The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Kermit Roosevelt and Belle Roosevelt papers, 1725-1975
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Belle Roosevelt Papers: General Correspondence, circa 1922-circa 1964 (continued)
Thayer, Walter M.
Timpson, Lawrence
Tomlinson, Henry M.
Tong, Hollington K.
Tornquist, Carlos A.
Towne, Charles Hanson
Townshend, Charles V. F.
Train, Arthur
Troyanovsky, Alexander A.
Trudeau, Arthur G.
Tully, Grace
Twining, Nathan F.
"T-U" miscellaneous
Valencia, Condesa de
Valentine, Lewis J.
"V" miscellaneous
Walker, Frank C.
Wallace, DeWitt
Wallace, Florence
Warburg, Eric M.
Ward, Beatrice
Ward, Dudley
Ward, Jean For additional material see Container 166, Young America Wants To Help
Watson, Edwin M.
Watson, Thomas J.
Wedemeyer, Albert C.
Welles, Sumner
West, Christine
West, Michael
Wharton, Edith
White, William Allen
Whitney, Betsy R.
Whitney, John Hay
Willkie, Philip H.
Willkie, Wendell L.
Wills, Helen
Wilson, Charles E.
Wilson, Hugh R.
Winant, Constance
Winant, John Gilbert
1941-1947, undated
BOX 160 Undated
Wood, Robert E.
"W" miscellaneous
Yeats, William Butler
Young, Owen D.
"Y" miscellaneous
Zacharias, Ellis M.
Zeckendorf, William
"Z" miscellaneous
BOX 161-166 Belle Roosevelt Papers: Subject File, circa 1920-circa 1964
Correspondence and related papers.
Arranged alphabetically by topic.
BOX 161 Air Raid Protection Service
American Association for the United Nations
American Youth Hostels
Americans for Democratic Action
Boy Scouts of America
Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y.
English-Speaking Union
Freedom House
BOX 162 Hayden Foundation
Health resorts
Herbert, Aubrey
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, N.Y.
House furnishings
International Rescue Committee
(1 folder)
BOX 163 (1 folder)
BOX 164 Order of the British Empire Award, 1947
King George VI
Lord Inverchapel
Francis Evans
Dirck Roosevelt Memorial Fellowship
Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation
Kermit Roosevelt Memorial Fund
Kermit Roosevelt (ship)
BOX 165 Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Association
Sagamore Hill, N.Y., memorial
Stevenson for President
United Nations
United Seamen's Service
Winant, John Gilbert
(1 folder)
BOX 166 (1 folder)
Young America Wants To Help
BOX 167-171 Belle Roosevelt Papers: Business Records, 1918-1963
Correspondence and related records.
Arranged alphabetically by name of company, topic, or type of material.
BOX 167 Automobiles, 1940-1944
Bank records, 1921-1943
Bills and receipts, 1918-1963
(3 folders)
Budget book, 1934-1940
Financial statements, 1922-1955
(1 folder)
BOX 168 (1 folder)
Freeborn & Co., 1940-1943
Insurance, 1935-1944
29 E. 69th St., New York, N.Y., 1927-1942
(2 folders)
9 Sutton Place, New York, N.Y., 1920-1960
(2 folders)
Mohannes, Oyster Bay, N.Y.
(2 folders)
BOX 169 1936-1955
(2 folders)
Tip Top Tailors, New York, N.Y., 1939
(6 folders)
BOX 170 1945-1957
(12 folders)
Your Secretary, Inc., 1939-1949
(2 folders)
BOX 171 Miscellany, 1919-1957
(3 folders)
BOX 172-176 Belle Roosevelt Papers: Miscellany, 1887-1965
Biographical material, writings, speeches, notes on social entertaining, photographs, scrapbooks, passports, notes for a will, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type of material.
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