The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel Chester French papers, circa 1848-1968
Daniel Chester French: Scrapbook Material, 1850-1962 (continued)
1850-1915 (continued)
(39 folders)
BOX 40 REEL 30 1916-1923
(23 folders)
BOX 41 REEL 30-31 1923-1931
(27 folders)
BOX 42 REEL 31-32 1931-1943
(24 folders)
BOX 43 REEL 32-33 1944-1957
(34 folders)
BOX 44 REEL 33 1959-1962, undated
(21 folders)
BOX 45-62not filmed Margaret French Cresson: General Correspondence, circa 1915-1962
Letters sent and received, arranged alphabetically, followed by correspondence with her parents and condolence letters.
BOX 45not filmed Abbott, Mary
Adams, Herbert
Amateis, Edmond
Amore, John
Angel, John
Architectural League of New York
(4 folders)
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. See Container 47, Chicago, Art Institute
Audubon artists
Audubon Society
“A” miscellaneous
Barrett, John
(12 folders)
Basky, Anton
Beck, Tom
Beebe, William
Berkshire, Mass., museum
(2 folders)
Betts, Karl S.
Bigelow, Poultney
BOX 46 Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.
Bromfield, Louis
Bruce, Edward
Budworth (W. S.) and Son
Burleigh Press
Burt, Struthers
Byrd, Richard E.
“B” miscellaneous
BOX 47 Caemmerer, H. P.
Calder, Sterling
Cecere, Gaetano
Chicago, Art Institute of, Chicago, Ill.
Christy, Howard Chandler
Chute, Marchette
Cresson, Caleb
Crowninshield, Frank
Cunningham, John H.
Cuvelier, Roger
“C” miscellaneous
Davenport, Russell W.
Davis, Norman H.
De Francisci, Anthony
DeLue, Donald
Demetrios, George
Dodd, Loring
Du Puy, Charles
BOX 48 “D” miscellaneous
(10 folders)
Eaton, Walter P.
Einstein, Albert
Evans, Rudulph
“E” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Fairbanks, Avard
Fairmount Park Art Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Farley, James A.
Faulkner, Barry
Faus, Grace
Field, Elizabeth
Finan, James
Fine Arts Federation of New York
FitzSimmons, Elsie
Flagg, Margaret
(2 folders)
Fletcher, Laurence
Fogg Museum of Art, Boston, Mass.
Francke, Brenda M.
Frank, Henry
Franklin, Carol
Fraser, James Earle
French, Alice
French, Amos Tuck
BOX 49 French, Helen
French, Henry H.
French, Mary Adams French
French, Pamela
French, Prentiss
French, Stuyvesant
Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.
Friedlander, Leo
Fuller, Adelaide
Furbee, Leonard J.
“F” miscellaneous
Gargani Art Studios
Garrett, Alice
Geiffert, Alfred
General Bronze Corp.
Gibbons, Maude
Gibson, Charles Dana
Gilbert, Cass
Gorham Co.
BOX 50 Gould, Agnes
Gourlay, Elinor
Gourlay, Lawrence
Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, N.Y.
Grant, Ulysses S., III
Reene, Charlotte
“G” miscellaneous
Hale, Richard
Hall, James S.
Hancock, Walker
Harder, Harold
Harrison, Dorothea K.
Hartley, Harold
Haskell, Fitch
Heath, Elizabeth
Herron, Annie Lou
Hibbard, Charles
Hocking, William
Hoes, Ingrid
Hoes, Laurence
Hoffman, Malvina
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