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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
BOX I1-I337 | Publications and Other Writings File, 1923-1980 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, handwritten and typewritten drafts, proofs, printed copies, notes, interviews, comments, statements, and other material relating to publications by Mead and others. | |||||||||||||
Arranged chronologically by date of publication or by date of writing if unpublished. The arrangement within each year is based upon the arrangement in Margaret Mead: The Complete Bibliography, 1925-1975, edited by Joan Gordan (The Hague: Mouton, 1976). Bibliography entry numbers are included in the list of publications. Published books are filed at the end of the series in alphabetical order by title. | |||||||||||||
BOX I1 | Index, Margaret Mead: The Complete Bibliography, 1925-1975, with unpublished continuation, 1975-1979 | ||||||||||||
1923, articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"A Comparative Study of Italian and American Children ... of Hammontown, N. J." (preliminary M.A. thesis) | |||||||||||||
"Measurement of Racial Characteristics" (study prepared for psychology class) | |||||||||||||
1924 | |||||||||||||
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead, "Intelligence Tests of Italian and American Children" (M.A. thesis) | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Writings by others, Sapir, Edward "Ariel" (poem to Mead) | |||||||||||||
1925, articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"For a Proud Lady" (Bibl. 1) | |||||||||||||
"Rose Tree of Assisi" (Bibl. 2) | |||||||||||||
1926, articles, books, and other writings by Mead, "The Methodology of Racial Testing: Its Significance for Sociology" (Bibl. 3) | |||||||||||||
1927, articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"Group Intelligence Tests and Linguistic Disability among Italian Children" (Bibl. 4) | |||||||||||||
"The Need for Teaching Anthropology in Normal Schools and Teachers' Colleges" (Bibl. 5) | |||||||||||||
BOX I2 | 1928, articles, book, and other writings by Mead | ||||||||||||
Coming of Age in Samoa (Bibl. 6) | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1928-1969 | |||||||||||||
Draft original | |||||||||||||
Reports and notes | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
An Inquiry into the Question of Cultural Stability in Polynesia (Bibl. 7) (Ph. D. dissertation) | |||||||||||||
Background information | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX I3 | (2 folders) | ||||||||||||
Carbon of original manuscript | |||||||||||||
Chapter drafts | |||||||||||||
"A Lapse of Animism among a Primitive People" (Bibl. 8) | |||||||||||||
The Maoris and Their Arts (Bibl. 9) | |||||||||||||
Review of History and Traditions of Niue (Bibl. 12) | |||||||||||||
"The Role of the Individual in Samoan Culture" (Bibl. 10) | |||||||||||||
"Samoan Children at Work and Play" (Bibl. 11) | |||||||||||||
BOX I4 | 1929, articles, books, and other writings by Mead | ||||||||||||
"Americanization in Samoa" (Bibl. 13) | |||||||||||||
"And Your Young Men Shall See Visions" (Bibl. 14) | |||||||||||||
"Broken Homes" (Bibl. 15) | |||||||||||||
Reviews (includes Bibl. 17 and 18) | |||||||||||||
"South Sea Hints on Bringing up Children" (Bibl. 16) | |||||||||||||
1930 | |||||||||||||
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"Adolescence in Primitive and Modern Society" (Bibl. 19) | |||||||||||||
"Are We Mature" (Bibl. 20) | |||||||||||||
"An Ethnologist's Footnote to Totem and Taboo" (Bibl. 21) | |||||||||||||
Growing up in New Guinea (Bibl. 22) | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1929-1968 | |||||||||||||
Notes and financial material | |||||||||||||
Reports to Social Science Research Council | |||||||||||||
Revisions | |||||||||||||
"Melanesian Middlemen" (Bibl.23) | |||||||||||||
"Misericordia" (Bibl. 24) | |||||||||||||
Review of Culture and Progress and other reviews (Bibl. 27-30) | |||||||||||||
"Social Organization of Manu'a" (Bibl. 25) | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Draft of chapters | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX I5 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
"Stone Age Education--And Ours" (Bibl. 25) | |||||||||||||
"Water Babies of the South Seas" (Bibl. 26) | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
1931 | |||||||||||||
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"After Love" (poem) | |||||||||||||
"Civil Government for Samoa" (Bibl. 31) | |||||||||||||
"Education and the Community in Samoa" | |||||||||||||
"Education, Primitive" (Bibl. 32) | |||||||||||||
"Family, Primitive" (Bibl. 33) | |||||||||||||
"Jealousy: Primitive and Civilized" (Bibl. 34) | |||||||||||||
"Life as a Samoan Girl" (Bibl. 35) | |||||||||||||
"Living with the Natives of Melanesia" (Bibl. 36) | |||||||||||||
"The Meaning of Freedom in Education" (Bibl. 37) | |||||||||||||
"New Fields for the Curious Minded" (Bibl. 38) | |||||||||||||
"The Primitive Child" (Bibl. 39) | |||||||||||||
Review of | |||||||||||||
Among the Eskimos of Wales, Alaska, 1890-1893 | |||||||||||||
Wit and Wisdom of Morocco | |||||||||||||
Miscellany (includes Bibl. 45-50) | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX I6 | "Savage Masters of the Sea" (Bibl. 40) | ||||||||||||
"Standardized America vs. Romantic South Seas" (Bibl. 41) | |||||||||||||
"Stevenson's Samoa Today" (Bibl. 42) | |||||||||||||
"Talk-Boy" (Bibl. 43) | |||||||||||||
"Two South Sea Educational Experiments and Their American Implications" (Bibl. 44) | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Publications material | |||||||||||||
1932 | |||||||||||||
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"Absolute Benison" (Bibl. 51) (poem) | |||||||||||||
"Are Your Children Shockproof?" (Bibl. 52) | |||||||||||||
The Changing Culture of the Indian Tribe (Bibl. 53) | |||||||||||||
"Contrasts and Comparisons from Primitive Society" (Bibl. 54) | |||||||||||||
"Growing up in the South Seas" (Bibl. 55) | |||||||||||||
"An Investigation of the Thought of Primitive Society" (Bibl. 56) | |||||||||||||
"Note from New Guinea" (Bibl. 57) | |||||||||||||
"Parents and Children in Samoa" (Bibl. 58) | |||||||||||||
Review (Bibl. 60) | |||||||||||||
"South Sea Tips on Character Training" (Bibl. 59) | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Publications material | |||||||||||||
1933 | |||||||||||||
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"The Marsalai Cult Among the Arapesh, with Special Reference to the Rainbow Serpent Beliefs of the Australian Aboriginals" (Bibl. 61) | |||||||||||||
"More Comprehensive Field Methods" (Bibl. 62) | |||||||||||||
"Where Magic Rules and Men Are Gods" (Bibl.63) | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Publications material | |||||||||||||
1934 | |||||||||||||
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead | |||||||||||||
"Arapesh-New Guinea" (Bibl. 64) | |||||||||||||
"How the Papuan Plans His Dinner" (Bibl. 65) | |||||||||||||
"Kinship in the Admiralty Islands" (Bibl. 66) | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Editorial changes and comments | |||||||||||||
Illustrations | |||||||||||||
Reprint | |||||||||||||
BOX I7 | Review of | ||||||||||||
Patterns of Culture (Bibl. 73) | |||||||||||||
Rebel Destiny (Bibl. 74) | |||||||||||||
"The Sex Life of the Unmarried Adult in Primitive Society" (Bibl. 67) | |||||||||||||
"Suggestions for Working Out the Backgrounds for the Case Studies on Adolescents" (Bibl. 68) | |||||||||||||
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