The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Cordell Hull papers, 1908-1956
Memoranda of Conversations, 1933-1944 (continued)
Germany, 1933-1938
Great Britain
BOX 59 REEL 30 1942
Greece, 1933-1944
Guatemala, 1939-1944
Haiti, 1934-1944
Honduras, 1933-1941
Hungary, 1933-1941
Iceland, 1941-1944
India, 1935-1944
Iran, 1935-1944
Iraq, 1942-1943
Irish Free State, 1933-1941
Italy, 1933-1943
BOX 60 REEL 31 Jan. 1940-June 1941
July-Sept. 1941
Oct.-7 Dec. 1941
Latvia, 1937-1938
Liberia, 1944
Lithuania, 1935-1937
Luxembourg, 1940-1944
Mexico, 1933-1944
Netherlands, 1933-1944
New Zealand, 1941-1944
Nicaragua, 1933-1944
Norway, 1933-1944
Panama, 1933-1944
Paraguay, 1936-1944
Persia, 1933-1935
Peru, 1933-1944
BOX 61 REEL 31-32 Philippines, 1942
Poland, 1933-1944
Portugal, 1933-1944
Romania, 1933-1941
Russia, 1934-1944
Siam See same container, same reel, Thailand
Spain, 1933-1943
Sweden, 1933-1944
Switzerland, 1933-1944
Thailand, 1933-1941
Turkey, 1933-1944
Union of South Africa, 1933-1944
USSR See same container, same reel, Russia
Uruguay, 1933-1944
Venezuela, 1933-1944
Yugoslavia, 1933-1944
BOX 62-95 REEL 32-55 Subject File, 1916-1949
Memoranda, drafts of topical writings and notes, reports, desk diaries, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically. See the Index series, reels 110-118, for an alphabetical index of individual names.
BOX 62 REEL 32-33 Agricultural problems, 1924-1940
Argentina, 1932-1946
Atlantic Charter, 1941-1943
Austria, 1938-1942
Aviation, civil, 1943
Bipartisan foreign policy, 1943-1944
Bolivia, 1944
Brazil, 1942-1944
Bretton Woods Conference, Bretton Woods, N.H. See Container 75, Reel 42, International conferences, United States participation, 1935-1944
Buenos Aires Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1936
Delegates, committees and commissions
Press releases
BOX 63 REEL 33 Caribbean commission, 1944-1947
China, 1935-1949
Cotton, 1927-1940
Currency stabilization, 1935-1939
Czechoslovakia, 1939-1942
Debts, intergovernmental, 1933-1940 See also Container 95, Reel 55, War debts
Dumbarton Oaks Conference, Washington, D.C., 1944
Basic questions and comparisons
BOX 64 REEL 34 Minutes and documents
Minutes of United States group
Reports to the secretary of state
Official texts
BOX 65 REEL 35 Proposals for international organization
Economics, 1918-1944, undated
8th International Conference of American States See Container 79, Reel 45, Lima Conference, 1938
Foreign policy
General, 1934-1935 See also Container 85, Reels 48-49, Postwar planning, general, 1940-1946
Public opinion on, 1931-1943
Bipartisan See Container 62, Reels 32-33, Bipartisan foreign policy, 1943-1944
France, 1937-1944
Germany, 1934-1944
“Good Neighbor” policy, 1934-1942
BOX 66 REEL 35-36 Great Britain
General, 1933-1942
American aid to, 1940-1941 See also Container 79, Reel 45, Lend-Lease Bill, 1941
United States defense problem, 1943
Grew, Joseph, Ten Years in Japan, 1943
Havana Conference, Havana, Cuba, 1940
Hull, Cordell
Biographical material
1941-1945, undated
BOX 67 REEL 36-37 Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX 68 REEL 37-38 “Desk diary”
BOX 69 REEL 38-39 1938-1939
BOX 70 REEL 39-40 1943-1944
The Memoirs of Cordell Hull
Drafts and related material, 1946
BOX 71 REEL 40 Book 1
BOX 72 REEL 40-41 Book 2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
BOX 73 REEL 41 Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
BOX 74 REEL 41-42 “Sections of original”
BOX 75 REEL 42 India, 1942
Intergovernmental debts See Container 63, Reel 33, Debts, intergovernmental, 1933-1940
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