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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Photographic File, 1878-1978 (continued)
Negatives, Diapositives, Slides, and Other Photographs, 1925-1978 (continued)
Book 2
Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1953
Manus, color negatives
Sorcerers of Dobu by Fortune
Bali, 1936-1939
Omaha Indians, 1930
BOX P127 Teaching file negatives
(6 folders)
BOX P128 1968-1978
BOX P129 Miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX P130 Slides (black and white and color)
Mead, Margaret and others, field trip slides (includes all major expeditions, 1925-1975; many slides are made from hand-painted glass slides)
(2 vols.)
Slides assembled from various sources for lectures given by Mead, including material from the book Family by Ken Heyman and Mead
BOX P131 Admiralty Islands expedition, 1953-1954
(2 vols.)
New Guinea, Admiralty Islands, 1963-1965
BOX P132 Stuttgart and Bremen, Germany, Admiralty Islands collections
Psychological testing and related material
BOX P133 Institute for Intercultural Studies, 1944-1947, undated
Miscellaneous (includes slides from various series in the collection), circa 1930s-circa 1970s
BOX P134 (2 parts) Glass or lantern slides
BOX P135 (2 parts) Glass or lantern slides
BOX P136 Glass or lantern slides
BOX P137 (2 parts) Glass or lantern slides
BOX P138 (2 parts) Glass or lantern slides
BOX P139 Glass or lantern slides
BOX P140-P141 Contact prints See Oversize
Miscellaneous photographs of Gregory Bateson and Jane Belo
BOX P142-P143 Mead family negatives, circa 1920s
BOX Q1-Q11 Addition I: Family Papers, 1861-1985
Correspondence of family members, biographical data, diaries, financial and legal papers, school papers, research material, writings, and printed ephemera including Mead's childhood and college papers.
Arranged alphabetically by name of family member.
BOX Q1 Bateson, Edward, 1948
Bateson, Gregory
Correspondence, 1912-1950
Miscellany, 1920, 1975-1976, undated See also Oversize
Bateson, Mary Catherine
Correspondence, 1961, 1967-1985, undated
Miscellany, 1940-1952, 1979, undated See also Oversize
Clary, W. H., 1933
Cressman, Luther Sheeleigh, 1925, 1972-1974, undated
Fogg family correspondence, circa 1939, 1968-1974, undated
Fortune, Reo, 1924-1975, undated
Glardon, John, 1974
Heitland, Margaret Bateson, 1935, undated
Hunter, Caroline, 1947-1974, undated
Kassarjian, Vanni, 1973, undated
McMaster, Fanny Fogg, 1955
McMeekin, Lida, 1966
Mead, Edward Sherwood
Correspondence, 1881-1954, undated
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1888-1934, undated
Mead, Elizabeth See Container Q10, Steig, Elizabeth Mead
Mead, Emily Fogg
Address book, circa 1920s-1930s
Appointment calendars, 1939-1944
Biographical data, undated
BOX Q2 Birthday notebook, 1881
Cooperative associations
Correspondence, 1921-1922, undated
Miscellany, 1920-1922
(2 folders)
Notes, circa 1921-1922
(5 folders)
BOX Q3 1929-1948, undated
(3 folders)
Death, sympathy letters, 1950
Diaries, 1901-1908, 1928, undated
(4 folders)
BOX Q4 Financial papers, 1948-1949, undated
Miscellany, 1889-1950, undated
Newspaper clippings, 1906-1940s, undated
General, undated
(3 folders)
BOX Q5 Research, undated
(2 folders)
Speeches, 1921-1940, undated
(3 folders)
Printed ephemera, 1891-1946, undated
(1 folder)
BOX Q6 (1 folder)
School papers, 1888-1898, undated See also Oversize
(4 folders)
Social and political activities, 1937-1942, undated
Will, 1938
Drafts, 1944, undated
(2 folders)
BOX Q7 Published, 1901-1933
Mead, Giles F., 1864-1879
Mead, Margaret
Barnard College, New York, N.Y., 1921-1923, undated
Childhood papers
Correspondence, 1908-1911, undated
Diaries and notebooks
(3 folders)
1911-1915 Available on microfilm shelf no. 24,326
1915, undated
(2 folders)
Drawings, 1903-1917, undated See also Oversize
(3 folders)
DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Correspondence, 1919-1920, undated
Miscellany, 1920, undated
Notebooks, 1919, undated
BOX Q8 Notes and outlines, undated
Printed ephemera, 1919-1920, undated
Scrapbook, 1919-1920 See Oversize
Diaries, 1939-1946
(3 folders)
Doylestown High School, Doylestown, Pa., 1920, undated
Dreams, 1928
Genealogy, 1955-1974
BOX Q9 Mead, Martha A. Ramsay
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