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Titus Coan family papers, 1818-1923

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Miscellany, 1832-1957 (continued)
Notes concerning correspondence
Notes on last illness of Titus Coan
Pamphlets written by Titus Coan, 1846-1862
BOX 18 Pamphlets containing references to Titus Coan, 1818-1957
Speeches not by Titus Coan
Titus Coan memorial
Titus Coan; A Memorial by Lydia (Bingham Coan)
Waters, Sarah Coan, will and estate, 1916
Writings of Titus Coan
Life in Hawaii
Adventures in Patagonia
BOX 19-31 Printed Matter, 1806-1923
BOX 19-26 Serial Publications, 1822-1923
Journals, magazines, and serials publications containing writings of Titus Coan or references to him.
Arranged by title and therein chronologically.
BOX 19 American Journal of Science and Arts
1879, Mar.-1858, Jan.
BOX 20 1858, Nov.-1870, Mar.
BOX 21 1870, May-1880, July
Maile Quarterly, 1865, Sept.-1866, Oct.
BOX 22 Missionary Herald
1822-1839, Jan.
BOX 23 1840, July-1859, Sept.
BOX 24 1860, May-1885, Feb.
BOX 25 Hawaiian Mission Children's Society
Annual Reports
BOX 26 1904-1911
The Friend, 1852-1855, 1923
Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1905
BOX 27-31 Books, 1806-1911
Books relating to missionary work Hawaii and Polynesia, and containing references to Titus Coan and his work in Hawaii.
BOX 27 Brigham, William T., The Volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaii (Honolulu, Bishop Museum Press, 1909. 222 pp.)
Pickering, William H., Lunar and Hawaiian Physical Features Compared (1906. 179 pp.)
Brigham, William T., Notes on the Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands (Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1868)
Griffin, A. P. C., List of Books Relating to Hawaii (Washington, Govt. Print Off., 1898. 26 pp.)
U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor, The International Metric System of Weights and Measures (Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1906. 15 pp.)
A Geography of the Hawaiian Islands (New York, A.S. Barnes, 1889. 26 pp.)
The New England Medical Gazette (v.8, no. 2, Feb. 1873)
Churchill, William, Beach-La-Mar (Washington, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1911. 54 pp)
Hitchcock, Charles H., Hawaii and Its Volcanoes (Honolulu, Hawaiian Gazette, 1909. 314 pp.)
BOX 28 Anderson, Rufus, Foreign Missions (New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1869. 373 pp.)
Wise, Lt., Los Gringos (New York, Baker and Scribner, 1849. 453 pp.)
Featherman, A., Social History of the Races of Mankind: Oceano-Melanesians (London, Triibner, 1888. 420 pp.)
Cumming, C. F. Gordon, Fire Fountains (London, W. Blackwood, 1883. 2 v.)
Bishop, Isabella Bird, Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands (New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1894)
BOX 29 Melville, Herman, Omoo (New York, United States Book, 1892. 365 pp.)
Bliss, William R., Paradise in the Pacific (New York, Sheldon, 1873. 207 pp.)
Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, Jubilee Celebration of the Arrival of the Missionary Reinforcement of 1837 (Honolulu, Daily Bulletin Steam Print, 1887. 204 pp.)
Mariner, William, An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean (Edinburgh, Constable, 1827. 2 v.)
Life in Feejee, or Five Years Among the Cannibals, by a lady (Boston, W. Heath, 1851. 423 pp.)
Kotzebue, Otto von, A New Voyage Round the World (London, H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830. 2 v.)
Grant, M. Forsyth, Scenes in Hawaii, or Life in the Sandwich Islands (Toronto, Hart, 1888. 203 pp.)
Stevenson, Robert Louis, In the South Seas (New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1908. 370 pp.)
BOX 30 A Memoir of Daniel Wheeler (Philadelphia, Book Association of Friends, 1885. 250 pp.)
Tyerman, Daniel, a George Bennet, Journal of Voyages and Travels, compiled by James Montgomery (New York, J. Leavitt, 1832. 3 v.)
Anderson, Rufus, History of the Sandwich Islands Mission (Boston, Congregational Pub. Society, 1870. 408 pp.)
Anderson, Rufus, The Hawaiian Islands: Their Progress and Condition Under Missionary Labors (Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 1865. 450 pp.)
Ellis, William, Narrative of a Tour Through Hawaii (London, H. Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson, 1826. 442 pp.)
BOX 31 Memoirs of Marmontel (London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806. 4 v.)
The Sugar Producing Capacity of the Hawaiian Islands (Judd and Detweiler, Printers, 14 pp.)
Ellis, William, Polynesian Researches (Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson, 1831. 4 v.)

Contents List