| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings, 1866-1953
(continued) |
[circa 1924, Nov. ], "Some Facts
for Colored Women to Think About" |
Digital content available
Oct. , Talk Made during the Coolidge-Dawes Campaign |
Digital content available
1925, Jan.
28 , "The Right Road" |
Digital content available
BOX 30 REEL 21 |
1925 ,
1928 ,
and undated, "Moral Courage" |
Digital content available
1927 ,
1928 ,
"Shall We Think?" |
Digital content available
[ 1927 , Report on Purity
Conference] |
Digital content available
[ 1926 ], "What the Colored
Woman can and Should Do at the Polls" |
Digital content available
1928, Feb.
24 , "Personal Recollections of Paul Laurence Dunbar" |
Digital content available
1928, July
29 , Remarks Made at the 32nd Anniversary of the National Association
of Colored Women |
Digital content available
1928, July
31 , "The 32nd Anniversary of the National Association of Colored
Women" |
Digital content available
[ 1928-1929 ], "Phyllis
Wheatley, the African Poetess" |
Digital content available
BOX 30 REEL 22 |
1928-1929 , "Up to Date" |
Digital content available
1929, Jan.
26 , Talk for Community Chest over Radio in Washington,
D.C. |
Digital content available
1929, Mar.
6 , John R. Hawkins Banquet |
Digital content available
1929, Mar.
31 , "Dr. George Washington Carver of Tuskegee" |
Digital content available
1925, Mar.
20 , Talk to Young Men of Howard University (Academic
Department) |
Digital content available
[ 1925 , Anticipating the
14th Biennial of the National Association of Colored Women] |
Digital content available
[ 1925 ], "Colored College
Women in Politics" |
Digital content available
[circa 1929, Oct. ], "Charles S.
Deneen's Senate Record" |
Digital content available
[ 1929 ], "The Question
Mark" |
Digital content available
[ 1929 ], "Ernest Everest
Just" |
Digital content available
[ 1929 ], "The [16th]
Biennial of the National Association of Colored Women" |
Digital content available
[ 1929 ], "Dr. George W.
Carver, the Man Who can make 200 Products from the Peanut" |
Digital content available
[ circa 1929 ], "Charles S.
Deneen as a State's Attorney" |
Digital content available
[ 1929-1930 , Campaign
Speeches for Ruth Hanna McCormick for Senator] |
Digital content available
1930, Mar.
3 , "Crispus Attucks" and "What Countries Have Done for Emancipated
Slaves" |
Digital content available
[ 1930 , Taft Befriended
Disgraced Troops] |
Digital content available
1931, Mar.
10 and undated, [The Lincoln Memorial Congregational
Church] |
Digital content available
1931 ,
"The Recent Celebration of Tuskegee's Fiftieth Anniversary" |
Digital content available
[ 1932, Oct. , Speech to the
Women of the Eastern Division of the Republican Party] |
Digital content available
[ 1932 , Why Colored People
Should Vote Republican] |
Digital content available
[ 1932 ], "Some Facts for
Colored People to Think About" |
Digital content available
[ 1932 ], "Something for
Colored People to Think About" |
Digital content available
"Clarence Cameron White, a Colored Musician,
Wins the David Bispham Medal ... for the Best Opera Written by an American in
1932" |
Digital content available
[ 1932 ], "George
Washington's Colored Soldiers" |
Digital content available
[ 1932 , In Defense of the
Republican Ticket] |
Digital content available
[ 1932 ], "Colored People and
World Peace, or Colored Women and World Peace" |
Digital content available
1933, Aug.
30 , "Solving the Colored Woman's Problem" |
Digital content available
1933, Dec.
3 , "Address ... at the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary
of the Opening of Classes at Oberlin College" |
Digital content available
1934, May
25 , Address at the Commencement of the Nurses ... at the Providence
Hospital of Baltimore |
Digital content available
1934, June
23 , Remarks Made at the Testimonial to Leroy Halbert at the John
Marshall Church |
Digital content available
[ 1934-1954 and undated,
Reminiscences of Frederick Douglass] |
Digital content available
[ 1935, Mar. ], "What the
Julius Rosenwald Fund is Doing" |
Digital content available
1935, Oct.
11 , Remarks Made ... at the Dedication of the Robert H. Terrell Law
School |
Digital content available
Oct. , "The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal Church" |
Digital content available
[ 1935 ], "The Composer of
the First Negro Symphony Ever Written" |
Digital content available
1936, May
3 , "The Story of a Church Which has Arranged for an Attendance of
10000 People at its Conference in New York City" |
Digital content available
1936, Oct.
2 , "Don't Mind Your Own Business" |
Digital content available
1936, Dec.
15 , Remarks Made ... at the Unveiling of Portraits of Recorders of
Deeds |
Digital content available
[ 1936 ], "Some Facts to
Think About" |
Digital content available
[ 1936 ], "Howard
University's New Chemistry Building and its Growth" |
Digital content available
[ 1936 , The New
Deal] |
Digital content available
BOX 31 REEL 22 |
[ circa 1936 ], "The
Scottsboro Case" |
Digital content available
1937, Oct.
8 , Talk at Celebration of Coeducation of Women by Oberlin
Alumni |
Digital content available
1937, Oct.
20 , "Coeducation" |
Digital content available
[ 1937 , On the Trip to
Europe] |
Digital content available
[ circa 1937 ], "The Sale of
the Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments" |
Digital content available
[ circa 1937 ], "How the
Public Schools for Colored Children Were Started" |
Digital content available
[ 1938, May 1 , Address to
the National Council of Negro Women] |
Digital content available
1939, Jan.
22 , Talk to Crandall Hall Girls |
Digital content available
1939, Mar.
2 , Talk Made at Unveiling of Anthony Bowen's Picture at Anthony
Bowen School |
Digital content available
1940 ,
"The History of the Club Movement" |
Digital content available
[ 1940 ], "The History of
Colored Women's Clubs" |
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