The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Thomas Capek collection of materials relating to Czechoslovakia and Czech Americans, 1619-1953
BOX 4 BOX 5-7 Slav, Slovak, and Czech Immigration to the United States; Czech Organizations, Institutions, and Activities in the United States, 1851-1953
Correspondence, memoranda, notes, photographs, postcards, maps, organizational material, textbooks, clippings, travelogues and printed matter.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 5 FOLDER 1 Photographs and postcards of miscellaneous Czech monuments in the U.S. Includes a written list of some monuments. 1851-1931
BOX 5 FOLDER 2 Photographs of meeting places and memberships of Czech organizations in the U.S. Includes a clipping. 1921-1953
BOX 5 FOLDER 3 Constitutions, bylaws, and recording secretaries' notes relating to Czech organizations in New York. Some of the items are in pamphlet form; others are manuscripts, presumably originals. 1859-1920
BOX 5 FOLDER 4 Graphic representation of Czech immigration in the U.S. Photocopies of originals compiled from the U.S. census and other data. 1910-1930
BOX 5 FOLDER 5 "The Czechs (Bohemians) in America." Printed reproductions of photographs of Czech Americans. circa 1920, 1939
BOX 5 FOLDER 6 "America's Making Exposition held in New York City." 1921 Various brochures on the contributions of Slavic immigrants to American life. 1921
BOX 5 FOLDER 7 Newspaper clippings and manifesto pertaining to the history of Czech immigration to the U.S. 1862, 1909
BOX 5 FOLDER 8 Textbook on morals by Bartoš Bittner. 1898
BOX 5 FOLDER 9 Letter from the Imperial Austro-Hungarian consul general in Chicago, Ill., 14 Jan. 1916, regarding financial support of the Czech weekly, Vesmír. Includes clippings and miscellaneous numbered pages. 1865-1916
BOX 5 FOLDER 10 Historical pamphlets and clippings. undated
BOX 5 FOLDER 11 One share of stock in the New York Cigar Cooperative Manufacturing Co. July 1874.
BOX 6 FOLDER 1-2 Notes in Thomas Capek's handwriting about the Rev. Stephen C. Massoch, who wrote the first Czech book published in the U.S. 1869-1936
BOX 6 FOLDER 3 Maps, 1865-1868
BOX 6 FOLDER 4 Papers and journals of a group of Czech Americans who set forth to establish a utopian colony in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century. Included are a map of the area and the budget for the expedition. Mrs. Capek believes these to be the only records of the group. 1860-1911
BOX 6 FOLDER 5 Memoranda by American Slovaks written during and after World War I concerning Slovak autonomy. 1914-1923
BOX 6 FOLDER 6 Independent Bohemia (pamphlet). From Tomáš G. Masaryk, sent to Thomas Capek. 1915
BOX 6 FOLDER 7 "Protokol Druhého Sjezdu Národního Vyboru" (pamphlet). 1892
BOX 6 FOLDER 8-9 Travelogues by Czech authors about America (monographs)
BOX 7 FOLDER 1-6 1902-1947
BOX 7 BOX 8-12 Czech Newspapers, Periodicals, and Clippings, 1838-1953
Newspapers, pamphlets, playbills, and other printed matter published in the United States and Europe.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 8 FOLDER 1 Czech newspapers and playbills from Chicago, Ill., Cleveland, Ohio, St. Louis, Mo., New York, N.Y., and Pittsburgh, Pa. Includes No. 1 of Obrama (19 Mar. 1887), an early New York communist paper. 1854-1953
BOX 8 FOLDER 2 Czech newspapers published in the U.S. The cover of the first Czech reader for children in America is included (Racine, Wis., 1864). 1860-1913
BOX 8 FOLDER 3-4 Copies of New Yorské Listy and one issue of New York Humoristické. 1862-1940
BOX 8 FOLDER 5 Czech-language newspapers published in Berlin, Germany, by revolutionary refugees, including a number of issues of Blaník and one (only known copy?) issue of Correspondence Tchéque, published in French in Berlin, Germany, by the same group. 1868-1869
BOX 9 FOLDER 1 Stitched issues of Kwěty, Czechoslovakia. 1838
BOX 9 FOLDER 2 Early Czech newspapers published in New York, N.Y., ; Chicago, Ill.; Omaha, Nebr.; and Racine, Wis. 1892, circa 1904
BOX 9 FOLDER 3 Photocopies of newspaper pages used as illustrations in Thomas Capek's book, Fifty Years of Czech Press. 1852-1917
BOX 9 FOLDER 4-6 Articles from newspapers regarding Czech settlers. Holograph notes. 1861-1915
BOX 10 FOLDER 1-5 Newspapers covering the fiftieth jubilee of Czech newspaper publishing in the U.S. 1908-1950
Diblík, vol. 2, nos. 1-44, a weekly humor journal. 1878 See Oversize
Patriot (bound), edited and published by Jan V. Capek, New York. 1883-1884 See Oversize
BOX 11 FOLDER 1-3 Hlas Jednoty Obci Svobodomyslných
Rocnik 1-2. 1872-1875
Rocnik 3-6. 1875-1878
Rocnik 7-14. 1879-1881
BOX 12 FOLDER 1 Pamphlets
Husuvlid (The People of John Hus), Chicago, Ill., Rotnik-XIV. June-July 1953
The American-Czechoslovak Fellowship (1942)
T. G. Musark & The Slavonic Problem. 1939
Jan Hus Annuals. 1927, 1930.
