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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Papers of Colleagues, 1908-1978 (continued)
Gregory Bateson, 1922-1978 (continued)
Subject Files, 1934-1948 (continued)
BOX O7 Motion pictures and national character
"Das Müde Todt"
"The Road to Life"
"Seven Days Leave"
"Triumph of the Will"
National stereotype research
Pidgin language research
Richardson, F. L. W.
Selective service
BOX O8 Social Union, Inc.
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Student questionnaires
Wartime Regional Materials Unit
William Wyse Studentship
Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
BOX O8-O15 Speeches and Writings File, 1925-1978
Drafts of writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, and miscellaneous material relating to articles, books, speeches, lectures, and interviews.
Arranged alphabetically by type of writing and therein chronologically. A file of miscellaneous correspondence and other material is located at the end of the series.
BOX O8 Articles and other writings
1931, "A Preliminary Account of Certain Aspects of the Social Life of the Iatmul People of the Sepik River"
1932, "Further Notes on a Snake Dance of the Baining"
1934, "Ritual Transvesticism on the Sepik River, New Guinea," International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
1935, "Culture Contact and Schismogenesis," Man
BOX O9 1939
Nov., "Sex and the Family in One Community"
Photographic techniques
Sept., "Learning to Learn," notes for unpublished article-review.
Oct., "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!—Bang"
"Cultural Anthropology and Problems of National Efficiency"
"The Dimensions of Stimulus and Response"
1941, Dec.
"Principles of Morale Building," Journal of Sociology
"Regularities and Differences in National Character"
Sept., "Some Systematic Approaches to the Study of Culture and Personality," Character and Personality, 1942, Sept.
Comment on Margaret Mead's “The Comparative Study of Culture and the Purposive Cultivation of Democratic Values”
"Morale and National Character," Civilian Morale
"Cultural Determinants of Personality," Personality and the Behavior Disorders
BOX O10 1943, Apr., "The Science of Decency," Philosophy of Science
June 21, "Physical Thinking and Social Problems" Science
June, "Arts of the South Seas," Art Bulletin
"Atoms, Nations, and Cultures," International House Quarterly
"Bali: The Value System of a Steady State"
1956, June, "Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia"
1962, Feb., “The Role of Somatic Change in Evolution"
1971, Feb., "The Cybernetics of 'Self': A Theory of Alcoholism" Psychiatry
1977, Apr., "Les Usages Sociaux du Corps a Bali," Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales
1978, Summer, "The Pattern Which Connects," Co-Evolution Quarterly
"Application of Anthropological Techniques to Problems of Enemy and Allies Psychology".
"The Eidos of Iatmul Culture"
"The Message of Reinforcement," Language Behavior
"Music in New Guinea"
"Pattern of an Armament Race"
"Time Perspective and Topological Psychology"
"Traits and Patterns in Learning and Personality"
Book reviews, 1935-1946
Correspondence, 1940-1947
Letters to the editor, 1934-1946
BOX O11 Miscellany
(5 folders)
Mailing list
Balinese Character
BOX O12 Naven
Book reviews
(2 folders)
Correspondence, 1936-1946
Production materials
BOX O13 Typescript
Speeches, lectures, and interviews
Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, lectures
June 5, "Personal Names among the Iatmul Tribe"
International Congress of Psychology and Ethnology, address
1939, seminar notes, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Mar., "The Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis and Culture," Eastern Psychological Association
BOX O14 Apr. 28, "Experiments in Thinking about Observed Ethnological Material," New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y.
May, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., paper
Dec. 6, "Positive Social Science and a Scale of Values"
Jan. 6-7, lectures
Sept., "Social Planning and the Concept of Deutero-Learning," Second Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion
Oct. 4, "Problems of Applied Science and Manipulation"
1942, Aug., "Human Dignity and the Varieties of Civilization," Third Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion
Jan. 18, "Cultural and Thematic Analysis of Fictional Films"
Mar. 6, television interview with Doug Allan
Apr. 21, "An Anthropologist Looks at America and Britain in the Light of Bali and New Guinea," radio interview
May 17, interview with David Rappaport
Jan. 24, "Pidgin English and Cross-Cultural Communication," New York Academy of Sciences
Jan. 30, Milton H. Erickson interview
Mar. 1, "Sex and Culture," New York Academy of Sciences
Oct. 21-22, "Circular Causal Systems in Society," Conference on Teleological Mechanisms
BOX O15 1946-1947, lectures
1947, Jan., "Transformation of Our Contemporary Culture into a Spiritual Culture," Chicago Institute for Religious and Social Studies, Chicago, Ill.
1970, Jan. 9, "Form, Substance, and Difference," Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture
1973, Aug.-Sept., "Anthropology and Systems," Southwestern Anthropology Association
Correspondence, 1939-1946
BOX O15-O19 Miscellany, 1936-1947
Printed matter, correspondence, financial and legal papers, and notes.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX O15 Addresses and appointment books
(2 folders)
Bali residence
Bateson, Mary Catherine, passport
Biographical material
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