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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Fieldwork: South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1925-1978 (continued)
Field data
Calendars of events
Note cards
BOX N53 Census material
M'Bunai village
Pere village
(3 folders)
Mead, Margaret
BOX N54 Schwartz, Lenora
Children and adults
(5 folders)
BOX N55 (5 folders)
BOX N56 (1 folder)
Color gestalts
Points for analysis
Linguistic material
Correspondence and notes in Manus language
Note cards
Schwartz, Theodore
BOX N57 Manus texts, typed
Sample texts
Mead, Margaret
Nos. 1-4, 1953, May 4-July 15
Nos. 5-8, 1953, July 15-Aug. 18
Nos. 9-12, 1953, Aug. 18-Sept. 6
Nos. 13-15, 1953, Sept. 6-Oct. 11
BOX N58 Nos. 16-17, 1953, Oct. 4-Nov. 2
Nos. 18-19, 1953, Nov. 3-30
Nos. 20-21, 1953, Nov. 30-Dec. 16; 1954, Feb. 3-1955, May 14
Miscellaneous, contains diary, 1953-1954, and notes, 1947
Schwartz, Theodore, medicine book
Mead, Margaret
Book 1, 1953, June-Aug. (contains some pre-expeditionary materials)
(1 folder)
BOX N59 (1 folder)
Additional material, 1952, Dec.-1953, Dec.
Book 2, 1953, Sept.-Oct.
(2 folders)
Book 3, 1953, Nov.-Dec.
Book 4, miscellaneous
BOX N60 Index of Manus names
Miscellaneous notes
Schwartz, Lenora
Book 1, 1953, June-1954, Jan. 12
Book 2, 1954, Jan.-Apr.
Book 3, projective tests
(2 folders)
BOX N61 Book 4, tests and children's play groups
Schwartz, Theodore
Vol. 1, 1953, June-1954, Jan. 30
Vol. 2, 1954, Feb. 3-July 11
Copybooks written by Manus people photocopies
(2 folders)
BOX N62 Handwritten notes, photocopies
Notes concerning thesis
Transcriptions of tape recordings, 1954, Feb.-Apr.
Photographs and films
Early Manus film catalog, note slips and cards
Index to photographs taken at Pere and Bunai villages, note slips
Miscellaneous notes relating to photographs
Photo test book
Psychological tests
Bender Visual Gestalt
Horn-Hillersberg test taken by the Schwartzes
Manus and Usiai caligors, Lenora Schwartz
BOX N63 Mosaic tests and analysis
Assorted tests See also Oversize
Paliau's test
Notes on tests, Mead
Projective test tables for Pere village, Lenora Schwartz
Rorschach, Theodore Schwartz and Lenora Schwartz
Rorschach, photocopies of original Manus location sheets, Theodore Schwartz
Rorschach protocol of Petrus Pomat, Theodore Schwartz
Thematic apperception test drawings, Lenora Schwartz
Postfield material
American Psychological Association exhibit, 1954, Sept.
Correspondence and papers relating to somatotyping
Financial papers
BOX N64 Foerstel, Lenora
Bender Visual Gestalt test summary (1966) with copies of test data
(2 folders)
Mead, Margaret
Miscellaneous notes
Notes from United Nations documents relating to New Guinea
Notes concerning reproduction of field notes, 1961, Aug.
Plans for book on Admiralty Islands including a new map of the Islands
Photographs, catalog of Manus still photographs
Publicity regarding the Admiralty Islands Expedition
Report to the Rockefeller Foundation, 1956
Schwartz, Lenora, "Cultural Influence on Perception," master's essay and photocopy
(2 folders)
Schwartz, Theodore
"The Interpretation of Cult Symptomology," paper presented at American Anthropological Association meeting, 1957, Dec.
BOX N65 The Paliau Movement in the Admiralty Islands, 1946-1954 (1962)
Dissertation in anthropology
(3 folders)
Illustration plates and text figures
Publication arrangements
"Systems of Areal Integration: Some Considerations Based on the Admiralty Islands of Northern Melanesia," Anthropological Forum, vol. 1, no.1, 1963
BOX N66 Tape recordings, catalog and duplication records
Letters to Mary Catherine Bateson from the people of Pere village
Manuscript and articles by Emil Bogen relating to the Admiralty Islands
(2 folders)
Mead note cards
1963-1966, Mead, Theodore Schwartz, and Lola Romanucci Schwartz field trip, New Guinea, Admiralty Islands
Field bulletins, 1964-1965
General correspondence
Mead, Margaret
(3 folders)
BOX N67 1964-1966
(3 folders)
Schwartz, Theodore, and Lola Romanucci Schwartz, 1962-1966
(4 folders)
BOX N68 Prefield and administrative material
Financial papers
Accounts and related material, 1963-1969
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