The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel Chester French papers, circa 1848-1968
BOX 18-27 REEL 15-22 Daniel Chester French: Commissions File, circa 1910-1931
Letters sent and received concerning specific pieces of sculpture created by French.
Arranged alphabetically according to title of the sculpture.
BOX 18 REEL 15 Adams, John bust
Alger, Russell A. fountain
(3 folders)
“Alma Mater,” Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.
Andover, Mass., memorial
(2 folders)
Ball memorial, Richard Henry Dana
(6 folders)
Boston Post Office group, Boston, Mass.
Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass., bronze doors
Brewster, William medal
“Brooklyn” group for Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Brooklyn Institute group, Brooklyn, N.Y.
BOX 19 REEL 15-16 Brooks, Phillips, bust
Buttrick, John, monument
Crane, Winthrop Murray, memorial
Dean, Bashford, tablet
(2 folders)
Clark, Gaylord, bust
Cleveland Federal Building group, Cleveland, Ohio
Danville, III., fountain
“Death and Youth,” St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H.
(3 folders)
Devens, Charles, statue
Dodge, Earle, memorial
Dodge, Ruth Anne, memorial
(5 folders)
BOX 20
REEL 16-17
(3 folders)
Draper, William F., equestrian statue
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, fountain
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
English High School group, Boston, Mass.
(3 folders)
Exeter, N. H., soldiers memorial
(3 folders)
BOX 21 REEL 17 Field, Marshall, statue
First Division monument
(5 folders)
French, William M. R., tablet
Galluadet, Thomas, statue
Geyser group, “The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men”
(2 folders)
Grant, Ulysses S., equestrian statue
Green, James Woods, memorial
(3 folders)
Harvard, John, statue
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, bust
Hazard, Roland, memorial
“His Majesty”
Hoar, George F., statue
Hooker, Joseph, equestrian statue
Hunt, Richard M., memorial
BOX 22 REEL 18 Irving, Washington, memorial
(8 folders)
“Kneeling Angels,” Clark monument
Lafayette, Marquis de, statue
(5 folders)
Liberty arch
Lincoln, Abraham
(3 folders)
BOX 23
(6 folders)
(2 folders)
(4 folders)
“Little Neil”
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, memorial
(2 folders)
Lowell, James Russell, bust
Mallinckrodt, Edward, tablet
(2 folders)
Marseillaise memorial, tablet
Meade, George G., statue
Meyer, August, memorial
Millet-Butt memorial
Milmore, Martin, memorial
BOX 24 REEL 19-20 Milton, Mass., monument
(4 folders)
REEL 20 Minnesota State Capitol Building, quadriga, St. Paul, Minn.
Minute Man
“Modern and Ancient History,” Historical Society Building, Concord, N.H.
“Mourning Victory,” Melvin memorial
New York Custom House, New York, N.Y.
Oglethrope, James, monument
Palmer, Alice Freeman, memorial
Parkman, Francis, monument
Perkins, George, tablet
Phillips, Wendell, statue
Poe, Edgar Allan, bust
Pulitzer, Joseph, medal
Rainsford, Stephen, bust
Red Cross War Council Medal
Republic statue
Russell, Charles P., monument (“The Angel of the Flowers”)
St. Mihiel, France, memorial
(1 folder)
BOX 25
REEL 20-21
(4 folders)
Seward, William H., memorial
(3 folders)
Sheridan, Philip Henry, statue
Smith, Charles Robinson, summer house and landscaping
(2 folders)
Spencer, Samuel, monument
“Spirit of Waters” fountain
Stuyvesant, Peter, memorial (“The Angel of Peace”)
Swasey, Ambrose, bust
Trask, Spencer, memorial
BOX 26 REEL 21-22 Tuck, Amos, bust
“Vanity,” “Narcissa” statuette
Washington, George. equestrian statue
Webster, Daniel, bust
(2 folders)
Westinghouse, George
(3 folders)
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