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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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BOX I1-I337 Publications and Other Writings File, 1923-1980
Correspondence, handwritten and typewritten drafts, proofs, printed copies, notes, interviews, comments, statements, and other material relating to publications by Mead and others.
Arranged chronologically by date of publication or by date of writing if unpublished. The arrangement within each year is based upon the arrangement in Margaret Mead: The Complete Bibliography, 1925-1975, edited by Joan Gordan (The Hague: Mouton, 1976). Bibliography entry numbers are included in the list of publications. Published books are filed at the end of the series in alphabetical order by title.
BOX I1 Index, Margaret Mead: The Complete Bibliography, 1925-1975, with unpublished continuation, 1975-1979
1923, articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"A Comparative Study of Italian and American Children ... of Hammontown, N. J." (preliminary M.A. thesis)
"Measurement of Racial Characteristics" (study prepared for psychology class)
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead, "Intelligence Tests of Italian and American Children" (M.A. thesis)
(2 folders)
Writings by others, Sapir, Edward "Ariel" (poem to Mead)
1925, articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"For a Proud Lady" (Bibl. 1)
"Rose Tree of Assisi" (Bibl. 2)
1926, articles, books, and other writings by Mead, "The Methodology of Racial Testing: Its Significance for Sociology" (Bibl. 3)
1927, articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"Group Intelligence Tests and Linguistic Disability among Italian Children" (Bibl. 4)
"The Need for Teaching Anthropology in Normal Schools and Teachers' Colleges" (Bibl. 5)
BOX I2 1928, articles, book, and other writings by Mead
Coming of Age in Samoa (Bibl. 6)
Correspondence, 1928-1969
Draft original
Reports and notes
An Inquiry into the Question of Cultural Stability in Polynesia (Bibl. 7) (Ph. D. dissertation)
Background information
(2 folders)
BOX I3 (2 folders)
Carbon of original manuscript
Chapter drafts
"A Lapse of Animism among a Primitive People" (Bibl. 8)
The Maoris and Their Arts (Bibl. 9)
Review of History and Traditions of Niue (Bibl. 12)
"The Role of the Individual in Samoan Culture" (Bibl. 10)
"Samoan Children at Work and Play" (Bibl. 11)
BOX I4 1929, articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"Americanization in Samoa" (Bibl. 13)
"And Your Young Men Shall See Visions" (Bibl. 14)
"Broken Homes" (Bibl. 15)
Reviews (includes Bibl. 17 and 18)
"South Sea Hints on Bringing up Children" (Bibl. 16)
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"Adolescence in Primitive and Modern Society" (Bibl. 19)
"Are We Mature" (Bibl. 20)
"An Ethnologist's Footnote to Totem and Taboo" (Bibl. 21)
Growing up in New Guinea (Bibl. 22)
Correspondence, 1929-1968
Notes and financial material
Reports to Social Science Research Council
"Melanesian Middlemen" (Bibl.23)
"Misericordia" (Bibl. 24)
Review of Culture and Progress and other reviews (Bibl. 27-30)
"Social Organization of Manu'a" (Bibl. 25)
Draft of chapters
(1 folder)
BOX I5 (1 folder)
"Stone Age Education--And Ours" (Bibl. 25)
"Water Babies of the South Seas" (Bibl. 26)
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"After Love" (poem)
"Civil Government for Samoa" (Bibl. 31)
"Education and the Community in Samoa"
"Education, Primitive" (Bibl. 32)
"Family, Primitive" (Bibl. 33)
"Jealousy: Primitive and Civilized" (Bibl. 34)
"Life as a Samoan Girl" (Bibl. 35)
"Living with the Natives of Melanesia" (Bibl. 36)
"The Meaning of Freedom in Education" (Bibl. 37)
"New Fields for the Curious Minded" (Bibl. 38)
"The Primitive Child" (Bibl. 39)
Review of
Among the Eskimos of Wales, Alaska, 1890-1893
Wit and Wisdom of Morocco
Miscellany (includes Bibl. 45-50)
(2 folders)
BOX I6 "Savage Masters of the Sea" (Bibl. 40)
"Standardized America vs. Romantic South Seas" (Bibl. 41)
"Stevenson's Samoa Today" (Bibl. 42)
"Talk-Boy" (Bibl. 43)
"Two South Sea Educational Experiments and Their American Implications" (Bibl. 44)
Publications material
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"Absolute Benison" (Bibl. 51) (poem)
"Are Your Children Shockproof?" (Bibl. 52)
The Changing Culture of the Indian Tribe (Bibl. 53)
"Contrasts and Comparisons from Primitive Society" (Bibl. 54)
"Growing up in the South Seas" (Bibl. 55)
"An Investigation of the Thought of Primitive Society" (Bibl. 56)
"Note from New Guinea" (Bibl. 57)
"Parents and Children in Samoa" (Bibl. 58)
Review (Bibl. 60)
"South Sea Tips on Character Training" (Bibl. 59)
Publications material
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"The Marsalai Cult Among the Arapesh, with Special Reference to the Rainbow Serpent Beliefs of the Australian Aboriginals" (Bibl. 61)
"More Comprehensive Field Methods" (Bibl. 62)
"Where Magic Rules and Men Are Gods" (Bibl.63)
Publications material
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"Arapesh-New Guinea" (Bibl. 64)
"How the Papuan Plans His Dinner" (Bibl. 65)
"Kinship in the Admiralty Islands" (Bibl. 66)
Editorial changes and comments
BOX I7 Review of
Patterns of Culture (Bibl. 73)
Rebel Destiny (Bibl. 74)
"The Sex Life of the Unmarried Adult in Primitive Society" (Bibl. 67)
"Suggestions for Working Out the Backgrounds for the Case Studies on Adolescents" (Bibl. 68)
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