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Nelson W. Aldrich papers, 1777-1930

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General Correspondence, 1777-1915 (continued)
BOX 24 REEL 18 1886, July-Dec. and 1886, no day or month
BOX 25 REEL 18-19 1886, July-Dec. and 1886, no day or month
BOX 26 REEL 19 1889, Jan.-Apr.
BOX 27 REEL 19-20 1889, May-Sept.
BOX 28 REEL 20 1889, Oct. -1890, Dec. and 1890, no day or month
BOX 29 REEL 21 1891, Jan. -1892, July
BOX 30 REEL 21 1892, Aug. -1897, June
BOX 31 REEL 22 1897, July -1899, May
BOX 32 REEL 22 1899, June -1900, Sept.
BOX 33 REEL 23 1900, Oct. -1902, Apr.
BOX 34 REEL 23 1902, May -1903, June
BOX 35 REEL 24 1903, July -1905, Sept.
BOX 36 REEL 24 1905, Oct. -1906, Dec. and 1906, no day or month
BOX 37 REEL 25 1907, Jan. -1908, Jan.
BOX 38 REEL 26 1908, Feb.-Apr.
BOX 39 REEL 27 1908, May-Aug.
BOX 40 REEL 28 1908, Sept.-Dec. and 1908, no day or month
BOX 41 REEL 29 1909, Jan. 1- Feb. 8
BOX 42 REEL 30 1909, Feb. 9- Mar. 13
BOX 43 REEL 30 1909, Mar. 14-31
BOX 44 REEL 31 1909, Apr. 1-19
BOX 45 REEL 32 1909, Apr. 20- May 12
BOX 46 REEL 33 1909, May 13- June 11
BOX 47 REEL 34 1909, May 13- June 11
BOX 48 REEL 35 1909, July 11- Aug. 8
BOX 49 REEL 36 1909, Aug. 9-Sept. 22
BOX 50 REEL 37 1909, Sept. 23- Nov. 15
BOX 51 REEL 38 1909, Nov. 16- Dec. 23
BOX 52 REEL 39 1909, Dec. 24-1910, Jan. 31
BOX 53 REEL 40 1910, Feb. 1- Mar. 17
BOX 54 REEL 41 1910, Mar. 18- Apr. 30
BOX 55 REEL 42 1910, May-June
BOX 56 REEL 42 1910, July-Sept.
BOX 57 REEL 43 1910, Oct. 1- Dec.15
BOX 58 REEL 44 1910, Dec. 16 -1911, Feb. 24
BOX 59 REEL 45 1911, Feb. 25-May 31
BOX 60 REEL 45 1911, June-Sept.
BOX 61 REEL 46 1911, Oct.1- Dec. 13
BOX 62 REEL 47 1911, Dec. 14-1912, Apr. 30
BOX 63 REEL 47 1912, May -1914, Feb.
BOX 64 REEL 48 1914, Mar.-Dec. and 1914, no day or month
BOX 65 REEL 48 1915, Jan.-June, undated
BOX 66-74 REEL 49-54 Tariffs, circa 1880-circa 1915
Bills, amendments, schedules, petitions, resolutions, reports, statements, and miscellaneous items relating to tariff rates and tariff legislation.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 66-70 REEL 49-52 Bills, amendments, and schedules
BOX 71-74 REEL 53-54 Miscellaneous schedules, petitions, statements, statistics, reports, memoranda, resolutions, and fragments relating to the tariff
BOX 75-84 REEL 55-58 National Monetary Commission, 1908-1912
Publications, miscellaneous draft reports, proceedings, statements, statistics, and papers relating to the National Monetary Commission.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 75-78 REEL 55 Publications Only title pages are available on microfilm edition
Digital content available
BOX 79 REEL 55 Miscellany, circa 1911
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts with handwritten notes. Includes: The New Aldrich Currency System; Suggested Plan for Monetary Legislation, revised edition, October 1911.
