The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William H. Taft papers, 1784-1973
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Series 12: Legal Papers of Alphonso Taft, 1784-1889 (continued)
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REEL 611 25-40
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REEL 611-616 Series 13: Legal Papers of William Howard Taft, 1880-1929
Legal instruments, cases, and other items. Includes appeals, abstracts, affidavits, agreements, applications, arbitration proceedings, awards, bills of particular, briefs, correspondence, court orders, decisions, dockets, fragments, exceptions, exhibits, extracts, memoranda, notices of deposition, notes, opinions, petitions, reports, shorthand notes, syllabuses, and transcripts.
The case files are arranged alphabetically by the first party named. A list of 86 case file titles, to which consecutive numbers have been assigned, appears in the index and its filmed as a target at the front of the series.
REEL 611 Alphabetical List of Case File Titles
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REEL 612 1
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REEL 613 1
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REEL 614 2-35
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REEL 615 36-82
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REEL 616 83-86
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REEL 616-617 Series 14: Legal Notebooks, 1887-1900
Notebooks kept by Taft while he was judge of the superior court, Cincinnati, Ohio, and while judge of the Sixth United States Circuit Court. Notebooks dated 1888-1889 are available in Series 27: Addition.
Arranged chronologically. Consecutive numbers from 1 to 11 have been assigned to the volumes.
REEL 616 Vol. 1, 1887 Mar. 9
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Vol. 2, 1887 Oct. 19
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Vol. 3, 1892 Apr.
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Vol. 4, 1892 Dec. 5
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Vol. 5, 1895 Nov.
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Vol. 6, 1896 Mar.
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Vol. 7, 1896 Nov.
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REEL 617 Vol. 8, 1897 Apr.
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Vol. 9, 1898 Jan. 15
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Vol. 10, 1900
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Vol. 11, Undated
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REEL 617-618 Series 15: Miscellaneous Legal Manuscripts, 1881-1930
Chiefly designations for district judges, together with scattered correspondence, agreements, opinions, reports, House and Senate bills, hearings, amendments, summaries, statements, suggestions, copies of decisions, drafts, a list of cases, memoranda, notes, petitions, resolutions, and fragments.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 617 1881-1923
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REEL 618 1924 Jan. 14-1930 Feb. and Undated
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REEL 618-623 Series 16: Law Lectures and Related Material, 1897-1921
Law lectures and lecture notes, examination questions, record books of students' grades, and fragments relating to the periods Taft served as dean of the University of Cincinnati Law School and professor of constitutional law at Yale University.
Arranged alphabetically by name of institution or the location at which the lecture or series of lectures was given.
REEL 618 Albany, New York-Boston University
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REEL 619 Boston University-Columbia University
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REEL 620 Columbia University-Miscellaneous
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REEL 621 Miscellaneous-Williams College
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REEL 622 Williams College-YMCA
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REEL 623 Yale
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REEL 623-626 Series 17: Scrapbooks, 1879-1922
Chiefly newspaper clippings or articles, editorials, and speeches relating to Taft's political life up to the Supreme Court period. Includes invitations, pamphlets, programs, menus, and other items relating to his personal and social life.
Arranged chronologically according to volumes numbered from 1 to 25.
REEL 623 Vol. 1, Invitations, 1879-1892
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Vol. 2, Salammbo-I, 1885-1887
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Vol. 3, Salammbo-II, 1885-1887
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Vol. 4, Cincinnati Orchestra Association, 1893-1908
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Vol. 5, Philippine and Secretary of War, 1900-1908
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REEL 624 Vol. 6, Philippine Civil Service, 1901-1902
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Vol. 7, Cuba School City, 1904-1905
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Vol. 8, On Taft, 1905-1906
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Vol. 9, Civil Service Reform Association, 1906 May
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Vol. 10, Campaign Beginnings, 1907 Mar
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Vol. 11, Oklahoma Trip, 1907 Mar.-Aug.
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Vol. 12, Around the World, 1907 Aug.-Dec.
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Vol. 13, World Trip, 1907-1908
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Vol. 14, Invitations and Programs, 1908-1920
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Vol. 14A ,Western Trip, 1909 Sept.-Nov.
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REEL 625 Vol. 15, Presidential Campaign-I, 1908 June-Oct.
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Vol. 16, Presidential Campaign-II, 1908 June-Nov.
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Vol. 17, Los Angeles Daily Times, 1909 Sept.-Oct.
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Vol. 18, Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, 1912-1914
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Vol. 19, Editorials-I, 1917-1919
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REEL 626 Vol. 19A, Army Camp Tour, 1918 Jan.-Feb.
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Vol. 20, Editorials-II, 1919-1920
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Vol. 21, Editorials-III, 1920-1921
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Vol. 22, Supreme Court Appointment, 1921 July-Aug.
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Vol. 23, London Trip-I, 1922 June-Aug.
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Vol. 24, London Trip-II, 1922 June-Aug.
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Vol. 25, London Trip-III, 1922 June-Aug.
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