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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Addition I: Miscellany, 1908-1981 (continued)
BOX Q21 Address lists
Mailing lists, 1965-1968, undated
Memoranda, 1966-1976
Notebooks, circa 1950
Awards and degrees
Academic robes, 1964
Avon Award for Women of Achievement, 1945-1946
National Achievement Award, Chi Omega, 1940
Other awards and memberships, 1930, 1940-1968
Sigma Xi, 1944-1946
Deceased friends
Belo, Jane, 1967-1970
Edel, May, 1964-1965
Gilliard, E. Thomas, 1965
Hochfeld, Julian, 1968
McPhee, Colin, 1953-1972, undated
Tannenbaum, Frank, 1969-1970
Vorhaus, David, 1964
Financial papers
Bank of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1965-1966, 1974
Barclays Bank, Ltd., London, England, 1946-1977
Chemical Bank, New York, N.Y., 1973-1978
Doylestown Trust Co., Doylestown, Pa., 1960-1964, undated
Checkbook registers
BOX Q22 1975
Checkbook statements, 1974
(2 folders)
Estate of Margaret Mead
Burial arrangements, 1908-1912, 1974-1980
Correspondence, 1957, 1977-1981
(3 folders)
De Barraza, Carmen, 1978-1979
Hospital bills and insurance, 1974-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Income tax, 1979
BOX Q23 Insurance and jewelry theft, 1960-1979
(2 folders)
Letters of intent, 1978-1979
Letters testamentary, 1979
Library of Congress, 1970-1980, undated
Telephone bills, 1978-1979, undated
Estate of Ruth Valentine, 1963-1965
Household accounts, 1924, 1952-1978
(3 folders)
BOX Q24 Insurance
Accident, 1949-1978, undated
(2 folders)
Fire, 1966-1979
General, 1967-1979, undated
Life and retirement, 1952-1979
Medical, 1963-1978
Medical for Margaret Rintz, 1948
Personal liability, 1933, 1946, 1952-1979
Mortgage, Doylestown Community School, Doylestown, Pa., 1945-1951, 1972
Salary and pension, 1969-1979
(2 folders)
BOX Q25 1950-1965
(7 folders)
BOX Q26 1966-1970
(7 folders)
BOX Q27 1971-1972
(6 folders)
BOX Q28 1973-1975
(8 folders)
BOX Q29 1976-1979
(9 folders)
BOX Q30 Miscellany, 1936-1977
Social security, 1967-1978
Trust funds
General, 1937, 1965-1979
(3 folders)
Statements and reports, 1971-1978
Birthday celebrations, 1950, 1971-1977 See also Oversize
BOX Q31 Christmas, 1947-1976, undated
(3 folders)
Other, undated
Jury duty, 1956-1964, undated
Library inventory, 1975
(4 folders)
BOX Q32 (1 folder)
Literary executrix for Ruth Benedict
Appointment, 1948-1949
Disposition of papers, 1957-1977
General correspondence, 1943-1977
Publication permissions and reprints, 1948-1975
(2 folders)
Medical records
Accident and health care
(4 folders)
BOX Q33 1978
Dental care, 1978
Prescriptions, 1947-1978, undated
Newspaper clippings
circa 1920-1960
(5 folders)
BOX Q34 circa 1960-1980
Notes, 1923-1968, undated
(4 folders)
Passports and security clearances
Conflict of interest statements, 1963-1970
BOX Q35 Loyalty and security records, 1944-1977, undated
(4 folders)
Passport and visa documentation, 1935-1977, undated
Personality analyses
Handwriting analysis, 1941, 1948
(2 folders)
Horn-Hellersberg test, 1947
Other tests, 1944, 1971-1976
Rorschach tests, 1941-1976
Square test, 1934-1935
BOX Q36 Printed ephemera, 1914-1977, undated
(4 folders)
Wills and instructions
Instructions, 1954-1979
Last will and testament, 1928, 1957, 1965, 1975-1979
Living will, 1962, 1970, 1978-1979
BOX Q36 Addition I: Institute for Intercultural Studies, 1958-1977
Correspondence, financial papers, and project material.
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