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Robert L. Carter papers, 1941-2006

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Part II: Cases, 1946-2006 (continued)
BOX II:3 Taylor v. City of New York, 2006
BOX II:3 Ten West Apparel v. Menard, Inc., 2000
BOX II:3 Transaero v. La Fuerzo Aerea Boliviana, 1996
BOX II:3 Ukaj v. Building Serv. 32B-J Health Fund, 2001
BOX II:3 United States v. 479 Tamarind Drive, 2005
BOX II:3 United States v. Allah, 1996
BOX II:3 United States v. Carey, 2001
BOX II:3 United States v. Chang An-Lo See same container, United States v. Lu
BOX II:3 United States v. D'Acquisto See same container, United States v. Dos Reis
BOX II:3 United States v. Dos Reis, 1996
BOX II:3 United States v. Ghertler, 2002
BOX II:3 United States v. John Doe #3, 2000
BOX II:3 United States v. Lu, 1985
BOX II:3 United States v. Nosov, 2001-2002
BOX II:3 United States v. Ramirez, 2001-2002
BOX II:3 United States v. Regan, 1988-1989, undated
BOX II:3 United States v. Riley, 1991
BOX II:3 United States v. Smith, 1995
BOX II:3 United States v. Williams, 1993-1994
BOX II:3 United States ex rel. Pentagen Technologies Int'l v. CACI Int'l, circa 1995
BOX II:3 United States Steel Fabrication v. M. L. Barge Management Corp., 1984
BOX II:3 Varrichio v. Chicago Ins. Co., 2001
BOX II:3 Vasta v. United States, 1998
BOX II:3 Westminster School Dist. v. Mendez, 1946, 2004
BOX II:3 Williams v. New York City Hous. Auth., 2001
BOX II:3 Williams v. Salerno, 1983
BOX II:3 Woodford v. Apfel, 2000
BOX II:4-8 Part II: General Correspondence, 1968-2002
BOX II:4-6 Alphabetical File, 1968-2002
Incoming and outgoing correspondence with friends, family, associates, and organizations.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and therein chronologically with unidentified items at the end.
BOX II:4 A-G, 1969-2002, undated
(8 folders)
BOX II:5 H-R, 1968-2001, undated
(7 folders)
BOX II:6 S-Z, 1969-1999, undated
(4 folders)
BOX II:6 Unidentified, 1976, 1984, 1990, undated
BOX II:6-8 Reading File, 1969-1972
Outgoing correspondence file created by Carter while in private law practice.
Arranged chronologically by year and therein in reverse chronological order.
BOX II:6 1969
(3 folders)
BOX II:6 1970
BOX II:6 Jan.-May
(3 folders)
BOX II:7 June-Dec.
(4 folders)
BOX II:7 1971
(9 folders)
BOX II:8 1972
(8 folders)
BOX II:8-16 Part II: Subject File, 1946-2004
Biographical material, information about organizations and other persons, articles about Carter, newspaper clippings, photographs, trip file, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, and topic or by type of material.
BOX II:8 African American Article III judges, 1995
BOX II:8 Articles about Carter and mentions
BOX II:8 1958, 1964-1977
(3 folders)
BOX II:9 1985-2002
BOX II:9 Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1970-1976, 1982, 1990-1995
(4 folders)
BOX II:9 Bell, Derrick A.
BOX II:9 1968-1975
(3 folders)
BOX II:10 1976-1993, undated
(4 folders)
BOX II:10 Biographical material, 1971-1977, 1994-2004
BOX II:10 Black American Law Students' Association, undated
BOX II:10 Black mayors in the U.S., undated
BOX II:10 Civil Justice Reform Act, 1991
BOX II:10 Civil Rights Seminar, New York University, New York, N.Y., 1967, undated
BOX II:10 Clark, Kenneth Bancroft, 1968, 1975, 1992-2006
BOX II:11 Fund for the City of New York, 1978-1983, undated
BOX II:11 Interracial Council for Business Opportunity, 1970
BOX II:11 Lists
BOX II:11 Articles by Carter, 1965-1969
BOX II:11 Endorsements and opinions by Carter, 1968-1986
BOX II:11 NAACP and NAACP Legal Defense Fund
BOX II:11 General
BOX II:11 1946-1949, 1955-1986
(4 folders)
BOX II:12 1987-1996, undated
(2 folders)
BOX II:12 Resignation of legal staff, 1968-1969
(4 folders)
BOX II:12 New York State Special Commission on Attica
BOX II:12 Decree establishing the commission, 1971
BOX II:12 Directory listing, 1972, undated
BOX II:13 Drafts of report, 1972, undated
(7 folders)
BOX II:14 General, 1971-1972, undated
(7 folders)
BOX II:15 Inmates digest, circa 1971
(2 folders)
BOX II:15 Newspaper clippings and press releases, 1971-1974
(2 folders)
BOX II:15 Notes, 1971-1972
BOX II:15 Photographs, 1972
BOX II:15 Printed matter, 1969-1971
BOX II:15 Questionnaire of Charles Crowley, 1972
BOX II:15 Steel, Lewis M. See Container II:6, Alphabetical File and Container II:12, Resignation of legal staff
BOX II:15 New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department
BOX II:15 1969-1971
(2 folders)
BOX II:16 1972-1973
BOX II:16 Photographs, 1979, undated
BOX II:16 Telephone message register, 1972
BOX II:16 Trip file
BOX II:16 Africa, 1974
BOX II:16 Alaska, 1987
BOX II:16 China, 1981
BOX II:16-18 Part II: Speeches and Writings File, 1941-2005
BOX II:16-18 Speeches and Speaking Engagements, 1954-2005
Speeches, interviews, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and background information.
Arranged chronologically by date of event.
BOX II:16 1954-1970
(14 folders)
BOX II:17 1971-1994
(22 folders)
BOX II:18 1995-2005, undated
(20 folders)
BOX II:18-21 Writings, 1941-1998
Articles, book reviews, books, an unpublished memoir, a master's thesis, background information, newspaper clippings, drafts, and correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by type of writing and therein by title or topic. Articles are arranged chronologically.
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