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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Publications and Other Writings File, 1923-1980 (continued)
(1 folder)
BOX I86 (1 folder)
Preface to The Twice-Born (Bibl. 507)
"Raising Children Who'll Reach for the Moon" (Bibl. 499)
Review of
Algeria: The Realities (Bibl. 534)
The American Teenager (Bibl. 510)
The American Woman (Bibl. 508)
The Curve of the Snowflake (Bibl. 511)
Sexual Behavior in American Society (Bibl. 509)
"The Study of Social Evolution" (Bibl. 500)
"Teacher-Pupil Relationships"
"Towards More Vivid Utopias" (Bibl. 501)
"Values for Urban Living" (Bibl. 502)
"What Cultural Anthropology Can Contribute"
"Why I Like Being A Woman"
"The Worm of Self-Consciousness in American Culture" (Bibl. 503)
Publications material
Writings by others
BOX I87 1958
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"The Anthropologist Looks at Architecture" (Bibl. 512)
"Anthropology" (Bibl. 513)
"Changing Teacher in a Changing World" (Bibl. 514)
"Comment on 'Germany's New Flagellants'" (Bibl. 515)
"Comments in Brief" (Bibl. 529)
"Cultural Determinants of Behavior" (Bibl. 516)
"The Dangerous Godless Brain" (Bibl. 517)
"Do Women Like Other Women?" (Bibl. 518)
"The False Position of the Working Wife" (Bibl. 519)
"Family Problems and Mental Health"
"Fragments from the Journal of Ruth Benedict"
"The Group as the Unit of Social Evolution" (Bibl. 520)
"Growing Up in Different Cultures" (Bibl. 521)
"His Family Looks at the Businessman" (Bibl. 522)
"I'll Never Forget"
Bakal, Carl, "My Greatest Problem"
Brandon, Henry, "A New Form of Escapism— Escape into Private Life" (Bibl. 535)
Israel and Problems of Identity (Bibl. 523)
BOX I88 "Man in Space" (Bibl. 528)
"A Meta Conference" (Bibl. 524)
"A New Look at Your Food Habits" (Bibl. 525)
Preface to Patterns of Culture
Response to George F. J. LaMountain in "The Reader Replies" (Bibl. 531)
Review of
Elite Communication in Samoa (Bibl. 533)
Free Society and Moral Crisis (Bibl. 532)
"A Social Scientist Looks at Advertising Research" (Bibl. 526)
"A Visit with Margaret Mead"
"Why Is Education Obsolete?" (Bibl. 527)
Correspondence, 1958-1962
Drafts and notes
(1 folder)
BOX I89 (1 folder)
Publications material
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
"The American Family" (Bibl. 536)
An Anthropologist at Work (Bibl. 537)
Correspondence, 1948-1967
(3 folders)
BOX I90 Drafts
(2 folders)
BOX I91 (2 folders)
Book reviews of
Galley proofs
BOX I92 Notes and working papers
"An Anthropologist Looks at American Land Use"
"Apprenticeship under Boas" (Bibl. 538)
Correspondence, 1957-1959
Drafts and typescripts
"Bali in the Market Place of the World" (Bibl. 539)
"Bringing up Children in the Space Age" (Bibl. 540)
BOX I93 "Changing Culture: Some Observations in Primitive Societies" (Bibl. 541)
"The Climate of Opinion Necessary for Science" (Bibl. 542)
"Closing the Gap Between the Scientists and the Others" (Bibl. 543)
On "Cross-Cultural Outline of Education"
On Freedom and Culture
On The Rainbow Sign
"Creativity in Cross-Cultural Perspective" (Bibl. 544)
"Cultural Change and the Student" (Bibl. 545)
BOX I94 "Cultural Contexts of Puberty and Adolescence" (Bibl. 546)
"Cultural Factors in Community-Education
Programs" (Bibl. 547)
Correspondence, 1957-1962
Drafts and typescripts
Writings by others
"Discussion of the Symposium Papers" (Bibl. 548)
"Feral Children and Autistic Children" (Bibl. 549)
"Foreword to Race: Science and Politics (Bibl. 567)
BOX I95 "God's Help" (Bibl. 550)
"Independent Religious Movements" (Bibl. 551)
Introduction to Premarital Dating Behavior (Bibl. 568)
"Is Our Picture of the Scientist Fair" (Bibl. 552)
"Job of the Children's Mother's Husband" (Bibl. 553)
"A Letter from Margaret Mead" (Bibl. 554)
"Mental Health in World Perspective" (Bibl. 555)
"A New Kind of Discipline" (Bibl. 556)
Participant in Group Processes: Transactions of the Fourth Conference, Oct. 13-16, 1957, Princeton, N. J. (Bibl. 566)
People and Places (Bibl. 577)
BOX I96 1959-1969
Drafts, notes, and working papers
(3 folders)
Book reviews of
Royalty statements and receipts
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