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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Organizations File, 1921-1979 (continued)
1959-1973 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX E126 1974-1978
(2 folders)
Society for International Development, 1973-1974
Society for Psychological Anthropology, 1978
Society for Social Responsibility in Science, 1960-1967
Society for Study of Personality and Culture, 1940-1941
Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication, 1973-1978
Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture, 1972-1975
Society for the Family of Man, 1966-1970
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues See Container E49, American Psychological Association
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1969
BOX E127 Society of Women Geographers, 1928-1978
(3 folders)
Southeast Asia Institute, 1943-1948
Spirit of Stockholm Foundation
(2 folders)
BOX E128 1976-1978
Stanford Research Institute, 1970-1973
(4 folders)
BOX E129 Tarrytown Conference Center, Tarrytown, N.Y., 1975-1977
Task Force on Human Life and the New Genetics See Container E90, Human Life and the New Genetics
Teilhard Centre for the Future of Man, 1970-1974
Union Des Associations Internationales, 1974
United China Relief, 1941
United Nations
General correspondence and information
BOX E130 1970-1979
(2 folders)
BOX E131 Commission on Human Settlements
Habitat, 1969-1978
(2 folders)
Vancouver Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1976
(3 folders)
BOX E132 (3 folders)
Committee on Natural Resources Water Conference, 1977
Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations
BOX E133 1971-1972
(6 folders)
BOX E134 1972, includes Stockholm Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
(6 folders)
BOX E135 1972-1973, includes Stockholm Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
(5 folders)
BOX E136 1974
(4 folders)
BOX E137 1974-1975, includes Nairobi Conference, Nairobi, Kenya
(6 folders)
BOX E138 1975-1977
(5 folders)
BOX E139 1978
Committee on Science and Technology for Development, 1963
(4 folders)
BOX E140 Food and Agriculture Organizations, 1947-1976
(3 folders)
International Women's Year, 1974-1979
Law of the Sea Conferences, 1974-1977
Population Commission, World Population Conference, 1974
(1 folder)
BOX E141 (3 folders)
BOX E142 (2 folders)
BOX E143 United Nations Environment Program
(4 folders)
BOX E144 1977-1978
(6 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX E146 1958-1969
(6 folders)
BOX E147 1969-1977
(3 folders)
United Nations University, 1972-1977
United States
Agency for International Development (AID)
(2 folders)
BOX E148 1967-1972
(5 folders)
BOX E149 Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1954-1978
Home Start Program, 1971-1974
BOX E150 National Institutes of Health, 1971-1976
Fogarty International Center
Scholar-in-Residence Program, 1971-1975
(3 folders)
Conference on the Atmosphere, 1974-1975
(2 folders)
BOX E151 (3 folders)
National Institute of Child Health and Development, 1961-1962
National Institute of Mental Health
BOX E152 1971-1977
(2 folders)
Department of Justice, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1969
(3 folders)
BOX E153 (1 folder)
Department of State
(4 folders)
BOX E154 1964-1975
(3 folders)
Office of War Information, 1943-1945
(2 folders)
BOX E155 (6 folders)
BOX E156 (4 folders)
BOX E157 Public Health Service, National Advisory Mental Health Council, 1945-1950
(5 folders)
University of California, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Los Angeles, Calif., 1972-1976
BOX E158 University of Cincinnati, Department of Psychiatry, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(6 folders)
BOX E159 1962-1965
(6 folders)
BOX E160 1966-1971
(6 folders)
BOX E161 1971-1976
(5 folders)
BOX E162 1977-1978
(3 folders)
BOX E163 Vera Foundation, 1960-1962
Viking Fund See same container, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
Volunteers for International Development, 1960-1970
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