| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(continued) |
Notes concerning
correspondence |
Notes on last illness of Titus
Coan |
Pamphlets written by Titus Coan,
1846-1862 |
BOX 18 |
Pamphlets containing references
to Titus Coan, 1818-1957 |
Speeches not by Titus
Coan |
Titus Coan memorial |
Titus Coan; A Memorial by Lydia (Bingham Coan) |
Waters, Sarah Coan, will and
estate, 1916 |
Writings of Titus
Coan |
Life in Hawaii
Adventures in Patagonia
BOX 19-31 |
Printed Matter,
BOX 19-26 |
Serial Publications,
Journals, magazines, and serials publications containing
writings of Titus Coan or references to him. |
Arranged by title and therein chronologically. |
BOX 19 |
American Journal of Science and Arts
1879, Mar.-1858,
Jan. |
BOX 20 |
1858, Nov.-1870,
Mar. |
BOX 21 |
1870, May-1880,
July |
Maile Quarterly, 1865, Sept.-1866, Oct. |
BOX 22 |
Missionary Herald
1822-1839, Jan. |
BOX 23 |
1840, July-1859,
Sept. |
BOX 24 |
1860, May-1885,
Feb. |
BOX 25 |
Hawaiian Mission Children's
Society |
Annual Reports
1853-1903 |
BOX 26 |
1904-1911 |
The Friend, 1852-1855, 1923 |
Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1905 |
BOX 27-31 |
Books relating to missionary work Hawaii and Polynesia, and
containing references to Titus Coan and his work in Hawaii. |
Unarranged. |
BOX 27 |
Brigham, William T., The Volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaii (Honolulu, Bishop Museum Press, 1909. 222 pp.) |
Pickering, William H., Lunar and Hawaiian Physical Features Compared (1906. 179 pp.) |
Brigham, William T., Notes on the Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands (Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1868) |
Griffin, A. P. C., List of Books Relating to Hawaii (Washington, Govt. Print Off., 1898. 26 pp.) |
U.S. Department of Commerce and
Labor, The International Metric System of Weights and Measures (Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1906. 15 pp.) |
A Geography of the Hawaiian Islands (New York, A.S. Barnes, 1889. 26 pp.) |
The New England Medical Gazette (v.8, no. 2, Feb. 1873) |
Churchill, William, Beach-La-Mar (Washington, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1911. 54
pp) |
Hitchcock, Charles H., Hawaii and Its Volcanoes (Honolulu, Hawaiian Gazette, 1909. 314 pp.) |
BOX 28 |
Anderson, Rufus, Foreign Missions (New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1869. 373 pp.) |
Wise, Lt., Los Gringos (New York, Baker and Scribner, 1849. 453 pp.) |
Featherman, A., Social History of the Races of Mankind: Oceano-Melanesians (London, Triibner, 1888. 420 pp.) |
Cumming, C. F. Gordon, Fire Fountains (London, W. Blackwood, 1883. 2 v.) |
Bishop, Isabella Bird, Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands (New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1894) |
BOX 29 |
Melville, Herman, Omoo (New York, United States Book, 1892. 365 pp.) |
Bliss, William R., Paradise in the Pacific (New York, Sheldon, 1873. 207 pp.) |
Hawaiian Mission Children's
Society, Jubilee Celebration of the Arrival of the Missionary Reinforcement of 1837 (Honolulu, Daily Bulletin Steam Print, 1887. 204 pp.) |
Mariner, William, An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands in the
South Pacific Ocean (Edinburgh, Constable, 1827. 2 v.) |
Life in Feejee, or Five Years Among the Cannibals, by a lady (Boston, W. Heath, 1851. 423 pp.) |
Kotzebue, Otto von, A New
Voyage Round the World (London, H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830. 2
v.) |
Grant, M. Forsyth, Scenes in Hawaii, or Life in the Sandwich Islands (Toronto, Hart, 1888. 203 pp.) |
Stevenson, Robert Louis, In the South Seas (New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1908. 370 pp.) |
BOX 30 |
A Memoir of Daniel Wheeler (Philadelphia, Book Association of Friends, 1885. 250 pp.) |
Tyerman, Daniel, a George
Bennet, Journal of Voyages and Travels, compiled by James Montgomery (New York, J. Leavitt, 1832. 3
v.) |
Anderson, Rufus, History of the Sandwich Islands Mission (Boston, Congregational Pub. Society, 1870. 408 pp.) |
Anderson, Rufus, The Hawaiian Islands: Their Progress and Condition Under Missionary Labors (Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 1865. 450 pp.) |
Ellis, William, Narrative of a Tour Through Hawaii (London, H. Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson, 1826. 442 pp.) |
BOX 31 |
Memoirs of Marmontel (London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806. 4 v.) |
The Sugar Producing Capacity of the Hawaiian Islands (Judd and Detweiler, Printers, 14 pp.) |
Ellis, William, Polynesian Researches (Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson, 1831. 4 v.) |