The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  James Madison papers, 1723-1859
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Series 5, James Madison's and Thomas Jefferson's Notes on Debates, 1776-1788 (continued)
REEL 27 Subseries 5D, John C. Payne's copy of Jefferson's notes on debates in the Continental Congress, 1776 June-August
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REEL 27 Subseries 5E, Madison's original notes on debates in the Federal Constitutional Convention, 1787
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 5F, John C. Payne's copy of Madison's original notes on debates in the Federal Constitutional Convention, 1787
Digital content available
REEL 28 Series 6, Miscellaneous Manuscripts, circa 1763-1836
Book manuscript, notes, printed matter, family tree, and copy of Alexander Hamilton's observations on the federal government.
REEL 28 Subseries 6A, James Madison, "A Brief System of Logick," 1763-1765
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6B, James Madison, Notes on Exports and Navigation, 1769
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6C, James Madison, Notes on the Articles of Confederation, 1775 July 15
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6D, James Madison, Notes on Federal Governments, 1789
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6E, Alexander Hamilton's Observations on Federal Government (copy sent by Madison to John Mitchell Mason), 1810 Jan. 12
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6F, Two Acts of Congress Concerning the Army, signed by James Madison, 1814 Jan. 27 (printed)
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6G, Resolutions of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the death of James Madison, 1836 June 30
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REEL 28 Subseries 6H, Madison Family Tree
Digital content available
REEL 28 Subseries 6I, James Madison, Notes on Natural History and Foreign Trade
Digital content available
BOX 7:1-2not filmed Series 7, Addenda, 1744-1845
Correspondence, transcripts, photocopies and abstracts of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other material.
Organized according to the year the additional material was processed.
BOX 7:1not filmed 1979-1985 Addition
Part A, original documents
Correspondence (some with transcripts), 1780-1834
Digital content available
Letter of Bishop James Madison (cousin), 1781 Apr. 3
Digital content available
General index to Madison letters
Digital content available
Receipt, 1790 Apr. 17
Digital content available
Veto of bonus bill, 1817 Mar. 3
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Virginia convention speech, 1829
Digital content available
Washington-Madison Papers catalog, James C. McGuire Collection
Digital content available
Part B, copies and abstracts
Family correspondence, 1803-1845
Digital content available
General correspondence, 1784-1830
Digital content available
Biographical writing about Dolley Madison
Digital content available
Indenture between Madison's parents, James and Nelly Madison, and Francis Cowherd, 1784 Aug. 19
Digital content available
Account book of James Madison (father), 1744-1760
Digital content available
BOX 7:2 Miscellany
Digital content available
Notes on confederation and federal governments
Digital content available
Resolutions proposed by William Randolph in the Constitutional Convention, 1787 May 29
Digital content available
Abstracts of letters and papers
Armstrong, John, 1804-1823
Digital content available
Coles, Edward, 1812-1837
Digital content available
Dayton, Jonathan, 1808-1814
Digital content available
Jefferson, Thomas, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and others, 1783-1831
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Jones, Joseph, 1780-1804
Digital content available
Madison, James, 1780-1830
Digital content available
Pendleton, Edmund, 1752-1792
Digital content available
Randolph, Edmund, 1781-1790
Digital content available
Rush, Benjamin, Richard Rush, and William C. Rives, 1790-1837
Digital content available
Washington, George, 1779-1796
Digital content available
Part C, miscellany
"Extracts from The Madison Papers," draft essay, undated
Digital content available
List of letters sent and received by Madison, 1796-1836
Digital content available
Newspaper clippings, 1788-1833, undated See Oversize
Digital content available
1996 Addition
Photoreproductions of letters, 1811-1812
Digital content available
2014 Addition
Letter to H. G. Spafford, 1825 Aug. 21
Digital content available
BOX 7:OV 1not filmed Oversize, 1788-1833
BOX 7:OV 1not filmed 1979-1985 Addition
Part C
Newspaper clippings, 1788-1833, undated (Container 7:2)
Digital content available

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