenge of Life (Bibl. 1180, 1212, 1213)
The Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe (Bibl. 53, two editions)
Childhood in Contemporary Cultures (Bibl. 440, 453, three editions)
BOX I316 Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization (Bibl. 6, 407, 633, 1256)
(fifteen editions)
BOX I317 (three editions)
Continuities in Cultural Evolution (Bibl. 771, three editions)
BOX I318 Cooperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples (Bibl. 89, 634, two editions)
Cultural Patterns and Technical Change (Bibl. 448a, three editions)
Culture and Commitment: A Study of the Generation Gap (Bibl. 1063)
(ten editions)
BOX I319 (seven editions)
Cybernetics (Bibl. 351, 370, 396, four editions)
BOX I320 Discussions on Child Development (Bibl. 477, 478, 530, 610, four editions)
Family (Bibl. 832)
BOX I321 From the South Seas (Bibl. 96, two editions)
Fundamental Education (Bibl. 266)
BOX I322 The Golden Age of American Anthropology (Bibl. 606, 616)
Group Processes (Bibl. 454, 479, 505, 566, four editions)
BOX I323 Growing Up In New Guinea: A Comparative Study of Primitive Education (Bibl. 22, 408, 679, 1378, twelve editions)
BOX I324 Growth and Culture: A Photographic Study of Balinese Childhood (Bibl. 363)
Identity, Mental Health and Value Systems (Bibl. 651)
An Inquiry into the Question of Cultural Stability in Polynesia (Bibl. 7)
An Interview with Santa Claus
Letters from the Field, 1925-1975 (two editions)
BOX I325 Male and Female (Bibl. 308, 312, 448, nine editions)
BOX I326 Male and Female (Bibl. 312, six editions)
BOX I327 Male and Female (Bibl. 312, 673, nine editions)
BOX I328 Margaret Mead–Some Personal Views
Mental Health and Contemporary Thought (Bibl. 935)
Mental Health and Infant Development
Vol. I (Bibl. 442)
Vol. II (Bibl. 446)
Mental Health in a Changing World (Bibl. 853)
Mental Health in International Perspective (Bibl. 652)
Mental Health in the Service of the Community (Bibl. 936)
BOX I329 The Mountain Arapesh
I. An Importing Culture (Bibl. 94)
II. Arts and Supernaturalism (Bibl. 94)
III. Stream of Events in Alitoa (Bibl. 269, 1164a)
III. Socio-Economic Life, IV. Diary of Events in Alitoa (Bibl. 313)
V. The Record of Unabelin with Rorschach Analyses (Bibl. 313, 986)
BOX I330 New Lives for Old (Bibl. 467, 873, 1379, six editions)
BOX I331 People and Places (Bibl. 557, six editions)
Primitive Heritage (Bibl. 441)
BOX I332 Problems of Consciousness (Bibl. 365, 390, 455, three editions)
A Rap on Race (Bibl. 1144, twelve editions)
BOX I333 The School in American Culture (Bibl. 358)
Science and the Concept of Race (Bibl. 954, 972)
The Selection of Personnel for International Service (Bibl. 721)
Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (Bibl. 79, eight editions)
BOX I334 Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (Bibl. 79, seven editions)
The Small Conference (Bibl. 971)
BOX I335 Social Organization of Manua (Bibl. 25, 1045, two editions)
Soviet Attitudes Toward Authority (Bibl. 359, 876, four editions)
Studies in Soviet Communication
Vol. I (Bibl. 384)
Vol. II (Bibl. 384)
BOX I336 Study of Culture at a Distance (Bibl. 412)
To Love or to Perish (Bibl. 1177, 1215)
Today's Priorities in Mental Health: Knowing and Doing (Bibl. 1563)
Twentieth Century Faith (Bibl. 1198, three editions)
BOX I337 Uprooting and Resettlement (Bibl. 611)
The Wagon and the Star (Bibl. 884, two editions)
A Way of Seeing (Bibl. 1162a, three editions)
World Enough (Bibl. 1395)
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