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Carl Koller papers, 1866-1988

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Writings, 1878-1985 (continued)
BOX 3 "Shadow Test," 1893
BOX 3 "Remarks Accompanying the Demonstration of Corneal Nerves," undated
BOX 3 Report on the first use of cocaine as a local anesthetic, 1915
BOX 3 Report on two cases of epibular sarcoma, 1912
BOX 3 Speech in honor of Willem Einthoven, undated
BOX 3 "The Subconjunctive Application of Cocaine in Eye Operations," 1892
BOX 3 "Über die Bildung der Keimblätter im Hühnerei," 1880
BOX 3 "Ueber Cocain," undated
BOX 3 "Ueber die Verwendung des Cocaïn zur Anästhesirung am Auge," 1884
BOX 3 "Untersuchungen über die Blätterbildung im Hühnerkeim," 1881 See Oversize
BOX 3 "Vorläufige Mittheilung über locale Anästhesirung am Auge," 1884
BOX 3 Unidentified
BOX 3 Draft fragments, undated
BOX 3 Drafts, undated
BOX 4 By others
BOX 4 Altman, Adam J., et al., "Cocaine's Use in Ophthalmology: Our 100-Year Heritage," 1985
BOX 4 Anonymous, "Dr. Rudolph Matas: A Man of Remarkable Energy, Enthusiasm and Dedication," 1982
BOX 4 Armaignac, H., "Travaux originaux: De la cocaïne de son emploi en chirurgie oculaire pour produire l'anesthésie locale de la cornée et de la conjonctive," 1884
BOX 4 Babcock, James, "A Résumé of the Progress in Otolaryngology," 1951
BOX 4 Baldwin, Benjamin J., "Observations of Fifty Operations on the Eye under Kollerism," 1885
BOX 4 Balfour, F. M., and F. Deighton, "A Renewed Study of the Germinal Layers of the Chick," 1882
BOX 4 Becker, Hortense Koller, "Carl Koller and Cocaine," 1963
BOX 4 Benson, Arthur, observations on the action of hydrochlorate of cocaine on the eye, 1884
BOX 4 Böck, J., "Anästhesie und Narkose bei Augenoperationen," 1963
BOX 4 Bosworth, F. H., "An Additional Note on the Therapeutic Action of Cocaine," undated
BOX 4 Bradford, Henry W., "Rapid Cocainization," 1884
BOX 4 Cohn, Hermann, "Schmerzlose Augenoperationen: Ueber das Cocain in der Augenheilkunde," 1885
BOX 4 Darmstaedter, Ernst, "Begründung und Ausbau der Cocain-Lokalanästhesie," 1938
BOX 4 Euler, Ulf S. von, "Göran Liljestrand, 1886-1968," undated
BOX 4 Eversbusch, O., "Ueber die Anwendung und Wirkung des Cocainum muriaticum als locales Anaestheticum," 1885
BOX 4 Fabritius, August, "Die Einführung der Kokainanästhesie in der Ophthalmologie durch Dr. Carl Koller vor 50 Jahren," 1934
BOX 4 Freud, Sigmund
BOX 4 "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cocawirkung," 1885
BOX 4 "Über Coca," 1885
BOX 4 Gavarret, J., "Astigmatisme et ophthalmométrie," 1882
BOX 4 Gerlach, Leo
BOX 4 "Ueber die Anlage von Doppelbildungen beim Hühnchen," 1880
BOX 4 "Ueber die künstliche Erzeugung von Doppelbildungen beim Hühnchen," 1880
BOX 4 "Ueber ein neues Verfahren, kleinere anatomische Objecte zum Zwecke der Demonstration dauernd zu fixiren und ohne Anwendung von Alcohol zu conserviren," 1881
BOX 4 Glas, Emil, "How Medical Science Found a Way to Look into the Respiratory Tract," 1943
BOX 4 Goetsch, Emil, "The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met [William Stewart Halsted]," 1958
BOX 4 Grasselli, Giovanni, "La cocaina nella terapie oculare," 1884
BOX 4 Hillischer, H. Th., "Vorläufige Mittheilungen über die Anwendung des Cocains in der Zahnheilkunde," 1885
BOX 4 Hirsch, Caesar, "Fünfzig Jahre Lokal-Anästhesie," 1934
BOX 4 Holmstedt, Bo, and Arne Fredga, "Sundry Episodes in the History of Coca and Cocaine," 1981
BOX 4 Howe, Lucien, review of the sixteenth meeting of the German Ophthalmological Society, 1884
BOX 4 Javal, Emile
BOX 4 "Contribution à l'ophtalmométrie," 1882
BOX 4 "Quatriéme contribution à l'ophtalmométrie," 1883
BOX 4 "Un l'ophtalmomètre," 1880
BOX 4 Javal, Emile, and [?] Schiotz, "Un l'ophtalmomètre pratique," 1881
BOX 4 Keys, Thomas E., "The Development of Anesthesia," 1943
BOX 4 Knapp, H., "On Cocaine and Its Use in Ophthalmic and General Surgery," 1884
BOX 4 Kölliker, A.
