The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Andrew Johnson papers, 1783-1947
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Series 20, Printed Matter, 1854-1932 (continued)
not filmed Report no. 1620, 12 Apr. 1886
not filmed Report no. 3210, 10 July 1886
REEL 55 Information for Army Meetings, Dec. 1864
REEL 55 “The Jacobins of Missouri and Maryland,” by Francis Preston Blair, 27 Feb. 1864
REEL 55 Laws Relative to the Public Printing, Binding and Engraving, [1855?]
REEL 55 List of Nominations Made to and Rejected by the Senate
REEL 55 3 Mar. 1867
REEL 55 30 Mar. 1867
REEL 55 20 Apr. 1867
REEL 55 Louisiana State Constitutional Convention, 7 Mar. 1868
REEL 55 Henry Martin to the Senate of the United States, 1869
REEL 55 Mediterranean and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 1869
REEL 55 Miscellaneous items
REEL 55 Miscellanies of Fulkerson: Embodying His Latest and Best Productions, 1866
REEL 55 “Policy of the General Government,” by Joseph Holt, 1861
REEL 55 Position of the Republican and Democratic parties
not filmed Proceedings of the Convention of the Republican Party of Louisiana, 25 Sept. 1865
REEL 55 Proceedings of the Liberty and Union Conventions which Assembled at Nashville, Tenn., 9 Jan. 1865
REEL 55 Receipts, Expenditures, and Appropriations of the United States, 4 Mar. 1879-30 June 1857
REEL 55 “Rights of Naturalized Citizens Abroad,” 1868
not filmed No. 79, 4 Feb. 1845
not filmed No. 37, 30 Jan. 1850
not filmed No. 65, 5 Mar. 1856
REEL 55 No. 25, 21 Jan. 1857
REEL 55 No. 416, 17 Apr. 1860 , includes two messages by Governor Abraham Rencher of New Mexico Territory
REEL 55 No. 416, 19 June 1860
REEL 55 No. 2, 13 Dec. 1860
not filmed Nos. 4-7, 18-28 Dec. 1860
not filmed No. 12, 1860
not filmed No. 13, 22 Jan. 1861
not filmed No. 293, 23 Jan. 1861
not filmed No. 294, 23 Jan. 1861
not filmed No. 2, 18 Mar. 1861
not filmed No. 60, 5 Jan. 1866
not filmed No. 61, 5 Jan. 1866
not filmed No. 42, 4 Mar. 1868
not filmed No. 38, 6 Mar. 1868
not filmed 10 Dec. 1868 , Memorial of Baltimore Coper Company
REEL 55 Senate and House
REEL 55 No. 48, 13 Dec. 1860
REEL 55 No. 50, 18 Dec. 1860
REEL 55 No. 52, 24 Dec. 1860
not filmed No. 53, 2 Jan. 1861
not filmed No. 54, 3 Jan. 1861
REEL 55 A Bill to Establish a Communication by Railroad and Telegraph between the Atlantic States and California, 1870
not filmed Undated
BOX 233 REEL 55 “The Situation of Mexico,” by Señor Romero, 1863 (published 1864)
REEL 55 “The Slaveholders Conspiracy: Real Motives of the Rebellion”
not filmed Spanish-English Dictionary, 1860
REEL 55 Supreme Court, City and County of New York, Lucretia G. Swan vs. James A. Farley, 1867
not filmed Surgeon General's Report, 4 May 1867
REEL 55 Valedictory Address to Massachusetts Legislature, by John A. Andrew, 4 Jan. 1866
not filmed “Victory and Re-Union,” a Commemorative Sermon, by Stephen H. Tyng, 20 Apr. 1865
REEL 55 “The Vision,” Andrew Johnson's Rule
BOX 234not filmed Scrapbook of Clippings, 1858-1932
circa 1865
circa 1875
BOX 235not filmed Andrew Johnson, Public Lands, 1858
Andrew Johnson and the Democratic Meeting, 1859
James K. Polk, Democracy and Slavery, 1859
Lewis Cass, Resignation as Secretary of State, 1860
East Tennesseans and the Civil War, 1861
Andrew Johnson, Secession, 1861
Amos Lawrence to Andrew Johnson, 1861
Speech at Meeting of Republican Central Committee, by Delafield E. Smith, 1861
Tennesseans on Secession, 1861
Tennessee Resolution, Stand on Slavery to be Amended to Constitution, 1861
The Civil War, 1861-1863
Kentucky's Sentiment on Secession, 1861
United States and British Negotiations on the Steamer Trent, 1861
Jesse David Bright, Expulsion from the United States, 1862
The Civil War, 1862
Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862
Benjamin Stark, Admission to the Senate, 1862
Treason and Pardons, 1862
Governor Andrew Johnson, 1862-1864
The Negro Slave, 1863
Amnesty, 1864
Article on Nominating Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, 13 June 1864
Chattanooga Daily Gazette, 1864
Edward H. Ewing, 1864
Andrew Johnson, Views on Emancipation, 1864
Union State Convention, 1864
Commentary on Abraham Lincoln, 1865
Confiscation Fund, 1865
John Degrees and the Government Printing Office, 1865
Andrew Johnson, the New President, 1865
Andrew Johnson, Reflection upon the Death of Lincoln, 1865
Abraham Lincoln and Financial Affairs, 1865
BOX 236not filmed Hugh L. McCulloch, Speech at Fort Wayne, Ind., 1865
John H. Regan, Rebel Postmaster, 1865
Major General Charles R. Woods Orders Episcopal Church Closed, 1865
South Carolina, Reconstruction, 1865
Tennessee Legislature, 1865
The Thirteenth Amendment, 1865
Arrest of Sanford Conover, 1866
Butler's Domination at the Pittsburgh Convention, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1866
Jefferson Davis, 1866
The Fourteenth Amendment, 1866
General Walter Paye Lane, Reconstruction of Rebel States, 1866
Andrew Johnson and the Freedmen, 1866
Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction, 1866
Andrew Johnson and the Union Party, 1866
Andrew Johnson, Gubernatorial Ideas and Policies, 1866
Land Sale, 1866
Nepotism, 1866
Reconstruction Committee's Report, 1866
Second Annual Message to the Thirty-ninth Congress, 1866
Speech at Shelbyville, Tenn., by Edmund Cooper, 1866
The Thirty-Ninth Congress, 1866
J. B. Winger, Postmaster, 1866
Missouri Test Oath, Adverse Opinion of the United States Supreme Court, 1867
Thaddeus Stevens and Samuel Schoch, 1867
BOX 237not filmed Clippings
The Fortieth Congress, 1868
Andrew Johnson, Impeachment Trial, 1868
Jeannie Perry, 1868
Speech by Oliver P. Morton, 1868
Speech on Andrew Johnson, by William F. Johnson, 21 May 1868
George H. Williams and Henry W. Corbett-Oregon's Denunciation, 1868
“The Yankee Negro Constitution,” by Benjamin F. Perry, 1868
Butler vs. Blaine, 1869
The Fifteenth Amendment, 1869
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