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William McKinley papers, circa 1847-1935

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Series 14, Printed Matter, 1883-1902 (continued)
Memorial Presented to the United States Commissioners, undated
“Men, Money, and Banks in the United States,” by Wallace A. Bartlett, 1896
Messages from the President of the United States
1898, Apr. 11
1898, Apr. 25
Messages of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress
1897, Dec. 6
1898, Dec. 5
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
Military Career of Oliver O. Howard, undated
Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, undated
Miliary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, 1899, Jan. 1
Military Order of Loyal Legion of the United States–In Memoriam, undated
Mines and Mining in the Black Hills, 1901
BOX 14:7 Miscellaneous Items
(5 folders)
BOX 14:8 (2 folders)
“The Monroe Doctrine: An Essay,” by A. F. Morrison, 1895, Dec. 9
“Mr. McKinley and His Administration,” 1900, June 17
“Mr. Carl Schurz in His Latest Attitude,” by Eugene Seeger, undated
“Mrs. Grundy and the Cabinet,” 1898, Aug. 12
National Businessmen's League, undated
National Platforms of 1896
National Platforms of the Republican, Democratic, and People's Parties in 1896
National Triumph, 1890, June
“The Nation's Choice: William McKinley of Ohio, the Peerless Champion of Protection,” undated
Natural Developments of the Mississippi Valley: Public Services of Chauncey I. Filley, 1896
New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, 1900, Oct.
“No Vassal States, No Subject Peoples,” by George F. Hoar. 1898, Nov. 1
“The Nut-Shell: A Vest Pocket Library of Republican Facts,” 1900, July
Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1898, Sept. 27
Official Communications to the United States Senate, 1899
Official Documents from the Quartermaster-General, U. S. A., 1898, Oct. 14
Olympia Grand Self-Playing Music Box with Automatic Tune Changing Device, undated
Operations of the Medical Department, U. S. A., at Camp Wikoff, Montauk, N.Y., 1898, Aug. 4
Order of Railway Conductors, 1897, May
“Our New Interests,” by Whitelaw Reid, 1900, Mar. 23
“Our War Spain,” 1898
“Outline of Lectures on Journalism,” by Edward Rosewater, 1899, Apr.
Palmer House: Diagram of Rooms, Chicago, Ill., undated
Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, N.Y., 1901, Nov. 1
“Patriotism and Gold against Anarchy and Silver,” undated
Peoria Corn Exposition and Carnival, Peoria, Ill., 1899, Oct. 9-14
Personnel of the Ecumenical Conference, undated
Philadelphia Trip: Grant Statue unveiling, Philadelphia, Pa., undated
Picturesque San Antonio, Texas, undated
“Pith and Point of the Campaign in Song and Satire,” 1900
Poem, by Charles A. Sumner, 1896, May 30
“The Politics of the Philippines,” by Murat Halstead, undated
“Power of the United States to Acquire and Govern Foreign Territory,” by William Lindsay, 1899, Aug. 28
Power Cooperating in China, Defining the Purposes and Policy of the United States, 1900, July 3
President McKinley's Last and Greatest Speech and President Roosevelt's Proclamation of That Administration, 1901
“President McKinley's Share of the War with Spain,” undated
BOX 14:9 Proclamation by the President of the United States, 1899, Oct.
Provost Officers of Pennsylvania, undated
“Quality of Our Honor,” by George F. Hoar, undated
Dinner of the Commercial Club of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1897, Oct. 30
President McKinley at the Commemorative Services of the Death of George Washington, 1899, Dec. 14
Admiral Remey in Regard to Interdicting Li Hung Chang Communicating with Chinese Authorities, 1900, Aug. 17
Bureau of Statistics on Lake Commerce, by George C. Tunell, 1898
Chamber of Commerce, Santa Barbara, Calf., 1901
Chicago Home-Market Club, Chicago, Ill., 1899
Chief of Ordnance in Reply to Inquiries Commission of Investigation, 1898, Sept. 27
Committee Appointed by the National Academy of Science, 1897, May 1
Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General, 1897, June 30
Governor of the Territory of the Interior, 1900
Major-General Harrison Gray Otis, undated
Secretary of Agriculture, 1900
“Republican Issues,” by William B. Allison, 1899, Oct. 7
“A Republican Textbook for Colored Voters,” 1898
Residences of Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps in the District of Columbia
1886, Jan.
1893, Dec.
Residences of Officers of the U. S. Army in the District of Columbia, 1894, Dec. 5
“The Result of Three Years of Republican Supremacy,” by Joseph W. Babcock, 1900, May 28
“The Retention of the Philippine Islands,” by Henry Cabot Lodge, 1900, Mar. 7
Rochester Commercial Travelers' Constitution and List of Members, 1896, Sept. 12
Roll of Delegates to Seventh General Council, undated
Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1898, May 27
“Rufus Putman, Founder and Father of Ohio,” George F. Hoar, 1898, Sept. 17
Sacramento Greets the President of the United States, Sacramento, Calif., undated
“Sanitary Lessons of the War,” by George M. Sternberg, 1899, June 10
School Physiology Journal, 1899, June
“School Statistics and Morals,” by William T. Harris, 1893, Feb. 21
Second Annual Decoration Day Memorial Service, 1894, May 30
Sections from the United States Tariff of July 24, 1897, as Modified by the Pending French Treaty, 1900, Jan. 22
Bill S. 2355
No. 5, 1896, Mar. 19
No. 8, 1898, Dec.
No. 22, 1899, July 24
No. 42, 1898, Dec. 21
No. 68, 1897, Jan. 9
No. 70, 1888, Jan. 18
No. 90, 1901, Jan. 15
No. 94, 1897, Mar. 16
No. 96, 1874, Apr. 6
No. 96, 1899, Jan. 27
BOX 14:10 No. 102, 1898, Jan. 31
No. 109, 1899, Feb. 3
No. 109, Part 2, 1899, Mar. 3
No. 137, 1899, Feb. 25
No. 147, 1897, June 9
No. 164, 1900, Feb. 10
No. 168, 1900, Feb. 13
No. 170, 1898, Mar. 3
No. 196, 1900, Feb. 26
No. 253, 1900, Mar. 29
No. 310, 1900, Apr. 24
No. 312, 1900, Apr. 24
No. 343, 1900, May 9
No. 3703, 1897, Feb. 17
Executive Session, 1894, July 17
Report No. 532, 1884, May 10
No. 62, 1897, Apr. 19
No. 65, 1900, Jan. 4
No. 67, 1900, Jan. 8
No. 194, 1897, Dec. 13
No. 209, 1897, Dec. 18
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