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Carl Koller papers, 1866-1988

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BOX 2-5 Writings, 1878-1985
Drafts and offprints of articles, illustrations, reports, speeches, and discussions of papers by Koller and others.
Writings by Koller are arranged alphabetically by title or subject and writings by others alphabetically by author.
BOX 2 By Koller
BOX 2 "As to the History of My Connection with Local Anesthesia," 1927
BOX 2 "Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Hühnerkeims im Beginne der Bebrütung," 1879
BOX 2 "A Case of Military Tubercle of the Choroid," 1910
BOX 2 "Cocain als örtliches Anaestheticum," 1885
BOX 2 "De l'emploi de la cocaïne comme anesthésique en ophthalmologie," 1884 See Oversize
BOX 2 "The Discovery of the Anesthetic Properties of Cocaine," 1920
BOX 2 Discussions of papers by others
BOX 2 Harrower, Dr., "A Report on Several Cases of Chronic Simple Glaucoma Treated by Iriodotasis," undated
BOX 2 Knapp, Dr., "Salvarsan in Insterstitial Keratitis and in Other Nerve Lesions," undated
BOX 2 Roy, Dr., "Report on a Case of Nodular Scleritis," undated
BOX 2 Sattler, Dr.
BOX 2 "Review of the Glaucoma Question," undated
BOX 2 "Surgery of Glaucoma," undated
BOX 2 Thompson, Dr., "Outbreak of Glaucoma," undated
BOX 2 Tooke, Dr., "The Military Choroidal Tubercle as Associated with Tuberculous Cerebrospinal Meningitis," undated
BOX 2 "Erythrophlaeïn," 1888 See Oversize
BOX 3 "The Form of Retinal Images in the Astigmatic Eye," undated
BOX 3 "Historical Notes on the Beginning of Local Anesthesia," 1928
BOX 3 "Historische Notiz über die ersten Anfänge der Lokal-anästhesie," 1934
BOX 3 "Local Bloodletting in Ophthalmic Practice," 1938
BOX 3 "Miotics and Mydriatics in Relation to Ocular Hypertension," 1942
BOX 3 "Nachträgliche Bemerken über die ersten Anfänge der Local-Anästhesie," 1935
BOX 3 "Notes historiques sur les débuts de l'anesthésie locale," 1928
BOX 3 Notes on a case of bilateral rodent ulcer, undated
BOX 3 "Occasioned by the 50th anniversary of the introduction of cocaine as a local anesthetic...," 1934
BOX 3 "On the Beginnings of Local Anesthesia," 1940
BOX 3 "On the Determination of Astigmatism with the Ophthalmometer (Javal-Schiotz)," 1890
BOX 3 "On the Use of Cocaine for Producing Anaesthesia on the Eye," 1884
BOX 3 "Personal Account of the First Use of Cocaine as a Local Anesthetic," 1927
BOX 3 "Preliminary Report on Local Anesthesia of the Eye," 1934
BOX 3 "Reading Difficulties," undated
BOX 3 "Reading Difficulties," undated
BOX 3 Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences
BOX 3 "Cocaine," 1893
BOX 3 "Ophthalmometer," 1893
BOX 3 "Shadow Test," 1893
BOX 3 "Remarks Accompanying the Demonstration of Corneal Nerves," undated
BOX 3 Report on the first use of cocaine as a local anesthetic, 1915
BOX 3 Report on two cases of epibular sarcoma, 1912
BOX 3 Speech in honor of Willem Einthoven, undated
BOX 3 "The Subconjunctive Application of Cocaine in Eye Operations," 1892
BOX 3 "Über die Bildung der Keimblätter im Hühnerei," 1880
BOX 3 "Ueber Cocain," undated
BOX 3 "Ueber die Verwendung des Cocaïn zur Anästhesirung am Auge," 1884
BOX 3 "Untersuchungen über die Blätterbildung im Hühnerkeim," 1881 See Oversize
BOX 3 "Vorläufige Mittheilung über locale Anästhesirung am Auge," 1884
BOX 3 Unidentified
BOX 3 Draft fragments, undated
BOX 3 Drafts, undated
BOX 4 By others
BOX 4 Altman, Adam J., et al., "Cocaine's Use in Ophthalmology: Our 100-Year Heritage," 1985
BOX 4 Anonymous, "Dr. Rudolph Matas: A Man of Remarkable Energy, Enthusiasm and Dedication," 1982
BOX 4 Armaignac, H., "Travaux originaux: De la cocaïne de son emploi en chirurgie oculaire pour produire l'anesthésie locale de la cornée et de la conjonctive," 1884
BOX 4 Babcock, James, "A Résumé of the Progress in Otolaryngology," 1951
BOX 4 Baldwin, Benjamin J., "Observations of Fifty Operations on the Eye under Kollerism," 1885
BOX 4 Balfour, F. M., and F. Deighton, "A Renewed Study of the Germinal Layers of the Chick," 1882
BOX 4 Becker, Hortense Koller, "Carl Koller and Cocaine," 1963
BOX 4 Benson, Arthur, observations on the action of hydrochlorate of cocaine on the eye, 1884
BOX 4 Böck, J., "Anästhesie und Narkose bei Augenoperationen," 1963
BOX 4 Bosworth, F. H., "An Additional Note on the Therapeutic Action of Cocaine," undated
BOX 4 Bradford, Henry W., "Rapid Cocainization," 1884
BOX 4 Cohn, Hermann, "Schmerzlose Augenoperationen: Ueber das Cocain in der Augenheilkunde," 1885
