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American Colony in Jerusalem collection, circa 1786-2007

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Part II: Oversize, 1866-1938 (continued)
Diary (Container II:16)
BOX II:OV 5 1937 (Container II:17)
BOX II:OV 6 1938 (Container II:17)
BOX II:OV 7 Business and Legal Files
Spafford family
Miscellany, 1866-1870 (Container II:40)
BOX II:OV 8 Miscellany
Hymns, poems, and other writings by Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888)
Hymns and poems, undated (Container II:45)
BOX III:1-III:9 Part III: Bertha Spafford Vester Files, 1861-1991
Correspondence, writings, photographs, passes, permits, financial papers, scrapbooks, and other papers.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material, name or topic, and therein chronologically.
BOX III:1 Correspondence
American Colony members
Adams, Mary Louise (Sister Miriam), 1930-1934
Aitkins, Annie, 1892-1895
Anderson, Ellen
1909, circa 1919-1922
“A” miscellaneous, 1895-1898, 1930
Baldwin, Edward and Ella, 1890, 1920, 1991
Baldwin, Grace, 1931-1935
Baldwin, Norman and Christina, 1923-1932, 1946
Cuff, Samuel H., 1923-1931
“D-H” miscellaneous, 1909, 1920, 1927-1931, 1938, 1944
Goldenthal, Maurice and Ruth, 1926-1937
Larsson, Edith and Lewis, 1926-1932
Larsson, Katrina, 1929-1933, 1942-1943
Levy, Nils, 1929-1931
Lind, Anna Grace, 1946
Lind, Effie and Lars, 1926-1927, 1934
Lind, Olof and Astrid, 1922-1928, 1935, 1941
“L” miscellaneous, 1920-1934, undated
Matson, Edith Yantiss, 1930-1934
Matson, Eva, 1930-1934
Matson, G. Eric, 1948
Matson, Olof and Rachel, 1929-1945
Meyers, Charlie and Carrie, and family
BOX III:2 “M” miscellaneous, 1890, 1909, 1921, 1928-1931, 1942
Naseef, Fareed and Flora, 1896, 1922-1928, 1935
Piazza family, 1909, 1918, 1931
Shelburg, Bessie, 1920, 1928
Shelburg, G. E. (Enor), includes letters from Anna Spafford, 1922-1926, 1933-1934
Strand, Alvilde, 1925-1930
Vester, Horatio, 1947
Whiting, Spafford, 1928, 1930
Yantiss, Anita and Jesse, 1926, 1932-1935
Condolence letters
A-D, 1942
E-J, 1942-1943
K-M, 1942-1943
N-S, 1942
T-Z, 1942-1943
1928, Mar.-Apr.
1928, May-Dec.
1929, Jan.-May
1929, Sept.-Dec.
BOX III:3 1930-1931
Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, Viscount, and Mabel, 1918-1931, 1940
Astor, Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor, Viscountess, 1929-1931, 1937
“A” miscellaneous, 1924, 1933
“B” miscellaneous, 1920-1935, 1946
Catt, Carrie Chapman, undated
“C-E” miscellaneous, 1922-1928, 1951
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, Dame, 1925-1927
“F” miscellaneous, 1927, 1947
Griffiths, G., 1946
“G” miscellaneous, 1925, 1939, 1946
“H-K” miscellaneous, 1926-1928, 1935, 1944-1947
Lagerlöff, Selma, 1925-1937
Linson, Corwin K., 1949
Money, Arthur and Euphemia, 1919-1931
“M” miscellaneous, 1921-1946
“N-Q” miscellaneous, 1918, 1926, 1935-1940, 1946
“R” miscellaneous, 1924-1931, 1944-1946
Samuel, Herbert Louis Samuel, Viscount, and Beatrice, 1920-1931
Shea, John, Sir, 1920-1946
Stebbins, George C., 1922-1927
Storrs, Ronald, Sir, 1923-1926, 1933-1935
“S” miscellaneous, 1923-1927
Thomas, Lowell, circa 1926, 1931, 1937-1940, 1947
“T” miscellaneous, 1937, 1944
Ustinov, Magdalena von, 1922
Wauchope, Arthur, 1933-1938
“W” miscellaneous, 1923-1925, 1935
Unidentified, 1927
“Peculiar letters worth keeping,” 1919-1923
Regarding book of wild flower paintings, 1922-1934
Regarding Naseef v. Vester, 1931
BOX III:4 Birthday book, undated
Digital content available
Items to accompany 1934 diary, 1934
Membership cards and receipts
1955-1967, undated
Mementos from death of Frederick Vester, 1942
Naturalization file
1931, 1940, 1947, undated
BOX III:5 Miscellany
1925-1931, undated
Passes and permits, 1946-1965
Lind, Anna Grace, 1955
Vester, Bertha Spafford, 1931-1935, 1959-1965
American Cemetery, Mount Zion, 1905
Digital content available
Chicago, Ill., scenes, circa 1870s
Digital content available
Dedication of wing in memory of Jacob Spafford, Anna Spafford Baby Home and Mothercraft Training Centre, 1937
Digital content available
Hornby, Jack, undated
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