The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Justin S. Morrill papers, 1825-1923
General Correspondence and Related Papers, 1825-1923 (continued)
BOX 51-65 REEL 28-41 Alphabetical File
Mostly letters received with attached and related matter.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 51 REEL 28 “Ab-Be” miscellaneous
Barrett, James
Benedict, G. G.
BOX 52 REEL 29 “Bi-By” miscellaneous
Blaine, James Gillespie.
Bowen, Henry C.
Brewer, Gardner
Buckham, M. H.
Bullard, G. B.
BOX 53 REEL 30 “Ca-Co” miscellaneous
Casey, Henry B.
Chapman, C. H.
Chase, Salmon P.
Chittenden, L. E.
Clark, Albert
BOX 54 REEL 31 “Co-Do” miscellaneous
Colfax, Schuyler
Colton, E. P.
Corcoran, W. W.
Dana, Charles
Dana, Edward
Denison, D. C.
Dewey, Charles
BOX 55 REEL 32 “Dr-Fi” miscellaneous
Dudley, Daniel B.
Enright, J.
Fairbanks, Erastus
Fairbanks, Horace
Farnham, Roswell
Field, Rodney B.
Fish, Hamilton (1808-1893)
BOX 56 REEL 33 “Fi-Gr” miscellaneous
Foot, Solomon
Gibbs, M.
BOX 57 REEL 34 “Gr-He” miscellaneous
Greeley, Horace
Greene, Luther O.
Grout, William W.
Hayes, John L.
Hebard, William
Henry, Hugh
BOX 58 REEL 35 “Hi-Ke” miscellaneous
Houlbrook, Frederick
Houghton, H. O.
Hunton, A. P.
Hutchinson, James
BOX 59 REEL 36 “Ki-Me” miscellaneous
Kimball, John
King, Horatio
Lillie, Justin P.
Marsh, Charles
McLain, R. F.
BOX 60 REEL 37 “Mi-Pa” miscellaneous
Miller, Crosby
Morrill, J. N.
Morrill, Justin S.
Nichols, George
Page, Carroll S.
Parish, J. K.
BOX 61 REEL 38 “Pe-Ra” miscellaneous
Poland, L. P.
Powers, Preston
Proctor, Redfield
Randall, Henry S.
BOX 62 REEL 39 “Re-Sh” miscellaneous
Redington, E. C.
Sheldon, Charles
BOX 63 REEL 39 "Si-Te" miscellaneous
Smith, J. Gregory
Steele, Jason
Swain, A. N.
Swank, James M.
BOX 64 REEL 40 “Te-Wa” miscellaneous
Tenny, B. F.
Thomas, Stephen
Tracy, A.
Underwood, Adin B.
Veasie, J. A.
BOX 65 REEL 41 “Wa-Yu” miscellaneous
Walton, E. P.
Wharton, Joseph
White, Andrew D.
Willard, C. W.
BOX 65 REEL 41 Special File
Letters received from Jedediah H. Harris.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 65 REEL 41 Letters to Jedediah H. Harris, 1825-1847
BOX 66-68 REEL 42-44 Speeches and Writings, 1856-1898
Handwritten and printed speeches, writings, and related material.
Arranged by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 66 REEL 42 Speeches
BOX 67 REEL 43 1894-1898, undated
Remarks, 1879-1898
1830-1896, undated (including incomplete diary, Apr.-June 1930)
BOX 68 REEL 44 Undated
BOX 69-77 REEL 45-52 Miscellany, 1848-1917
Biographical material, invitations, financial records, photographs, printed matter, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and record books containing demographic and other data relating to Vermont.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 69 REEL 45 Biographical material
BOX 70 REEL 46 General
Financial papers
Photographs, 1861, undated
Printed matter
BOX 71 REEL 47 1867-1917, undated
BOX 72-74 REEL 48-50 Newspaper clippings
BOX 75 REEL 51 Scrapbooks
BOX 76-77 REEL 51-52 Scrapbooks
Vermont record books, by county, including individual occupational data, political affiliation, and other demographic data

Contents List