Miscellany, 1911-1912
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts with handwritten notes. Includes: a confidential 1912 report of the National Monetary Commission to Congress on the banking and currency conditions of the U.S. and other countries; a speech given by Aldrich at the Western Economic Society in Chicago, Nov. 1911.
Miscellany, circa 1911
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts of "A Bill to Incorporate the National Reserve Association of the U.S." with handwritten notes.
Miscellany, circa 1911
Digital content available
Several hand edited drafts of "A Bill to incorporate the National Reserve Association of the U.S." One draft edited by Arthur B. Shelton, and one possibly by Mr. Murray.
Miscellany, circa 1909
Digital content available
Hand edited draft of "A Bill to incorporate the National Reserve Association of the U.S." and part of a speech or statement.
Miscellany, circa 1908
Digital content available
Various documents, including lists of questions for and reports on other central Banks.
Miscellany, 1911
Digital content available
Lists of names and addresses of staff at foreign central banks; questions about Senate Bill No. 3023 (Aldrich Bill); speech by Aldrich; Savings Departments of National Banks and Real Estate Loans: Summary of Replies from Bank Officers Relating Thereto.
Miscellany, circa 1911
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts with handwritten notes. Includes: Banks of Issue; Savings Departments of National Banks and Real Estate Loans: Summary of Replies from Bank Officers Relating Thereto; The French and American Financial System Compared.
Miscellany, 1909
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts with handwritten notes.
Miscellany, circa 1911
Digital content available
The Banking System of Japan by Marquis Katsura, Premier and Finance Minister of Japan; Baron Sakatani Ex-Minister of Finance on the Banking System of Japan; The History and the Proposed Retirement of the United States Notes.
BOX 80 REEL 55 Miscellany, circa 1913
Digital content available
Various handwritten and hand edited documents concerning "A Bill to Incorporate the National Reserve Association of the U.S."
Miscellany, circa 1912
Digital content available
Various handwritten and hand edited documents concerning the Powers of the Federal Reserve Board.
Miscellany, circa 1907
Digital content available
Various handwritten and hand edited documents. Includes: tables of English, Scotch and Irish banks and authorized issues; drafts of testimony to Congress, and of the Bill.
BOX 80 REEL 56 Miscellany, circa 1908
Digital content available
Handwritten notes and hand edited versions of the Act; excerpts from various publications.
Miscellany, 1911, Jan.-1913, Oct.
Digital content available
Various documents and handwritten notes and edited versions of the Act; the National Monetary Commission seal; A New National Banking and Currency System for the United States, by M.G.H. Park, Waco TX; draft report of the national Monetary Commission.
Miscellany, 1907-1910
Digital content available
Various handwritten and hand edited documents. Includes: Fisk & Robinson Monthly Bulletin of Investments, December 1, 1907; Bank Credit Currency Under Individual Bank Plan; opinions regarding the measure for the incorporation of clearing houses under a federal law, 1903; The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse, Book I, pages 1-15; Book II, page 1.
Miscellany, 1910
Digital content available
Manuscript section of The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse (Puns Bours).
Miscellany, 1910
Digital content available
Manuscript section of The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse (Puns Bours).
Miscellany, 1910
Digital content available
Manuscript section of The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse (Puns Bours).
Miscellany, 1910
Digital content available
Manuscript section of The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse (Puns Bours).
Miscellany, 1910-1911
Digital content available
Development of Central Banks in Europe.
BOX 81 REEL 56 Miscellany, 1910
Digital content available
Various documents, including: the continuation of the manuscript of "The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse" Chapter title: "Premiere Division. Bourses. Courtiers, Agents de Change Coulissiers. Nature des titres negocies." Pages 1-64.
Miscellany, 1908-1910
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts, with handwritten annotations. Includes: The continuation from the previous folder of the manuscript of "The History and Methods of the Paris Bourse" ( Puns Bours) In French. Book III, "Considerations juridiques sur le monompole des Agents de Change." Pages 1-22
Miscellany, circa 1907-1911
Digital content available
Various documents and drafts, with handwritten annotations and notes.
Miscellany, 1908-1909
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