BOX 4 Darmstaedter, Ernst, "Begründung und Ausbau der Cocain-Lokalanästhesie," 1938
BOX 4 Euler, Ulf S. von, "Göran Liljestrand, 1886-1968," undated
BOX 4 Eversbusch, O., "Ueber die Anwendung und Wirkung des Cocainum muriaticum als locales Anaestheticum," 1885
BOX 4 Fabritius, August, "Die Einführung der Kokainanästhesie in der Ophthalmologie durch Dr. Carl Koller vor 50 Jahren," 1934
BOX 4 Freud, Sigmund
BOX 4 "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cocawirkung," 1885
BOX 4 "Über Coca," 1885
BOX 4 Gavarret, J., "Astigmatisme et ophthalmométrie," 1882
BOX 4 Gerlach, Leo
BOX 4 "Ueber die Anlage von Doppelbildungen beim Hühnchen," 1880
BOX 4 "Ueber die künstliche Erzeugung von Doppelbildungen beim Hühnchen," 1880
BOX 4 "Ueber ein neues Verfahren, kleinere anatomische Objecte zum Zwecke der Demonstration dauernd zu fixiren und ohne Anwendung von Alcohol zu conserviren," 1881
BOX 4 Glas, Emil, "How Medical Science Found a Way to Look into the Respiratory Tract," 1943
BOX 4 Goetsch, Emil, "The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met [William Stewart Halsted]," 1958
BOX 4 Grasselli, Giovanni, "La cocaina nella terapie oculare," 1884
BOX 4 Hillischer, H. Th., "Vorläufige Mittheilungen über die Anwendung des Cocains in der Zahnheilkunde," 1885
BOX 4 Hirsch, Caesar, "Fünfzig Jahre Lokal-Anästhesie," 1934
BOX 4 Holmstedt, Bo, and Arne Fredga, "Sundry Episodes in the History of Coca and Cocaine," 1981
BOX 4 Howe, Lucien, review of the sixteenth meeting of the German Ophthalmological Society, 1884
BOX 4 Javal, Emile
BOX 4 "Contribution à l'ophtalmométrie," 1882
BOX 4 "Quatriéme contribution à l'ophtalmométrie," 1883
BOX 4 "Un l'ophtalmomètre," 1880
BOX 4 Javal, Emile, and [?] Schiotz, "Un l'ophtalmomètre pratique," 1881
BOX 4 Keys, Thomas E., "The Development of Anesthesia," 1943
BOX 4 Knapp, H., "On Cocaine and Its Use in Ophthalmic and General Surgery," 1884
BOX 4 Kölliker, A.
BOX 4 "Der W. Krause'sche menschliche Embryo mit einer Allantois," 1882
BOX 4 "Die Entwicklung der Keimblätter des Kaninchens," 1882 See Oversize
BOX 4 "Histiologische und embryologische Mittheilungen," 1882
BOX 4 "Ueber die Chordahöhle und die Bildung der Chorda beim Kaninchen," 1882
BOX 4 Königstein, L., "Ueber die Anwendung des Cocain am Auge," 1885
BOX 4 Kupffer, C., and B. Benecke, "Die ersten Entwicklungsvorgänge am Ei der Reptilien," 1878
BOX 4 Landolt, Edmond, "La Cocaïne," 1884
BOX 4 Lebensohn, Zigmond M., "A Note on Wagner-Jauregg," 1958
BOX 4 Liljestrand, Göran
BOX 4 "Carl Koller and the Development of Local Anesthesia," 1967
BOX 4 "The Historical Development of Local Anesthesia," 1971
BOX 4 Liljestrand, Göran, editor, "Briefe Carl Kollers an Erik Nordenson," 1965
BOX 5 Meller, Josef, "Gedenkworte zum 50. Jahrestage des Vortrages von Dr. Karl Koller über das Kocain vor der Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wein," 1934
BOX 5 Moore, William Oliver, "The Physiological and Therapeutical Effects of the Coca-Leaf and Its Alkaloid," 1884
BOX 5 Motais, [?], "Instruction pour l'emploi de l'ophtalmomètre," 1890
BOX 5 Nordenson, Erik, "Recherches ophtalmométriques sur l'astigmatisme de la cornée chez des écoliers de 7 à 20 ans," 1883
BOX 5 Roosa, D. B. St. John, "The Human Eye as Affected by Civilization," 1892
BOX 5 Sulzer, [?], "Description de l'ophtalmomètre Javal et Schiotz," 1890
BOX 5 Vail, Derrick, "Lucien Howe: The Laboratory and Experimental Ophthalmology," 1962
BOX 5 Vogl, August, "Histologisch-pharmakognostische Notizen," undated
BOX 5 Wagenmann, A., "Bericht über die 50. Zusammenkunft der Deutsche Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft," 1934
BOX 5-6 Subject File, 1866-1984
Awards, biographical material, diaries, newspaper clippings, records concerning medical school, military service, and other professional activities, and material relating to the discovery of cocaine as a local anesthetic.
Arranged alphabetically by subject, type of material, or name of organization and therein chronologically.
BOX 5 Affidavit and invoices of medical instruments and implements for export from Austria to the United States, 1888
BOX 5 Allgemeines Krankenhaus records, 1882-1886
BOX 5 Awards and honors, 1885-1934
BOX 5 Biographical material, 1899-1944
BOX 5 Birth certificates, 1866, 1880, 1896
BOX 5 Cocaine as a local anesthetic, discovery of
BOX 5 Centennial anniversary, reprinted articles, 1984
BOX 5 Controversy over priority
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