| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1 |
Writings |
BOX 1 |
By Maude Adams |
BOX 1 |
Articles |
BOX 1 |
"The One I Knew Least of All" |
BOX 1 |
Published copy, Ladies Home Journal, 1926
BOX 1 |
Typescript, circa 1925
(2 folders) |
BOX 1 |
"'Thumbs Up' for Joy and Adventure,"
typescript and published copy from Ladies Home Journal, 1927, undated
BOX 1 |
Book draft, "The First Steps in Speaking
Verse," with an anthology, undated
(3 folders) |
BOX 1 |
Commencement address, Stephens College,
Columbia, Mo., 1939
BOX 1 |
Miscellany, undated
BOX 1 |
"Pamphlet on English Speech and English
Verse," circa 1947
BOX 1 |
Play, life of Jesus Christ,
BOX 1 |
Radio program proposal, with Homer
Saint-Gaudens |
BOX 1 |
Description and scripts,
BOX 1 |
Notes, undated
BOX 2 |
By Phyllis Robbins, Maude Adams: An Intimate Portrait, typescript, circa 1956
(3 folders) |