| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subject File, 1916-1949
(continued) |
United States defense problem, 1943
Grew, Joseph, Ten Years in Japan, 1943
Havana Conference, Havana, Cuba, 1940
Hull, Cordell |
Biographical material |
1941-1945, undated
BOX 67 REEL 36-37 |
Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX 68 REEL 37-38 |
“Desk diary” |
BOX 69 REEL 38-39 |
BOX 70 REEL 39-40 |
The Memoirs of Cordell Hull
Drafts and related material, 1946
BOX 71 REEL 40 |
Book 1 |
BOX 72 REEL 40-41 |
Book 2 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
BOX 73 REEL 41 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
BOX 74 REEL 41-42 |
“Sections of original” |
BOX 75 REEL 42 |
India, 1942
Intergovernmental debts
See Container 63, Reel 33, Debts,
intergovernmental, 1933-1940
International conferences, United
States participation, 1935-1944
Japan |
General |
1932, Jan. 7-1941, Oct. 31
1941, Nov. 1941-1945
1946, undated
BOX 76 REEL 43 |
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii |
General, 1943-1946, undated
Key documents, 1941
Report of President's Investigating
Committee, 1942, Jan. 23
Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board, 1944, Oct. 20
Navy Court of Inquiry, 1944
Joint Investigating Committee |
Index-Digest, Proceedings
Vol. 1, 1945, Nov. 29.-Dec. 31
Vol. 2, 1946, Jan. 4-22 |
BOX 77 REEL 43-44 |
Vol. 3, 1946, Jan. 23-May 23
Drafts of Hull's prepared statement
(2), 1945
BOX 78 REEL 44-45 |
Testimony |
Hull and Sumner Welles, 1945, Nov. 23
Stark, Harold R. |
Stimson, Henry L., Mar. 1946
State Department documents made public
(nos. 1-5) |
Excerpts from and comments on books and
articles |
BOX 79 REEL 45 |
Latin America |
General, 1933-1945
Totalitarian activities |
League of Nations, 1930-1938
Lend-Lease Bill, 1941
See also Container 66, Reels 35-36, Great
Britain, American aid, 1940-1941
Leticia controversy, 1934-1946
Lima Conference, Lima, Peru, 1938
Memoranda of conversations |
Delegations and minutes |
Drafts |
Press releases |
Miscellaneous |
London Economic Conference, London, England
See Container 80, Reels 45-46, Monetary and
Economic Conference
London Naval Conferences, London, England, 1930-1936
BOX 80 REEL 45-46 |
Mexico |
General, 1933-1941
Expropriation of American oil
properties, 1938-1941
Monetary and Economic Conference,
London, England, 1933
See also Container 87, Reel 50, Tariff
BOX 81 REEL 46 |
Information from State Department files,
press articles, and unpublished sources |
Memoranda of conversations |
Drafts |
Press releases |
Montevideo Conference, Montevideo,
Uruguay, 1933
General |
Hull's economic proposals |
BOX 82 REEL 47 |
Press summaries |
Moscow Conference, Moscow, Soviet Union, Oct. 1943
General |
Memoranda of conversations |
Minutes and memoranda of
conversations |
Documentation |
BOX 83 REEL 47 |
Perry, Dr. Matthew, report |
Drafts and agenda |
Neutrality |
BOX 84 REEL 48 |
1945, undated
BOX 85 REEL 48-49 |
Nobel Prize
See Container 66, Reel 36, Hull, Cordell,
Biographical material, 1941-1945, undated
Panama Conference of Foreign Ministers, 1939
Pearl Harbor
See Containers 77-78, Reels 43-45, Japan, Pearl
Petroleum, United States policy, 1939-1947
See Container 80, Reels 45-46, Mexico,
Expropriation of American oil properties, 1938-1941
Postwar planning, 1940-1946
Quebec Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 1943
Relief of starving peoples of Europe Refugees,
Rio de Janeiro Conference, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 1941-1942
Rubber program, 1942
Russia, 1936-1944, undated
BOX 86 REEL 49 |
San Francisco Conference, Can Francisco, Calif.
See Container 91, Reel 52, United Nations
Conference, San Francisco, 1945
Senate campaign, 1930
Seventh International Conference of American
States, 1933
See Container 81, Reel 46, Montevideo
Conference, 1933
Soviet Union
See Container 85, Reels 48-49, Russia, general,
1936-1944, undated
Spain, 1936-1945
Spain, Green report, 1936-1939, parts 1-2 |
State Department
See Containers 93-95, Reels 53-55, United
States Department of State
Stettinius, Edward R. |
Reports during Hull's absences, 7 Oct.-10 Nov. 1943
BOX 87 REEL 50 |
Discussions with the president and others,
12 Oct.-12 Nov. 1943
Mission to London, 1944
Sugar legislation, 1934-1939, undated
Supreme War Council, World Wars I and II, 1941-1942
Tariff |
See also Container 67, Reels 36-37, Hull,
Cordell, Miscellaneous notes
BOX 88 REEL 50-51 |
Taxation, 1916-1933, undated
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