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American Colonization Society records, 1792-1964

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V: Business Papers, 1816-1963 (continued)
BOX V:26 REEL 296 1879-1885
BOX V:27 REEL 296 1885-1891
Executive committee minutes, 1895, Nov. 12
Board of directors minutes, extracts, 1838-1863
Bylaws of the board of managers adopted, 1827, Jan. 25
Board of directors and executive committee miscellany
BOX V:28 REEL 297 African Repositorysubscription book
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, 1846-1858
BOX V:29 REEL 297 Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, 1845-1857
BOX V:30 REEL 297 Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, and foreign, 1845-1856
BOX V:31 REEL 297 Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, 1845-1856
BOX V:32 REEL 297 Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, 1845-1855
BOX V:33 REEL 297 1845-1856, bills sent, 1869
BOX V:34 REEL 297 Accounts, 1840-1848
BOX V:35 REEL 297 Subscription book
Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan
BOX V:36 REEL 297 North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama
BOX V:37 REEL 297 Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California
BOX V:38 REEL 297 Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont
BOX V:39 REEL 298 New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
BOX V:40 REEL 298 African Repositorysubscription lists
BOX V:41 REEL 298 Newspaper subscription list
BOX V:42 REEL 298 New England subscribers, 1845-1876
BOX V:43 REEL 298 Subscription book, 1846-1854, A-M
BOX V:44 REEL 298 List of subscribers
BOX V:45 REEL 298 List of subscribers
BOX V:46 REEL 298 Subscription book, 1846-1855
BOX V:47 REEL 298 List of subscribers
BOX V:48 REEL 298 List of subscribers, 1854-1858
BOX V:49 REEL 298 List of subscribers
BOX V:50 REEL 299 List of subscribers
BOX V:51 REEL 299 1846-1856
BOX V:52 REEL 299 1846-1855
BOX V:53 REEL 299 African Repository, vol. 13, index
BOX V:54 REEL 299 Subscription lists
BOX V:55 REEL 299 Membership list, circa 1881-1891
BOX V:56 REEL 299 Original subscription list, 1817
BOX V:57 REEL 299 List of life members
BOX VI: 1-23 REEL 300-315 VI: Subject File, 1792-1964
Correspondence, manuscripts, reports, legal papers, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX VI:1 REEL 300 Acquisition of land in Africa, 1821
Acquisition of St. Paul's territory, journal, treaty, accounts, and miscellany, 1825-1826 (printed copies and an 1831 draft)
BOX VI:1 REEL 302* Advisory committee on education in Liberia and Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Kakata, Liberia
*Advisory committee file was filmed out of order
BOX VI:2 REEL 301 1935-1939
BOX VI:3 REEL 302 1940
African Repositorymiscellany
Agents of the society
Agreements concerning recaptured Africans
Agreements regarding U.S. Government stores in Liberia, 1844
American Colonization Society v. Kelly, 1931-1932
Analostan Island and Georgetown property, Washington, D.C., 1901-1936
Auxiliary societies
Bacon, Samuel, extracts from journal
Benjamin Coates Primary School, 1892-1893
Benjamin Coates fund
Bills of lading, 1845-1865
Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Kakata, Liberia
1933-1940, minutes of trustee meetings
BOX VI:4 REEL 303 1939-1952
Port de Bordeaux, commerce avec le Sénégal, 1892
Right Reverend Robert E. Campbell, 1926-1933
Charter parties, 1843-1865
Colonization building, 450 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C., 1911-1930, May
Congressional bills regarding trade and commerce, 1890-1894
BOX VI:5 REEL 304 Constitution of the American Colonization Society, draft
Contracts with U.S. government
Crozer, Samuel A., biographical material
Dailey v. American Colonization Society
Charles Irving to John Coles, 1792
Lands in Africa, 1822-1834
Purchase agreements, 1840-1845
Documents regarding dispute between Governor Thomas Buchanan and Methodist missionaries, 1840-1841
Donovan, Caroline
Trust fund
BOX VI:6 REEL 305 1920-1924
Court papers
Education in Liberia and Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Kakata, Liberia
BOX VI:7 REEL 306 1950
List of applicants for passage to Liberia, 1850-1893
1912-1921, undated
BOX VI:8 REEL 307 1914-1934
Gibson, Nugent H., former agent in Liberia, 1910-1928
Golconda (ship)
Partial loss, 1868-1871
Graham trust fund, 1910-1925
Graham School No. 1, reports, 1896-1911
Graham School No. 2, reports, 1897-1904
Graham School No. 3, reports, 1898-1911
Graham School No. 4, reports, 1899-1900
BOX VI:9 REEL 308 Hall School, 1891-1909
Hurd, Samuel, estate, 1843-1872
Industrial Home School, report, 1902
Inventory of office furnishings, circa 1910
Johnson, Henry L. E., 1912-1915
Johnson, William G., 1919-1929
Jones, James David, biographical material
BOX VI:10 REEL 309 “The Junk Establishment”
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, wills and estate, 1798-1827
Land holdings in Liberia, 1915
Lane Seminary Trustees v. American Colonization Society, 1929-1932
League of Nations, 1933
Legal papers, miscellaneous
Liberia College, Monrovia, Liberia, 1918-1936
Government of
Agreement between Republic of Liberia and American Colonization Society, 1848
“Sketch of the History of Liberia”
Neutrality of Liberia, 1914
Resolutions for closer relations with England
Treaty with native kings, 1840, Apr. 6
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