Some or all content stored offsite.
Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
V: Business Papers, 1816-1963 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX V:26 REEL 296 | 1879-1885 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:27 REEL 296 | 1885-1891 | ||||||||||||
Executive committee minutes, 1895, Nov. 12 | |||||||||||||
Board of directors minutes, extracts, 1838-1863 | |||||||||||||
Bylaws of the board of managers adopted, 1827, Jan. 25 | |||||||||||||
Board of directors and executive committee miscellany | |||||||||||||
BOX V:28 REEL 297 | African Repositorysubscription book | ||||||||||||
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, 1846-1858 | |||||||||||||
BOX V:29 REEL 297 | Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, 1845-1857 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:30 REEL 297 | Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, and foreign, 1845-1856 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:31 REEL 297 | Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, 1845-1856 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:32 REEL 297 | Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, 1845-1855 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:33 REEL 297 | 1845-1856, bills sent, 1869 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:34 REEL 297 | Accounts, 1840-1848 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:35 REEL 297 | Subscription book | ||||||||||||
Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan | |||||||||||||
BOX V:36 REEL 297 | North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama | ||||||||||||
BOX V:37 REEL 297 | Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California | ||||||||||||
BOX V:38 REEL 297 | Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont | ||||||||||||
BOX V:39 REEL 298 | New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania | ||||||||||||
BOX V:40 REEL 298 | African Repositorysubscription lists | ||||||||||||
BOX V:41 REEL 298 | Newspaper subscription list | ||||||||||||
BOX V:42 REEL 298 | New England subscribers, 1845-1876 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:43 REEL 298 | Subscription book, 1846-1854, A-M | ||||||||||||
BOX V:44 REEL 298 | List of subscribers | ||||||||||||
BOX V:45 REEL 298 | List of subscribers | ||||||||||||
BOX V:46 REEL 298 | Subscription book, 1846-1855 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:47 REEL 298 | List of subscribers | ||||||||||||
BOX V:48 REEL 298 | List of subscribers, 1854-1858 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:49 REEL 298 | List of subscribers | ||||||||||||
BOX V:50 REEL 299 | List of subscribers | ||||||||||||
1849-1875 | |||||||||||||
BOX V:51 REEL 299 | 1846-1856 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:52 REEL 299 | 1846-1855 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:53 REEL 299 | African Repository, vol. 13, index | ||||||||||||
BOX V:54 REEL 299 | Subscription lists | ||||||||||||
BOX V:55 REEL 299 | Membership list, circa 1881-1891 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:56 REEL 299 | Original subscription list, 1817 | ||||||||||||
BOX V:57 REEL 299 | List of life members | ||||||||||||
BOX VI: 1-23 REEL 300-315 | VI: Subject File, 1792-1964 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, manuscripts, reports, legal papers, and other material. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by subject. | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:1 REEL 300 | Acquisition of land in Africa, 1821 | ||||||||||||
Acquisition of St. Paul's territory, journal, treaty, accounts, and miscellany, 1825-1826 (printed copies and an 1831 draft) | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:1 REEL 302* | Advisory committee on education in Liberia and Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Kakata, Liberia | ||||||||||||
*Advisory committee file was filmed out of order | |||||||||||||
1929-1934 | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:2 REEL 301 | 1935-1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX VI:3 REEL 302 | 1940 | ||||||||||||
African Repositorymiscellany | |||||||||||||
Agents of the society | |||||||||||||
Agreements concerning recaptured Africans | |||||||||||||
Agreements regarding U.S. Government stores in Liberia, 1844 | |||||||||||||
American Colonization Society v. Kelly, 1931-1932 | |||||||||||||
Analostan Island and Georgetown property, Washington, D.C., 1901-1936 | |||||||||||||
Auxiliary societies | |||||||||||||
Bacon, Samuel, extracts from journal | |||||||||||||
Benjamin Coates Primary School, 1892-1893 | |||||||||||||
Benjamin Coates fund | |||||||||||||
Bills of lading, 1845-1865 | |||||||||||||
Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Kakata, Liberia | |||||||||||||
1928-1933 | |||||||||||||
1933-1940, minutes of trustee meetings | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:4 REEL 303 | 1939-1952 | ||||||||||||
Port de Bordeaux, commerce avec le Sénégal, 1892 | |||||||||||||
Right Reverend Robert E. Campbell, 1926-1933 | |||||||||||||
Charter parties, 1843-1865 | |||||||||||||
Colonization building, 450 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C., 1911-1930, May | |||||||||||||
Congressional bills regarding trade and commerce, 1890-1894 | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:5 REEL 304 | Constitution of the American Colonization Society, draft | ||||||||||||
Contracts with U.S. government | |||||||||||||
Crozer, Samuel A., biographical material | |||||||||||||
Currency | |||||||||||||
Dailey v. American Colonization Society | |||||||||||||
Deeds | |||||||||||||
Charles Irving to John Coles, 1792 | |||||||||||||
Lands in Africa, 1822-1834 | |||||||||||||
Purchase agreements, 1840-1845 | |||||||||||||
1846-1848 | |||||||||||||
1859-1872 | |||||||||||||
Documents regarding dispute between Governor Thomas Buchanan and Methodist missionaries, 1840-1841 | |||||||||||||
Donovan, Caroline | |||||||||||||
Trust fund | |||||||||||||
1910-1919 | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:6 REEL 305 | 1920-1924 | ||||||||||||
Court papers | |||||||||||||
Education in Liberia and Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Kakata, Liberia | |||||||||||||
1942-1945 | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:7 REEL 306 | 1950 | ||||||||||||
Emigration | |||||||||||||
List of applicants for passage to Liberia, 1850-1893 | |||||||||||||
1912-1921, undated | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:8 REEL 307 | 1914-1934 | ||||||||||||
Gibson, Nugent H., former agent in Liberia, 1910-1928 | |||||||||||||
Golconda (ship) | |||||||||||||
General | |||||||||||||
Partial loss, 1868-1871 | |||||||||||||
Graham trust fund, 1910-1925 | |||||||||||||
Graham School No. 1, reports, 1896-1911 | |||||||||||||
Graham School No. 2, reports, 1897-1904 | |||||||||||||
Graham School No. 3, reports, 1898-1911 | |||||||||||||
Graham School No. 4, reports, 1899-1900 | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:9 REEL 308 | Hall School, 1891-1909 | ||||||||||||
History | |||||||||||||
Hurd, Samuel, estate, 1843-1872 | |||||||||||||
Indentures | |||||||||||||
Industrial Home School, report, 1902 | |||||||||||||
Inventory of office furnishings, circa 1910 | |||||||||||||
Johnson, Henry L. E., 1912-1915 | |||||||||||||
Johnson, William G., 1919-1929 | |||||||||||||
Jones, James David, biographical material | |||||||||||||
BOX VI:10 REEL 309 | “The Junk Establishment” | ||||||||||||
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, wills and estate, 1798-1827 | |||||||||||||
Land holdings in Liberia, 1915 | |||||||||||||
Lane Seminary Trustees v. American Colonization Society, 1929-1932 | |||||||||||||
League of Nations, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Legal papers, miscellaneous | |||||||||||||
Liberia College, Monrovia, Liberia, 1918-1936 | |||||||||||||
Liberia | |||||||||||||
Government of | |||||||||||||
Agreement between Republic of Liberia and American Colonization Society, 1848 | |||||||||||||
“Sketch of the History of Liberia” | |||||||||||||
Neutrality of Liberia, 1914 | |||||||||||||
Resolutions for closer relations with England | |||||||||||||
Treaty with native kings, 1840, Apr. 6 | |||||||||||||
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