BOX 4 "Der W. Krause'sche menschliche Embryo mit einer Allantois," 1882
BOX 4 "Die Entwicklung der Keimblätter des Kaninchens," 1882 See Oversize
BOX 4 "Histiologische und embryologische Mittheilungen," 1882
BOX 4 "Ueber die Chordahöhle und die Bildung der Chorda beim Kaninchen," 1882
BOX 4 Königstein, L., "Ueber die Anwendung des Cocain am Auge," 1885
BOX 4 Kupffer, C., and B. Benecke, "Die ersten Entwicklungsvorgänge am Ei der Reptilien," 1878
BOX 4 Landolt, Edmond, "La Cocaïne," 1884
BOX 4 Lebensohn, Zigmond M., "A Note on Wagner-Jauregg," 1958
BOX 4 Liljestrand, Göran
BOX 4 "Carl Koller and the Development of Local Anesthesia," 1967
BOX 4 "The Historical Development of Local Anesthesia," 1971
BOX 4 Liljestrand, Göran, editor, "Briefe Carl Kollers an Erik Nordenson," 1965
BOX 5 Meller, Josef, "Gedenkworte zum 50. Jahrestage des Vortrages von Dr. Karl Koller über das Kocain vor der Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wein," 1934
BOX 5 Moore, William Oliver, "The Physiological and Therapeutical Effects of the Coca-Leaf and Its Alkaloid," 1884
BOX 5 Motais, [?], "Instruction pour l'emploi de l'ophtalmomètre," 1890
BOX 5 Nordenson, Erik, "Recherches ophtalmométriques sur l'astigmatisme de la cornée chez des écoliers de 7 à 20 ans," 1883
BOX 5 Roosa, D. B. St. John, "The Human Eye as Affected by Civilization," 1892
BOX 5 Sulzer, [?], "Description de l'ophtalmomètre Javal et Schiotz," 1890
BOX 5 Vail, Derrick, "Lucien Howe: The Laboratory and Experimental Ophthalmology," 1962
BOX 5 Vogl, August, "Histologisch-pharmakognostische Notizen," undated
BOX 5 Wagenmann, A., "Bericht über die 50. Zusammenkunft der Deutsche Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft," 1934
BOX 5-6 Subject File, 1866-1984
Awards, biographical material, diaries, newspaper clippings, records concerning medical school, military service, and other professional activities, and material relating to the discovery of cocaine as a local anesthetic.
Arranged alphabetically by subject, type of material, or name of organization and therein chronologically.
BOX 5 Affidavit and invoices of medical instruments and implements for export from Austria to the United States, 1888
BOX 5 Allgemeines Krankenhaus records, 1882-1886
BOX 5 Awards and honors, 1885-1934
BOX 5 Biographical material, 1899-1944
BOX 5 Birth certificates, 1866, 1880, 1896
BOX 5 Cocaine as a local anesthetic, discovery of
BOX 5 Centennial anniversary, reprinted articles, 1984
BOX 5 Controversy over priority
BOX 5 Articles
BOX 5 Gärtner, G., 1919
BOX 5 Königstein, L., 1934
BOX 5 Correspondence
BOX 5 Freud, Sigmund, circa 1884-1886
BOX 5 Gärtner, G., 1919
BOX 5 Jones, Ernest, 1953-1954
BOX 5 Königstein, L., 1884-1885
BOX 5 Letters to the editor, 1904-1941
BOX 5 Laboratory notes, 1884
BOX 5 Letters of congratulation, 1884-1885, 1934
BOX 5 Miscellany, 1927
BOX 5 Newspaper clippings, 1884-1940 See also Oversize
BOX 5 Photograph of envelope containing cocaine used in first successful experiment, undated
BOX 6 Diaries of Carl and Laura Koller, 1894-1926
BOX 6 Duel, 1885 See also Oversize
BOX 6 Gymnasium certificate, 1875
BOX 6 Immigration and naturalization papers, 1888, 1902 See also Oversize
BOX 6 Marriage certificate, 1893 See Oversize
BOX 6 Medical school records
BOX 6 Curriculum
BOX 6 Course transcripts and official records, 1875-1882 See also Oversize
BOX 6 Lecture notes, 1876-1880
(3 folders)
BOX 6 Extracurriculum
BOX 6 Billroth, Theodor, commemoration by students, undated
BOX 6 Musical chorus performance programs, 1880-1883 See Oversize
BOX 6 Student health insurance organizations, 1878-1881
BOX 6 Military service records (medical commission), 1876-1882 See also Oversize
BOX 6 Miscellany, 1868-1923
BOX 6 Newspaper clippings, 1881-1895 See also Oversize
BOX 6 Ophthalmoscope, invention of illuminating system for electric, 1917-1919
BOX 6 Passport, 1888
BOX 6 Professional affiliations, 1889-1891 See Oversize
BOX OV 1 Oversize, 1875-1934
Offprints of articles, illustrations, newspaper clippings, certificates, official records, and programs.
Arranged and described according to the series and containers from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Writings
BOX OV 1 By Koller
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