| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1 |
Correspondence, 1954-1977
(7 folders) |
BOX 2 |
Miscellany |
BOX 2 |
Interview, introductory remarks about Wheelock,
address lists, 1977, undated
BOX 2 |
Printed matter, 1961-1974
(2 folders) |
BOX 2 |
Poetry file, 1910, circa 1956-circa
BOX 2 |
"The Abandoned Nestling" |
BOX 2 |
"Address to Existence" |
BOX 2 |
"Amagansett Beach Revisited" |
BOX 2 |
"An Ancient Story" |
BOX 2 |
"Anima" |
BOX 2 |
"Aphrodite, 1906" |
BOX 2 |
"The Ascent of Man" |
BOX 2 |
"Aubade" |
BOX 2 |
"Auscultation" |
BOX 2 |
"The Bathing Beach" |
BOX 2 |
"The Big I" |
BOX 2 |
"Bread and Wine" |
BOX 2 |
"Catbird" |
BOX 2 |
"A Certain Hidden Place" |
BOX 2 |
"Chant" |
BOX 2 |
"Child and Universe" |
BOX 2 |
"Cloud-Shapes" |
BOX 2 |
"The Compass" |
BOX 2 |
"Complaint of the Indifference of
Things" |
BOX 2 |
"The Concert" |
BOX 2 |
"The Cricket's Song" |
BOX 2 |
"Dark Joy" |
BOX 2 |
"Dear Men and Women" |
BOX 2 |
"Dialogue after Bishop Berkeley" |
BOX 2 |
"Dialogue on the Flux of Things" |
BOX 2 |
"Direction" |
BOX 2 |
"The Divine Insect" |
BOX 2 |
"Drunken Song" |
BOX 2 |
"Early Morning Air" |
BOX 2 |
"Earth" |
BOX 2 |
"Earth, Take Me Back" |
BOX 2 |
"Evening Contemplation" |
BOX 2 |
"Farewell to the House in Bonac" |
BOX 2 |
"A Fragment" |
BOX 2 |
"The Gardener" |
BOX 2 |
"Helios-Apollo" |
BOX 2 |
"Herring-Gull" |
BOX 2 |
"High Stars" |
BOX 2 |
"The Holy Earth" |
BOX 2 |
"House in Bonac" |
BOX 2 |
"The House in the Green Well" |
BOX 2 |
"The Human Fantasy," book draft,
BOX 2 |
"In This Green Nook" |
BOX 2 |
"July Afternoon" |
BOX 2 |
"Last Sonnet" |
BOX 2 |
"Lines" |
BOX 2 |
"Lost Gaiety" |
BOX 3 |
"Man's Struggle to Understand" |
BOX 3 |
"The March of Science" |
BOX 3 |
"The Mask" |
BOX 3 |
"Meditation" |
BOX 3 |
"Midnight Contemplation" |
BOX 3 |
"Moment before Sleep" |
BOX 3 |
"Morning after Rain" |
BOX 3 |
"Morning Draws Near" |
BOX 3 |
"Mother and Child" |
BOX 3 |
"Mozart Perhaps" |
BOX 3 |
"Night" |
BOX 3 |
"The Passer-By" |
BOX 3 |
"Peace" |
BOX 3 |
"The Plumber as the Missing Letter" |
BOX 3 |
"The Poet" |
BOX 3 |
"Poet and Bird" |
BOX 3 |
"Purely Personal" |
BOX 3 |
"Question and Answer" |
BOX 3 |
"Random Reflections on a Summer
Evening" |
BOX 3 |
"Reflected Light" |
BOX 3 |
"Rest" |
BOX 3 |
"Return in Age" |
BOX 3 |
"Reverie on the Nature of Things" |
BOX 3 |
"Sara Teasdale" |
BOX 3 |
"The Sea" |
BOX 3 |
"Self-Counsel in Age" |
BOX 3 |
"Song" |
BOX 3 |
"Song on Reaching Seventy" |
BOX 3 |
"Sonnet Sequence" |
BOX 3 |
"The Star" |
BOX 3 |
"Summer Night" |
BOX 3 |
"Sun" |
BOX 3 |
"A Sun Which Is a Star" |
BOX 3 |
"Sunday Morning Moment" |
BOX 3 |
"Symphony: First Movement" |
BOX 3 |
"Testament" |
BOX 3 |
"This Is Our Life" |
BOX 3 |
"This Pain" |
BOX 3 |
"The Timid Future" |
BOX 3 |
"To-" |
BOX 3 |
"To a Woman Dead" |
BOX 3 |
"Two Days and a Dream" |
BOX 3 |
"The Two Societies" |
BOX 3 |
"Valediction" |
BOX 3 |
"A Walk with the Wind" |
BOX 3 |
"The Whisper of a Star" |
BOX 3 |
"Wood-Thrush" |
BOX 3 |
"The Woven Doom" |
BOX 3 |
"You Bet" |
BOX 3 |
Untitled drafts |
BOX 3 |
Speech and article file, circa 1954-circa
BOX 3 |
Articles, drafts |
BOX 3 |
"Poetry and Prose, the Essential
Difference" |
BOX 3 |
"Putting Salt on the Tail of a
Poem" |
BOX 3 |
"Some Thoughts on Poetry" |
BOX 4 |
"The Two Knowledges: An Essay on a Certain
Resistance" |
BOX 4 |
Untitled |
BOX 4 |
Introductions to Poets of Today, vols. 4-7 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 4 |
Speeches |
BOX 4 |
Poetry Society of Virginia, Nov. 22,
BOX 4 |
The Poets of Today series |
BOX 4 |
Untitled |
BOX 4 |
Addition |
BOX 4 |
Book inscriptions, 1916, 1931, 1961,
BOX 4 |
Salisbury, Charlotte and Harrison (second
cousin) |
BOX 4 |
Letters from Wheelock, 1970-1977
BOX 4 |
Miscellaneous papers regarding Wheelock,
1961, 1970-1976, circa 2000
BOX 4 |
Scribner, Mrs. Arthur (Helen C. Annan Scribner),
letter from Wheelock, 1927
BOX 4 |
Taylor, Henry, letters from Wheelock and his
wife, 1966-1978
(2 folders) |