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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Fieldwork: South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1925-1978 (continued)
1937-1939, Jane Belo field trip
Correspondence and papers relating to the Walter Spies case
Field data
Children's drawings, circa 1930-1937, undated See also Oversize
Field notes
Subject arrangement
Book 1
Book 2
Vol. 1, Sajan materials
BOX N31 Vol. 3, Sajan materials, Sajan wedding (Mead and Belo), Bajoeng, and miscellaneous
Vol. 4, Mixed trance, Balians, Salat, Blahkaioe
Vol. 5, Non-Sajan, non-trance, kinship, [?Goesti Madé Soemoeng] personal, beginnings of write-up
Djanger texts and notes
BOX N32 Miscellaneous
Linguistic material
Balinese glossary
Morphemes, semantemes, trance vocabulary (note slips)
Vocabulary index to scenes depicting "djail" in Sanoer
Vocabulary list (original)
Maps, family and village, 1936-1938
BOX N33 Photographs and films
Catalog and notes on trance films
Cine film catalog, 1938
Cine film checklist, 1937
Psychological tests
Analysis of test data
(3 folders)
Index to participants tested
Group designations
Occupation designations
Sorting test, original write up
Space examples
BOX N34 Test data
(6 folders)
BOX N35 (6 folders)
BOX N36 (3 folders)
Write ups, original and revision
Songs, Barong Landoeng, 1934-1938
Tales and legends
(2 folders)
Goesti Madé (informant)
Nos. 1-45
BOX N37 Nos. 46-77
(2 folders)
Nos. 93-152
(3 folders)
Sanghijangs, 1938
Untranslated, 1939
BOX N38 Nos. 164-167
Village index
Trance material
Book 4, various villages
Book 5, mainly Pagoetan
Postfield material
Balinese calendar
Editorial notes and bibliography for a manuscript
Index to discontinued file arrangement
Photographs and film, Cine film catalog, 1941, Feb.-Mar.
BOX N39 1957-1958, Mead and Ken Heyman field trip
Prefield and administrative materials
Application to the National Institute of Mental Health for Bali trip, 1957, Dec.-1958, Jan.
Correspondence with Ken Heyman
Financial papers
General correspondence
Preliminary planning for trip
Field data
Balinese children's interpretations of Sputnik
Children's drawings depicting Sputnik
(2 folders)
Field notebooks, Mead
Photographs, preliminary checklist
Postfield, Mead's reaction to the controversy over Netherlands New Guinea
1968, Ken Heyman field trip
BOX N40 Papua New Guinea
Admiralty Islands
1928-1929, Mead and Reo Fortune field trip to Manus
Field bulletins
Prefield and administrative material, financial papers
Digital content available
Field data
Margaret Mead
Calendar of events, Manus, 1929 (cards typed for 1953 Admiralty Islands Expedition)
Digital content available
Children's drawings
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BOX N41 Children's drawings
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BOX N42 Children's drawings
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