| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1-4 REEL 1-6 |
Diaries, 1871-1940
Diaries kept by Morgenthau, including mostly originals and some transcripts. |
Arranged chronologically within the two categories. As noted in the container
list, two volumes in this series include notes and cash account records unrelated
to the diary entries and for years different from that treated by the specific
diary. There are also instances in which Morgenthau kept daily records of varying
length and breadth in two or three volumes for the same year covering the same
day. |
BOX 1 REEL 1-2 |
Originals |
(2 vols.) (vol. 1 also contains chemistry notes,
1871, and cash account records, 1871-1884) |
1872 (3 vols. and loose sheet)
(vol. 2 also contains school notes and study exercises) |
1873 (2 vols. and loose
sheet) |
(3 vols.) |
1880, 1882-1883, 1886
(4 vols.) |
BOX 2 REEL 2-3 |
(2 vols.) |
(2 vols.) |
(2 vols.) |
(2 vols.) |
(3 vols.) |
BOX 3 REEL 4-5 |
(4 vols.) |
(3 vols.) |
(2 vols.) |
(2 vols.) |
(4 vols.) |
BOX 4 REEL 5-6 |
(2 vols.) |
Undated [1870s?] |
Transcripts, 1913-1919
(6 folders) |
BOX 4-6 REEL 5-7 |
Family Papers, 1832-1939
Correspondence to and from Morgenthau and various family members, manuscripts or
transcripts of autobiographical essays by Morgenthau and his father, and
miscellaneous biographical and genealogical matter. |
Arranged alphabetically according to type or subject of material. |
BOX 4 REEL 5-6 |
Correspondence |
Morgenthau, Josephine,
Other |
BOX 5 REEL 6 |
Writings |
Autobiographies |
Morgenthau, Henry,
Morgenthau., Lazarus (transcript),
Other |
Biographical data, 1874-1932,
Business cards, labels, and related
paraphernalia |
Congratulatory letters and memorabilia
regarding appointment of Henry Morgenthau (1891-1967) as secretary of the
treasury, 1933
(2 folders) |
Genealogical and early documents,
1832-1966, undated
Memorandum of agreement with Julius
Morgenthau, 1874
Self-evaluation chart,
BOX 6 REEL 6-7 |
Skits and plays, 1908-1926,
Wedding announcements,
Miscellaneous, 1862-1924,
BOX 6-11 REEL 6-11 |
General Correspondence, 1879-1940
Letters to and from Morgenthau, with appended matter such as clippings and printed
material. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 6 REEL 6-7 |
1879-1883, 1902-1913
1914, Jan.-Oct.
(4 folders) |
BOX 7 REEL 7-8 |
1914, Nov.-1916, Mar.
(9 folders) |
BOX 8 REEL 8 |
1916, Apr.-1918, Dec.
(9 folders) |
BOX 9 REEL 8-9 |
1919, Jan.-1921, Oct.
(9 folders) |
BOX 10 REEL 9-l0 |
1921, Nov.-1929, Aug.
(10 folders) |
BOX 11 REEL 10-11 |
1929, Sept.-1940
(9 folders) |
Undated and fragments |
BOX 12-14 REEL 11-12 |
Letterbooks, 1922-1940
Bound tablets of carbons of handwritten letters by Morgenthau to family members
and others. |
Arranged in chronologically by tablet or volume. |
BOX 12 REEL 11-12 |
11-12 July 1922-Aug. 1927
(8 folders) |
BOX 13 REEL 12 |
12 Feb. 1929-June 1937
(8 folders) |
BOX 14 REEL 12 |
12-13 June 1935-Aug. 1940
(7 folders) |
BOX 14-15 REEL 13-14 |
Special Correspondence, 1909-1932
Letters to and from Stephen S. Wise. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 14 REEL 13 |
Wise, Stephen S. |
(3 folders) |
BOX 15 REEL 13-14 |
1915-1932, undated
(3 folders) |
BOX 15-26 REEL 13-22 |
Speeches and Writings, 1876-1941
Speeches, articles, and book manuscripts, in various drafts and stages of
publication, including handwritten, typewritten, and printed, with notes,
annotations, and background material. |
The book file is arranged alphabetically by title. Speeches and articles are
arranged chronologically. |
BOX 15 REEL 13-14 |
Book file |
All in a Lifetime
Drafts |
Set A |
Indexes |
Chapters 1-6 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 16 REEL 14-15 |
Chapters 7-13 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 16 REEL 14-15 |
Chapters 7-13 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 17 REEL 15-16 |
Chapters 14-18 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 18 REEL 16 |
Chapter 19 |
Miscellaneous |
Jews |
Mexico |
Other |
(2 folders) |
Set B |
(2 folders) |
Set C |
(2 folders) |
BOX 19 REEL 17 |
Set D |
BOX 20 REEL 17 |
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story, drafts |
(7 folders) |
I Was Sent to Athens
Contractual and public relations
matter |
Next Page » |