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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Papers of Colleagues, 1908-1978 (continued)
Jane Belo, 1924-1972 (continued)
BOX O32-035 Notes and Notebooks, 1944-1967
Notes and notebooks.
Arranged by subject.
BOX O32 Hospital notes
(4 folders)
BOX O33 1965-1967, undated
(4 folders)
(1 folder)
BOX O34 (2 folders)
Study notes
(2 folders)
BOX O35 (1 folder)
BOX O35-O37 Miscellany, 1930-1972
Printed matter, correspondence, financial accounts, notes, cards and invitations, legal documents, poetry, and writings by others.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX O35 Address book
Bali residence
Cards and invitations
Correspondents other than Jane Belo
Drawings See also Oversize
Form letters, programs, and other items
Printed matter
(1 folder)
BOX O36 (4 folders)
BOX O37 (2 folders)
St. Luke's Hospital, New York, N.Y.
Tannenbaum, Frank, correspondence
Writings by others
(2 folders)
BOX O38-O40 Ruth Benedict, 1928-1949
BOX O38 Correspondence, 1928-1947
Letters sent and received including attachments.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX O38 General, 1930-1945
Boas, Franz, regarding, 1942-1943
Gorer, Geoffrey, 1946-1947
Mead, Emily Fogg, 1931-1942
Mead, Margaret, regarding, 1928-1943, undated
BOX O39-O40 Buell Quain, 1938-1949
Correspondence, biographical material, financial and legal papers, and miscellaneous material relating to Quain.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX O39 Biographical data and photographs
Correspondence, 1935-1949
(6 folders)
Financial papers, 1938-1942
Legal documents
BOX O40 Research on Fiji project
Excerpts from letter, 1935
Mental testing material
(2 folders)
Research on Trumai Indians, manuscript
BOX O40 Miscellany, 1935-1947
Notes and miscellaneous items.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX O40 Conference of Social Scientists, 1947
Notes taken by Benedict on a course given by Mead, 1935
BOX O41-O67 Edith Cobb, 1912-1978
BOX O41-O44 Diaries, 1912-1970
Diaries and diary notes with attachments.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX O41 1912, 1942-1952
(6 vols. in 4 folders)
BOX O42 1953-1957
(4 vols.)
BOX O43 1958-1965
(8 vols.)
BOX O44 1966-1970, undated
(6 vols.)
BOX O45 Correspondence, 1931-1970
Letters received from family members and general correspondence from friends and colleagues.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX O45 Family, 1959
General, 1931-1970
“A-R” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
Roosevelt, Eleanor
“S-W” miscellaneous
BOX O45-O46 Subject File, 1937-1974
Correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, project proposals, and scrapbooks.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX O45 Bollingen Foundation
Cobb, Edith, collection of childhood autobiographies, New York School of Social Work, New York, N.Y.
Family Service Association
Frank, Lawrence K.
International Congress on Mental Health, London, England, 1948
Ivens, Joris
BOX O46 Women in Democracy Film Project
BOX O46-O62 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1935-1978
Drafts of published and unpublished writings, galley and page proofs, memoranda, research notes, working papers, and miscellaneous material pertaining to Cobb's speeches, articles, and her book, The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX O46 "The Biology of Imagination in Childhood"
(3 folders)
"The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood," Daedalus, Summer 1959
(3 folders)
BOX O47 The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood
Background material
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
Correspondence of Margaret Mead
Columbia University Press, 1972-1978
BOX O48 Thorne, Ann Cobb, 1977
Miscellaneous, 1969-1977
Drafts, notes, and working papers
(5 folders)
BOX O49 (5 folders)
BOX O50 (4 folders)
BOX O51 (5 folders)
BOX O52 (5 folders)
BOX O53 (5 folders)
BOX O54 (5 folders)
BOX O55 (4 folders)
BOX O56 (7 folders)
BOX O57 (4 folders)
BOX O58 (4 folders)
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