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Patsy T. Mink papers, 1883-2005

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Oversize, 1943-2003 (continued)
Mink testimony and photograph, 1970 (Container 389)
BOX OV 3 Vietnam
Hawaii, 1966 (Container 500)
Mink statements, speeches, newsletters, and press releases, 1970, undated (Containers 508-509)
News clippings, 1972 (Container 509)
Topical file
Johnson, Lyndon B., Hawaii summits, 1966 (Container 516)
White House
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1965-1967 (Container 543)
Women's issues
Women in politics and government
Women in Congress, photographs and autographed clipping, 1973, undated (Container 565)
BOX OV 4 Legislative Reference File
Bills sponsored and cosponsored by Mink
92nd Congress, 1971-1972 (Container 575)
Hawaii File
Subject file
Land use, 1972-1974 (Container 656)
Personal File
Awards and honors
General, 1965-1975 (Container 687)
Scheduling file
1972, Illinois State University, Normal, Ill., Feb. 21 (Container 710)
Public Relations
Magazines and organizational newsletters
General, 1965-1967 (Container 753)
Life, 1965 (Container 753)
Parade, 1965-1967 (Container 753)
Roto Magazine, 1965 (Container 754)
BOX OV 5 Campaign File
1968, U.S. House of Representatives
Positions and issues
Flag desecration case (Container 780)
U.S. House of Representatives
News clippings
Mink and her opponents (Container 791)
U.S. president
Oregon primary
Bumper sticker, poster, letterhead, envelope, and buttons (Container 792)
1974, U.S. House of Representatives
Event planning and schedules
Dinner (Feb. 15) (Container 800)
1976, U.S. Senate
Brochure, bumper sticker, poster, and postcard (Container 810)
Mixed years and undated
Advertising and campaign ephemera, undated (Container 818)
Certificates of election, 1964-1974 (Container 826)
BOX OV 6 Inter-Congressional File
Campaign file
1982, Honolulu City Council
Certificate of election, 1982 (Container 859)
1986, governor of Hawaii
"Patsy Mink: A Personal Chronicle," 1948-1986, undated (Container 863)
Poster (Container 863)
1988, mayor of Honolulu
Brochures, flyers, stickers, and mock-up of poster (Container 863)
Honolulu City Council
Subject file
Land use and zoning
Waiola Estate housing project [?], political cartoon showing Frank Fasi and Mink, undated (Container 887)
National Japanese American Historical Society, San Francisco, Calif., circa 1990 (Container 896)
Personal file
Miscellany, 1977, undated (Container 907)
Speaking engagements
1984, Apr. 13, speech to the Asian Pacific American Women, Pullman, Wash., 1984 (Container 912)
Subject File
Asian-Pacific Americans
Japanese Americans, 1985 (Container 930)
Women's issues
Women's History Month posters featuring Mink, 1986-1989 (Container 945)
BOX OV 7 Congressional File II
Legislative Central File
101st-102nd Congresses (1990-1993)
Kennedy, John F., assassination, undated (Container 1070)
106th Congress (1999-2001)
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
World War II veterans medal of honor, 2000 (Container 1619)
107th Congress (2001-2003)
National parks
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Hawaii island, Mink bill
General file, undated (Container 1731)
Hawaii File
Government file
103rd Congress (1993-1995)
Maui County
Lanai, 1994 (Container 1846)
Personal File
Office file
Legislative file
White House
Clinton, Bill
Letters from, 1995 (Container 2106)
Hawaii file
Hurricane Iniki
News clippings, 1992 (Container 2122)
Maui News, 2000 (Container 2125)
Awards, 1992-1997 (Container 2149)
BOX OV 8 Campaign File
1990, U.S. House of Representatives
Advertising, brochure, poster, and bumper sticker, 1990 (Container 2291)
BOX OV 9 1992, U.S. House of Representatives
Event planning and schedules, 1991 (Container 2296)
2000, U.S. House of Representatives
Certificate of election, 2000 (Container 2310)
Mixed years and undated
Photographs, 1990, undated (Container 2313)
BOX OV 10 Family Papers
Mink, Patsy T.
Get well letters and cards, 2002
Congressional (Container 2607)
Hawaii (Container 2607)
Posthumous material
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