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Henry A. Wallace papers, 1931-1945

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BOX 30-38 REEL 18-21 Political File, 1944
Correspondence relating to the 1944 presidential election, especially the Democratic Party convention.
Arranged by type of reply and alphabetically therein.
BOX 30 REEL 18 Individual replies
BOX 30 REEL 18 A-G
BOX 31 REEL 18 H-R
BOX 32 REEL 19 S-Z
BOX 33 REEL 19 Form replies
BOX 33 REEL 19 Form A-D
BOX 34 REEL 19 Form E
BOX 34 REEL 19 Form X
BOX 34 REEL 19 A-C
BOX 35 REEL 19-20 D-M
BOX 36 REEL 20 N-Z
BOX 37 REEL 20-21 Form Y
BOX 37 REEL 20-21 Unanswered letters
BOX 38 REEL 21 Unanswered letters
BOX 38 REEL 21 Post-election letters
BOX 39-57 REEL 21-32 Subject File, 1931-1944
Memoranda, clippings, photographs, telegrams, constituent letters, and replies.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 39 REEL 21-22 Bilbo, Theodore See Container 48 , Senator Theodore Bilbo
BOX 39 REEL 21-22 "Bill of Duties"
BOX 39 REEL 21-22 Dies, Martin
BOX 39 REEL 21-22 Investigation
BOX 40-41 REEL 23 Investigation
BOX 42 REEL 23-24 Committee on Economic Outlook
BOX 42 REEL 23-24 Foreign Petroleum Policy Committee
BOX 42 REEL 23-24 Herald Tribune Forum
BOX 42 REEL 23-24 Inflation and taxation See also Classified
BOX 42 REEL 23-24 Just Peace Crusade
BOX 42 REEL 23-24 A-O
BOX 43 REEL 24 P-Z
BOX 43 REEL 24 Merry-go-round slogan contest
BOX 43 REEL 24 Mexican trip
BOX 43 REEL 24 A-G
BOX 44 REEL 24-25 H-Z
BOX 44 REEL 24-25 Mexico radio program
BOX 44 REEL 24-25 Muhlenberg Bicentennial Commission
BOX 44 REEL 24-25 Price-fixing legislation
BOX 45-46 REEL 25 Resolutions and petitions
BOX 47 REEL 26 Resolutions and petitions
BOX 47 REEL 26 Response to speech of 21 Oct. 1943, Dallas, Tex.
BOX 47 REEL 26 Rubber debate
BOX 47 REEL 26 Apr. 1931-June 1942 See also Classified
BOX 48 REEL 26-27 July-Dec 1942 See also Classified
BOX 48 REEL 26-27 Senator Theodore Bilbo, 1944
BOX 48 REEL 26-27 South American trip, 1943
BOX 48 REEL 26-27 Bolivia
BOX 49 REEL 27 Chile
BOX 49 REEL 27 A-L
BOX 50 REEL 28 M-Z
BOX 51 REEL 28-29 Colombia
BOX 52 REEL 29 Costa Rica
BOX 53 REEL 30 Ecuador
BOX 53 REEL 30 Panama
BOX 53 REEL 30 A-F
BOX 54 REEL 30-31 G-W
BOX 54 REEL 30-31 Peru
BOX 54 REEL 30-31 A-L
BOX 55 REEL 31 M-Z
BOX 56 REEL 31-32 Miscellany
BOX 57 REEL 32 State government
BOX 57 REEL 32 "Study of Aymara Indians"
BOX 57 REEL 32 West Coast trip, 1944
BOX 57 REEL 32 Wheat agreement
BOX 58-68 REEL 32-40 Military Appointments File, 1941-1945
Material relating to Wallace's appointments to the United States naval and military academies.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 58-61 REEL 32-35 United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., and United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.
BOX 58-61 REEL 32-35 1941-1943
BOX 58-61 REEL 32-35 Examinations and correspondence
BOX 62 REEL 35-36 Appointments
BOX 62 REEL 35-36 A-C
BOX 63 REEL 36 D-H
BOX 64 REEL 37 J-M
BOX 65 REEL 37-38 N-R
BOX 66 REEL 38-39 S-Z
BOX 67-68 REEL 39-40 1944-1945
BOX 69-84 REEL 41-43 Scrapbooks, 1934-1944
Newspaper and magazine articles about Wallace and his activities.
Arranged chronologically by month, with the exception of volumes 69-71, which are arranged by subject.
BOX 69 REEL 41 1934-1936
BOX 70-71 REEL 41 1935
BOX 72 REEL 41 1936-1937
BOX 73 REEL 41 1938
BOX 74 REEL 41 1939
BOX 75 REEL 42 1940
BOX 76 REEL 42 1941
BOX 76 REEL 42 Jan.-Apr.
BOX 77 REEL 42 May-Dec.
BOX 78 REEL 42 1942
BOX 79 REEL 42 Dec. 1942-June 1943
BOX 80 REEL 42 1943
BOX 80 REEL 42 Mar.-Apr.
BOX 80 REEL 42 Chile
BOX 81 REEL 43 Colombia
BOX 82 REEL 43 Ecuador
BOX 82 REEL 43 Vol. 1
BOX 83 REEL 43 Vol. 2
BOX 84 REEL 43 June 1943-Feb. 1944
BOX 85-99not filmed Newspaper Clippings, 1941-1944
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 85 1941-1942
BOX 86 1943
BOX 86 Mar.-Apr.
BOX 87 July
BOX 88 1944
BOX 88 Feb.
BOX 89 Apr.-June
BOX 90 July
BOX 90 1-15
BOX 91-92 16-31
BOX 93 16-31
BOX 93 Aug.
BOX 94 Sept.
BOX 95 Oct.
BOX 95 1-15
BOX 96 16-31
BOX 97 Nov.
BOX 97 1-15
BOX 98 16-30
BOX 99 Dec.
BOX CL 1 Classified, 1941-1942
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