The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Andrew Johnson papers, 1783-1947
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Series 20, Printed Matter, 1854-1932 (continued)
President Ulysses S. Grant Withholds Pardons, 1869
Robert Johnson, Death
“The Legend of Easter Eggs,” a poem, 1869
President Ulysses S. Grant-Senator Edmund G. Ross Controversy, 1869
Recall of John P. Hale and Horatio J. Perry from Spain, 1869
Scandal in England, 1869
Texas vs. White, a Supreme Court Decision, 1869
Assassination of Greenwald, 1870
Benjamin F. Butler for President, 1870
Hamilton Fish (1808-1893), 1870
Gideon Welles to George M. Robeson, 1870
Gideon Welles to Thurlow Weed, Gosport Navy Yard, Va., 1870
Speech at Knoxville Industrial Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn., by Andrew Johnson, 1871
Ulysses S. Grant, Various Problems, 1872
Andrew Johnson Accepts Horace Greeley for President, 1872
Andrew Johnson, Campaign to Return to Congress, 1872
Civil Service Reform, 1872
Ulysses S. Grant and the Force Act, 1872
Ulysses S. Grant's Intervention in Arkansas' Government, 1872
Andrew Johnson Defeated for United States Senate, 1872
Charles O'Conor's Nomination at Louisville Convention, Louisville, Ky., 1872
The Public Debt, 1872
The Electoral College, 1873
The Forty-Second Congress, 1873
BOX 238not filmed The Case of Schuyler Colfax, 1873
Currency and Antimonopoly, 1875
Political Situation, 1875
Fitz-John Porter's Case in Review, 1875
Labor and Capital, 1875
Negro Officeholders, 1875
Carl Schurz-Missouri, 1875
Andrew Johnson, Alleged Bribery of Shelby County, Tenn. Representatives, 1875
Andrew Johnson, Currency, 1875
Andrew Johnson, Death, 1875
Andrew Johnson, Return to the United States Senate, 1875
Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, and the Louisiana Question, 1875
Benjamin F. Perry, Andrew Johnson Defended, 1885
Andrew Johnson and His Family in Retrospect, 1899
Andrew Johnson and Andrew Johnson Patterson, Memorial Service, 1932
Andrew Johnson Patterson, Death, 1932
John Q. Adams' Views on President Ulysses S. Grant, undated
American Agriculture in General, undated
Henry Carey, Author of “God Save the Queen,” undated
Joseph R. Cobb Case, Article on “Presidential Brokerage,” undated
Colonel St. George Leger Grenfel, undated
Commentary on the Constitution, undated
Compensated Emancipation Bill, undated
Connecticut Assembly on Theology and Politics, undated
Jacob Dolson Cox's Resignation from the Department of Interior, undated
Alexander Cummings, Editorial Protesting against His Appointment as Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service, undated
Fall of the Republican Party, undated
General Nathaniel Prentiss Banks on National Affairs, undated
General Judson Kilpatrick, undated
Governor Aaron Venable Brown of Tennessee for Senator, undated
Ulysses S. Grant and the Dignity of His Office, undated
Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant's Letter to Alexander Rathbone Corbin and Jay Gould, undated
Jesse R. Grant, undated
Horace Greeley, Secession, undated
The Guttenburg Bible, undated
Andrew Johnson and the Public Debt, undated
Ben Johnson, undated
Louisiana and Race Partisanship, undated
Edward McPherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, undated
Maintenance of Freedom in Rebellious States, undated
John Lothrop Motley, Exorbitant Military Expenses, undated
Napoleon's Idea of Making War, undated
Resurrecting the Rebel State Governments, undated
Senator Oliver P. Morton of Indiana and His Opinions, undated
Horatio Seymour for President, undated
Senator Peleg Sprague, undated
Sitka Times, undated
Song of the Vermonters, 1776, a Poem
“Songs of the Camp,” Poem on the Crimean War, undated
Edwin McMasters Stanton, undated
Tennessee-Reorganizing as a State, undated
The Trial of Judge James D. Porter, Jr., undated
The Twitchell Case, Supreme Court Decision, undated
Union Men of West Tennessee, undated
United States and Canadian Relations, undated
Virginia and the Civil War, undated
BOX 239not filmed 1857
1864 , 1 of 4
1864 , 2 of 4
1864 , 3 of 4
1864 , 4 of 4
BOX 240not filmed 1865 , 1 of 3
1865 , 2 of 3
1865 , 3 of 3
1867 , 1 of 3
1867 , 2 of 3
BOX 241not filmed 1867 , 3 of 3
1868 , 1 of 4
1868 , 2 of 4
1868 , 3 of 4
1868 , 4 of 4
1869 , 1 of 4
1869 , 2 of 4
1869 , 3 of 4
BOX 242not filmed 1869 , 4 of 4
1872 , 1 of 2
1872 , 2 of 2
1873 , 1 of 2
1873 , 2 of 2
1874 , 1 of 2
1874 , 2 of 2
1875 , 1 of 2
1875 , 2 of 2
Undated, 1 of 2
Undated, 2 of 2
BOX 243not filmed Miscellany, 1868 , undated
Envelopes, undated, 1 of 4
Envelopes, undated, 2 of 4
Envelopes, undated, 3 of 4
Envelopes, undated, 4 of 4
House of Representatives, Resolution for Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Feb. 1868 See Oversize
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