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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Addition I: Photographic File, 1874-1987 (continued)
1976 (continued)
BOX Q48 (1 folder)
1977-1978, undated
(5 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX Q49 1960-1979, undated
(4 folders)
Contact prints, 1956-1977, undated
(2 folders)
Glass, undated
(2 folders)
Single prints, circa 1902-1976, undated See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX Q50 (4 folders)
1914-1970 See also Oversize
(5 folders)
BOX Q51 (3 folders)
Printing accessories, undated
(2 folders)
Slides, 1940-1980
(3 folders)
BOX R1-R7 Addition II: Family Papers, 1875-1979
Correspondence of family members, diaries, writings, and miscellaneous items, including Mead's childhood and college papers.
Arranged alphabetically by name of family member.
BOX R1 Bateson, Caroline Beatrice, 1920-1941, undated
Bateson, Gregory
(4 folders)
circa 1932-1933
(4 folders)
BOX R2 (2 folders)
(6 folders)
circa 1935
(2 folders)
BOX R3 (2 folders)
1936-1967, undated
(8 folders)
BOX R4 Bateson, Mary Catherine, 1947-1977, undated
Cressman, Luther Sheeleigh, 1926, 1938-1939, 1962-1978, undated
Fogg, Virginia, 1978
Fogg, Lockwood Ware, Jr., 1977
Fortune, Reo
(4 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX R5 (3 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX R6 1944-1960, undated
(2 folders)
Glardon, Martha, 1962-1978
Mackie, Agatha T., 1972
McMaster, Fanny Fogg, 1925, 1938, 1953-1964, undated
Mead, Edgar T., 1971
Mead, Edward Sherwood, 1921-1938, 1951-1956, undated
Mead, Elizabeth See Container R7, Steig, Elizabeth Mead
Mead, Emily Fogg, 1921-1948, undated
(4 folders)
Mead, Margaret
Barnard College, New York, N.Y., 1920-1922
Childhood and college papers
Early lessons and other writings, undated
Plays, undated
(2 folders)
BOX R7 (1 folder)
Poems and other writings, 1918, undated
Diaries, 1956
Mead, Martha A. Ramsay, 1920-1926, undated
Mead, Priscilla See same container, Rosten, Priscilla Mead
Mead, Richard Ramsay, and family, 1920-1929, 1950, 1971-1979, undated
Muir, Margaret Rosten, 1969-1978, undated
Rosten, Priscilla Mead, 1925-1926, 1938-1957
Steig, Elizabeth Mead, 1921-1926, 1937-1938, 1962-1978, undated
(2 folders)
Upton, Elizabeth Fogg, 1953, 1962, undated
Unidentified, 1938, 1953, undated
BOX R7-R9 Addition II: Special Correspondence, 1922-1978
Correspondence of Mead with friends and associates.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX R7 Belo, Jane, 1936-1939, 1953-1956, undated
Benedict, Ruth, 1924-1947, undated
(2 folders)
Birdwhistell, Miriam and Ray, 1958-1964, 1975-1978
Boas, Franz, 1928-1932
Cabot, Lucia, 1937-1950, undated
Churchill, Marriotte, 1965, undated
Cobb, Edith, 1953, 1968-1969, undated
Dillon, Wilton, 1962
Eichelberger, Marie
BOX R8 1966-1977, undated
(3 folders)
Erickson, Milton H. and Betty, 1948-1958
Erikson, Erik H., 1947
Frank, Lawrence K. and Mary, 1931-1956, 1969, undated
Gorer, Geoffrey, 1936-1978, undated
Heath, Barbara Honeyman, 1958-1975
Heller, Mathilda, Duchess of Argyll, 1953-1962
Heller, Yvon, 1971
Holt, Claire, 1953-1955
Kelly, Caroline Tennant, 1935-1965, undated
Lindgren, Ethel-John, 1940, 1961
Loeb, Margery, undated
Lowenfeld, Margaret, 1951-1954
Macgregor, Frances M. Cooke, 1953-1974
MacKenzie, Findlay and Barbara, 1936-1937, 1972, undated
McPhee, Colin, 1938-1960, undated
Métraux, Daniel A., 1950-1968
Métraux, Rhoda Bubendey, 1946-1971, undated
(2 folders)
Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, undated
Schwartz, Lenora, 1958
Schwartz, Lola Romanucci, 1965-1972, undated
Schwartz, Theodore, 1955-1974, undated
BOX R9 Stroud, John, 1960-1970
Ullman, Martha and Sara, 1938, 1953-1978, undated
Waddington, Conrad H., undated
Williams, Thomas Rhys, 1962-1964
Wolfenstein, Martha, 1953-1960
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