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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Addition II: Special Correspondence, 1922-1978 (continued)
Benedict, Ruth, 1924-1947, undated (continued)
(2 folders)
Birdwhistell, Miriam and Ray, 1958-1964, 1975-1978
Boas, Franz, 1928-1932
Cabot, Lucia, 1937-1950, undated
Churchill, Marriotte, 1965, undated
Cobb, Edith, 1953, 1968-1969, undated
Dillon, Wilton, 1962
Eichelberger, Marie
BOX R8 1966-1977, undated
(3 folders)
Erickson, Milton H. and Betty, 1948-1958
Erikson, Erik H., 1947
Frank, Lawrence K. and Mary, 1931-1956, 1969, undated
Gorer, Geoffrey, 1936-1978, undated
Heath, Barbara Honeyman, 1958-1975
Heller, Mathilda, Duchess of Argyll, 1953-1962
Heller, Yvon, 1971
Holt, Claire, 1953-1955
Kelly, Caroline Tennant, 1935-1965, undated
Lindgren, Ethel-John, 1940, 1961
Loeb, Margery, undated
Lowenfeld, Margaret, 1951-1954
Macgregor, Frances M. Cooke, 1953-1974
MacKenzie, Findlay and Barbara, 1936-1937, 1972, undated
McPhee, Colin, 1938-1960, undated
Métraux, Daniel A., 1950-1968
Métraux, Rhoda Bubendey, 1946-1971, undated
(2 folders)
Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, undated
Schwartz, Lenora, 1958
Schwartz, Lola Romanucci, 1965-1972, undated
Schwartz, Theodore, 1955-1974, undated
BOX R9 Stroud, John, 1960-1970
Ullman, Martha and Sara, 1938, 1953-1978, undated
Waddington, Conrad H., undated
Williams, Thomas Rhys, 1962-1964
Wolfenstein, Martha, 1953-1960
BOX R9-R12 Addition II: General Correspondence, 1914-1978
Letters sent and received including miscellaneous attachments and enclosures.
Arranged chronologically and therein alphabetically by writer.
BOX R9 1914-1927
(5 folders)
(4 folders)
(4 folders)
(2 folders)
(11 folders)
BOX R11 1953-1970
(19 folders)
BOX R12 1971-1978, undated
(9 folders)
BOX R12 Addition II: Curriculum Vitae, 1926-1941
Resumes and reports relating to Mead's colleagues and students.
Arranged alphabetically by name of individual.
BOX R12 Chinnery, Ernest, circa 1930
MacLeod, William Christie, 1926
Minton, Peter, 1941
BOX R12-R14 Addition II: Publications and Other Writings File, 1902-1975
Correspondence, handwritten and typewritten drafts, printed copies, and notes relating to publications by Mead and others.
Arranged chronologically by date of publication or by date of writing if unpublished.
BOX R12 1902, 1917-1925
(15 folders)
BOX R13 1926-1956, 1975
(40 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX R14 (8 folders)
BOX R14 Addition II: Teaching File, 1927-1962
Miscellaneous examinations and lecture notes.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX R14 Examinations, 1962
Lecture notes, 1927-1948, undated
BOX R14 Addition II: Office File, 1940-1975
Correspondence and interoffice memoranda relating to Mead's office at the American Museum of Natural History.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX R14 Administrative material, 1940-1975, undated
BOX R14-R15 Addition II: Miscellany, 1912-1978
Address lists, divorce papers, estate and financial papers, greetings, newspaper clippings, notes, personality analyses, printed ephemera, and wills.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX R14 Address lists, 1943, 1951, 1963, undated
Divorce papers, 1950-1951
(2 folders)
Estate of Alice Metcalfe, 1944-1947
Financial papers
Barclays Bank, Ltd., London, England, 1943, 1952-1953
Correspondence, 1953
Taxes, income, 1962, undated
Christmas, 1920, undated
Other, 1920, undated
Newspaper clippings, 1916-1972, undated
Notes, undated
(1 folder)
BOX R15 (1 folder)
Personality analyses
Horoscope, undated
Rorschach tests, undated
Printed ephemera, 1912-1930, 1953-1978, undated
(4 folders)
Wills and instructions, 1951
BOX R15-R16 Addition II: Fieldwork, 1925-1976
Correspondence, reports, financial papers, notebooks, and research material.
Arranged alphabetically by geographical location and therein chronologically by name of field trip.
BOX R15 American Samoa, Mead field trip, 1925-1926
Bali, Mead and Gregory Bateson field trip, 1936-1938, 1976, undated
Papua New Guinea
Admiralty Islands
1928-1929, Mead and Reo Fortune field trip to Manus
1952-1953, Mead, Theodore Schwartz, and Lenora Schwartz field trip
(2 folders)
1965, Mead, Theodore Schwartz, and Lola Romanucci Schwartz field trip
1971, Mead field visit
BOX R16 Miscellany, 1928, undated
(3 folders)
New Guinea
Arapesh, Mundugumor, and Tchambuli peoples, Mead and Reo Fortune field trip, 1931-1933, 1976, undated
(2 folders)
Iatmul people, Mead and Gregory Bateson field trip, 1938
BOX R16 Addition II: Papers of Colleagues, 1937-1957
Correspondence and writings of Ruth Benedict and Rhoda Bubendey Métraux.
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