| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings, 1866-1953
(continued) |
1947, June
24 , Address of Welcome to the 38th Annual Conference of the
NAACP (continued) |
Digital content available
[ 1947 , The History and Duty
of the National Association of Colored Women] |
Digital content available
[ 1947 , 1952 , 1953 and undated, Scripts
of Radio Broadcasts] |
Digital content available
1948, Mar.
10 , [Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee on the Equal
Rights Amendment] |
Digital content available
1948, Aug.
19 , Remarks at Highland Beach |
Digital content available
1948, Oct.
10 , Remarks Made at the Unveiling of Mary McLeod Bethune's
Portrait |
Digital content available
1948, Oct.
15 , Remarks at Julia West Hamilton Banquet |
Digital content available
1948, Dec.
5 , Remarks at Founders' Day Celebration of the National Council of
Negro Women |
Digital content available
1948, Dec.
29 , Remarks Made at the College Alumnae Luncheon |
Digital content available
[ 1948 ], "Something About
Our Name" |
Digital content available
1949, Feb. 11-12 , Remarks Made at the Elks, Civil Rights
Meeting |
Digital content available
[ 1949, Mar. 1 , Acceptance
of Chairmanship of the Committee to Free Rosa Ingram] |
Digital content available
1949, June
22 , Address to the National Committee to Free the Ingram
Family |
Digital content available
1949, Aug.
29 , Remarks at First Meeting of the New Washington Branch of the
Digital content available
1949, Sept.
19 , Presentation of Ingram's Brief |
Digital content available
1949, Oct.
17 , Remarks at Dinner Given by the National Association of Colored
Women in Honor of Mary Church Terrell |
Digital content available
[ circa 1949 , Petition to
the U.N. Protesting Discrimination in the U.S. and the Rosa Ingram
Case] |
Digital content available
[ circa 1949 ], "Senator
Benton's Appeal to the Senate to Pass the F.E.P.C. Bill" |
Digital content available
1950, May
17 , [Welcome to the 10th Session of the Annual Conference of the
Methodist Church] |
Digital content available
1950, June
8 , [Remarks at] First Annual Dinner, the Central Alumni Association
of Howard University |
Digital content available
[circa 1950, June ], "Concerning
the Supreme Court's Decision Opening Southern Institutions to Colored
Students" |
Digital content available
1950, Sept.
24 , Remarks Made at Celebration of 104th Birthday of Adelaide
Johnson |
Digital content available
1950, Oct.
6 , Address for the Maryland Committee for Peace |
Digital content available
1950, Nov.
20 , Remarks Made at the Dedication of the Kelly Miller Junior High
School |
Digital content available
[ circa 1950 ], "What is the
Missing or Lost Law?" |
Digital content available
[ 1950 ], Phyllis Wheatley
Broadcast |
Digital content available
[ 1950 ], "Dr. Sara W.
Brown" |
Digital content available
1951, Mar.
18 , Broadcast over Station WOOK [Concerning the Fight Against Jim
Crow] |
Digital content available
1951, Apr.
29 , Woman's Day Talk |
Digital content available
1951, May
19 , Mother-Daughter Luncheon |
Digital content available
BOX 32 REEL 23 |
1951, June
15 , Mass Meeting [Celebrating "Lost Law" Decision] |
Digital content available
1951, Sept.
23 , Broadcasting Celebrating [Terrell's] 88th Birthday Over
Digital content available
Spring, "About People Who Won't Sit Down to Eat" |
Digital content available
1951, Dec.
7 , Remarks at Victory After Vision Dinner Given by the Tuesday
Evening Club of Social Workers |
Digital content available
1951, Dec.
10 , Tribute to Miss Valerie Chase--Principal of Terrell Junior High
School |
Digital content available
1952, Jan.
13 , Testimonial to Margaret Key Kelson |
Digital content available
1952, Apr.
7 , Remarks on ... Birthday Party [of] Janet McKelvey
Swift |
Digital content available
1952, Sept.
8 , "The American Psychological Association and
Washington" |
Digital content available
[ 1952 , Vote for Harriman
and Home Rule] |
Digital content available
[ 1952 , Endorsement of Adlai
Stevenson for President] |
Digital content available
1953, Mar.
8 , Remarks Made at Farewell Reception to Annie Stein |
Digital content available
1953, June
20 , Remarks at the Luncheon in Chicago to Honor Irene McCoy
Gaines |
Digital content available
Undated |
[Address to Raise Funds for a Home for
Delinquent Girls] |
Digital content available
Address to the Graduates of Mrs. Smallwood's
Sewing School |
Digital content available
"Another Side of Washington's Race
Question" |
Digital content available
"The Apostasy of Aunt Ann" |
Digital content available
[An Appeal for a National Monument to the
Colored Soldier] |
Digital content available
"The Attitude of Northern Academies Towards
Colored Girls" |
Digital content available
"The Attitude of the General Federation
Towards the Admission of Colored Women's Clubs" |
Digital content available
"Aunt Dinah and Dilsey Discuss a Prize
Fight" |
Digital content available
"Aunt Dinah and Dilsey on Civilizing White
Folks" |
Digital content available
"Being a Colored Woman in the United
States" |
Digital content available
"Betsy's Borrowed Baby" |
Digital content available
"The Bright Side" |
Digital content available
"The Bright Side of a Dark
Subject" |
Digital content available
"By the Boulder" |
Digital content available
"Carrying On" |
Digital content available
"Charles Houston for
Commissioner" |
Digital content available
"The Colored Orphan Asylum in New
York" |
Digital content available
"The Colored People of
Washington" |
Digital content available
"Colored Women in Literature, Music and
Art" |
Digital content available
"Concerning Mr. Page's Article on the Race
Problem in McClure's Magazine" |
Digital content available
"Congressman George H. White" |
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