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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Family Papers, 1838-1979 (continued)
Mead, Priscilla (sister), 1919-1935 See also Container A19, Rosten, Priscilla Mead (continued)
(2 folders)
Mead, Richard Ramsay (brother), and Jessica Wilbraham Rich, 1911-1978, undated
(2 folders)
Mead miscellany
Drawings and paintings See Oversize
Memorandum and address book
(2 vols.)
Postcard album, 1903-1907
BOX A19 Muir, Margaret Rosten and Bryce L., 1955-1976
Neff, Wanda Fricken and Patty Kirkpatrick (Mrs. John M.), 1960, 1977
Ramsay, Richard (great grandfather), 1873-1884
Ramsay, Richard S., 1954
Rich, John and Edys, 1954-1965
Roebuck, Grace and Richard, 1963-1977
Rosten, Leo C. (brother-in-law) and Ida, 1935-1978 See also same container, Rosten, Priscilla Mead
Rosten, Madeline See Container A4, Lee, Madeline Rosten and Todd
Rosten, Margaret See same container, Muir, Margaret Rosten and Bryce L.
Rosten, Philip (nephew), 1959-1977
Rosten, Priscilla Mead (sister), 1935-1959 See also Container A18, Mead, Priscilla
(2 folders)
Seaton, John Thomas, 1955-1977
Smith, Esther and Fred, 1952-1976
Steele, Polly, 1940
BOX A20 Steig, Elizabeth Mead (sister) See also Container A6, Mead, Elizabeth
Correspondence, 1936-1978, undated
(3 folders)
Steig, Jeremy (nephew), 1969
Steig, Lucinda (niece) See Container A3, Franceschini, Lucinda Steig and Melinda
Steig, William (brother-in-law), 1939-1955
Stephens, Janet Rich, James, and Lisa Anne, 1959-1975
Upton, Elizabeth Fogg and Louis C., 1935-1962 See also same container, Vawter, Elizabeth and William A.
Upton, Robert C. and Mary Letty, 1974-1978
Vawter, Elizabeth and William A., 1944, 1963-1977 See also same container, Upton, Elizabeth Fogg and Louis C.
Wilbraham, R. W., 1961
Unidentified, 1921-1924, 1935, 1943-1945, 1957, undated
BOX B1-B17 Special Correspondence, 1914-1979
Correspondence of Mead with close friends and associates.
Arranged alphabetically by name of individual.
BOX B1 Abel, Theodora and Theodore, 1933-1978
Argyll, Duchess Mathilde of, 1963-1977 See also Container B9, Heller, Mathilde
Bavelas, Alexander and Jane, 1947-1971
Belo, Jane, and Frank Tannenbaum, 1935-1970 See also Containers N30-N34, 1937-1939, Jane Belo field trip
Benedict, Ruth, 1923-1948
(3 folders)
BOX B2 Birdwhistell, Miriam, Ray L., Jill, and Nancy, 1944-1978
(2 folders)
Blanco White, M. Justin See Container B17, Waddington, Conrad H. and M. Justin Blanco White
Boas, Franz, 1925-1942
Brinitzer, Marriotte See same container, Churchill, Marriotte
Bunzel, Ruth, 1930-1976, undated
Byers, Paul, 1954-1978
Cabot, Lucia (Mrs. Sebastian), 1935-1961, undated
Churchill, Marriotte, 1965-1975
Cobb, Edith and Boughton
(2 folders)
BOX B3 1959-1972, undated
(3 folders)
Devereux, George and Elisabeth, 1939-1978, undated
Dillon, Wilton
(2 folders)
BOX B4 1974-1979
Eichelberger, Marie, 1922-1976, undated
(4 folders)
Erickson, Milton H. and Betty, 1939-1971
BOX B5 Erikson, Erik H., Joan, and Kai, 1936-1978
Foerstel, Lenora, 1962-1978 See also Container B15, Schwartz, Lenora; Schwartz, Theodore and Lenora
Frank, Lawrence K. and Mary, 1934-1969, undated See also Container B15, Perry, Mary Frank
(3 folders)
Gorer, Geoffrey
(2 folders)
BOX B6 1947-1964
(5 folders)
BOX B7 1965-1978
(3 folders)
Guillebaud, Claude, Pauline, Philomena, and Claudia
(2 folders)
BOX B8 1944-1978
(2 folders)
Harris, Denah, 1945-1957 See Restricted
Heath, Barbara Honeyman, 1958-1978 See also Container B15, Roll, Barbara Heath and G. Frederick
(3 folders)
BOX B9 Heller, Clemens and Mathilde, 1948-1960 See also Container B1, Argyll, Duchess Mathilde
Heller, Clemens, Marie Louise, and Yvon, 1961-1977
Holt, Claire and Anatole, 1939-1978
(2 folders)
Kelly, Caroline Tennant
(2 folders)
BOX B10 1947-1978
Lindgren, Ethel-John, 1936-1976
Llewelyn-Davies, Richard and Patricia, 1949-1978
Loeb, Margery, 1940-1968
Lord, Isabel, 1914-1959
Lowenfeld, Margaret
(2 folders)
BOX B11 1949-1961
(6 folders)
BOX B12 1962-1973
(2 folders)
Trust fund (includes Andersen, Ville; Hood-Williams, John; Wright, H. Beric), 1973-1978
(4 folders)
BOX B13 Macgregor, Frances M. Cooke, 1946-1978
Mackenzie, Findlay and Barbara, 1936-1978
McPhee, Colin, 1936-1963, 1974
(3 folders)
BOX B14 Matthews, Shirley and Adrian, 1968-1976
Métraux, Daniel A., 1954-1978
Métraux, Rhoda Bubendey, 1941-1978
(2 folders)
Mysbergh, James H. and Anna, 1947-1979
Newton, Niles, 1952-1978
(3 folders)
BOX B15 Perry, Mary Frank, 1970-1978 See also Container B5, Frank, Lawrence K. and Mary
Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, 1929-1952
Roll, Barbara Heath and G. Frederick, 1975-1978 See also Container B8, Heath, Barbara Honeyman
Romanucci, Lola, 1972-1978 See also same container, Schwartz, Lola Romanucci; Schwartz, Theodore and Lola Romanucci
Schwartz, Lenora, 1958-1961 See also Container B5, Foerstel, Lenora; See also same container, Schwartz, Theodore and Lenora
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