BOX 12 FOLDER 2 Květy Americké: Ruy 1, II, III. 1884-1887
(1 vol.)
BOX 12 BOX 12-14 Thomas Capek and Family, 1852-1953
Correspondence and writings by Thomas Capek and biographical material relating to the Capek family.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 12 FOLDER 3-5 Correspondence received by Thomas Capek. 1889-1952
BOX 13 FOLDER 1-4 Letters from Bohemia, France, England, and elsewhere. 1889-1946
BOX 13 FOLDER 5-6 Letters of special interest, invitations, and other material. 1852-1953
BOX 13 FOLDER 7-8 Writings by Thomas Capek. 1920-1950
BOX 14 FOLDER 1-2 Correspondence, some of which contains biographical information on Capek. 1904-1951
BOX 14 FOLDER 3 Anna Vostroveský Capek, sketch of life, photograph, bibliography, and organizational information. 1918-1953
BOX 14 FOLDER 4 Thomas Capek, Jr., writings and photograph. 1933-1944
BOX 14 FOLDER 5 Thomas Capek, obituaries, 1928, 1950
BOX 14 BOX 14 Augustine Herrman of Maryland Bohemia Manor, 1651-1953
Correspondence, articles, and reproductions of ecclesiastical records and maps relating to Augustine Herrman.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 14 FOLDER 6-7 Letters and articles used by Thomas Capek in preparing various works about Herrman. Anna Vostroveský Capek, who collaborated with her husband in his work on Herrman, felt that much of this source material was not fully used. Letters from Thomas F. Bayard, owner of the manor, circa 1927-1931, are included. 1927-1947
Photostatic copies of official New York, British, and ecclesiastical records relating to Herrman. 1651-1953 See Oversize
Photocopies of Herrman's maps and a map of his property. 1673 See Oversize
BOX 14 Charlotta G. Masaryková and Tomáš G. Masaryk, 1891-1950
Correspondence and printed matter relating to Charlotta G. Masaryková and Tomáš G. Masaryk.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 14 Letters to Thomas Capek from members of Masaryková's family. 1891-1950 See Oversize
Newspapers and journals containing articles on Masaryk at the time of his death. 1930, 1937 See Oversize
BOX 14 Frederick Philipse of Yonkers, New York, 1928-1929
Biographical material about Philipse, a Czech immigrant of the seventeenth century.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 14 Biographical material about Philipse, a Czech immigrant of the seventeenth century. 1928-1929 See Oversize
BOX 14 Czechs in Great Britain, 1619-1932
Reproductions of title pages, photographs, and other material relating to Czechs in Great Britain.
Arranged by topic or type of material.
BOX 14 Facsimiles of title pages of early British books on Czechs and of portraits of prominent Czechs in Great Britain and British subjects of Czech origin. 1619-1932 See Oversize
BOX OV 1-OV 4 Oversize, 1619-1953
Oversize correspondence, printed matter, facsimiles, and other reproductions of documents.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders which the material was removed.
BOX OV 1 Czech Newspapers, Periodicals, and Clippings
BOX OV 1 FOLDER 1 Diblík, vol. 2, nos. 1-44. 1878 (Container 10)
BOX OV 1 FOLDER 2 Patriot (bound), edited and published by Jan V. Capek, New York. 1883-1884 (Container 10)
BOX OV 2 Augustine Herrman of Maryland Bohemia Manor
BOX OV 2 FOLDER 1-2 Photostats of official New York, British, and ecclesiastical records relating to Herrman. 1651-1953 (Container 14)
BOX OV 2 FOLDER 3 Photocopies of Herrman's maps and a map of his property. 1673 (Container 14)
Charlotta G. Masaryková and Thomás Masaryk
BOX OV 2 FOLDER 4 Letters to Thomas Capek from members of Masaryková's family. 1891-1950 (Container 14)
Newspapers and journals containing articles on Masaryk at the time of his death. 1930, 1937 (Container 14)
BOX OV 2 FOLDER 5 Miscellaneous
BOX OV 3 FOLDER 1 Miscellaneous
BOX OV 4 FOLDER 1 Frederick Philipse of Yonkers, New York
Biographical material about Philipse, a Czech immigrant of the seventeenth century. 1928-1929 (Container 14)
BOX OV 4 FOLDER 2 Czechs in Great Britain
Facsimiles of title pages of early British books on Czechs and of portraits of prominent Czechs in Great Britain and British subjects of Czech origin. 1619-1932 (Container 14)

Contents List