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Harry Augustus Garfield papers, 1855-1961

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Special Correspondence, 1872-1942 (continued)
Hay, John, 1900
Holmes, Samuel V. V.
BOX 87 1900-1934
BOX 88 Hoover, Herbert, 1917
Howe, Frederic C., 1906-1907; 1940
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1906-1941
Hull, Cordell, 1934-1941
Hunt, Gaillard, 1881-1908
Jusserand, Jean Jules, 1905
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1902-1904
Matz, Rudolph, 1910-1915
McKinley, William, 1893-1900
Mumford, James G., 1903-1913
BOX 89 Pinchot, Gifford, 1940
Rockwell, Almon F. (family), 1880-1903
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1928-1943
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), 1896-1905
Root, Elihu, 1906
Stimson, Henry L., 1940
Taft, William H., 1900-1911
Warren, Bentley W.
BOX 90 Washington, Booker T., 1902-1906
BOX 91 Wilson, Woodrow
BOX 92 1917-1918
BOX 93 1918-1924
Wister, Owen, 1904-1912
Wood, Leonard, 1915
BOX 94-106 Legal File, 1855-1921
Legal case material, including correspondence.
Arranged as received.
BOX 94 American Shipbuilding Co., 1901-1891
American Surety Co., 1888-1895
Anisfield Property, 1898-1899
Arcade Savings Bank, 1893-1894
Botsford property in South America, 1892-1894
Brown and Goakes, 1893
Cancelled notes, 1887-1905
BOX 95 Chagrin Falls and Southern Railroad Co., 1887-1891
Cleveland Building Co., 1894
Cleveland, Canton, and Southern Railroad Co.
BOX 96 1891-1899
BOX 97 1896-1898
Cleveland Trust Co., 1900-1903
Correspondence, miscellaneous legal, 1892-1894
Crehore-Squier Intelligence Transmission Co., 1900-1902
Dayton, Covington, and Piqua Traction Co., 1901-1903
Fairbanks estate, 1855-1895
Fenn, Kate D., probate, 1899-1904
BOX 98 Garfield estate, 1917-1925
Garfield, Garfield, and Howe, 1888-1908
Garfield, Harry A., deed, 1894
Garfield, Howe, and Westenhaver, 1904-1907
BOX 99 Handy Street houses, Cleveland, Ohio, 1893-1894
Henderson, Ernest G., and Loomis Salt Co., 1897-1899
Hostetter, Charles G., 1896-1900
Hubbard, G. S., 1894
International Trust Co., 1896-1899
BOX 100 International Trust Co. v. Cleveland, Canton, and Southern Railroad Co.
BOX 101 1892-1901
Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, 1897-1899
Lakeview Cemetery Association, Cleveland, Ohio, 1888-1892
"Long Arm" System Co., 1903-1907
BOX 102 Mason, Caroline R., 1888-1897
BOX 103 Massillon Consolidated Coal Co., 1891
Mentor-Lownfield Estate, 1893-1902
Moot Court cases, 1887
National Coal Association, 1921
Nicholson Electric Hoist Co.
BOX 104 Correspondence, 1890-1897
Ohio Cooperage Co., 1902-1904
Perkins, Joseph, estate, 1891-1896
Richards, H. D. C., 1891-1894
Robinson, George F., 1900-1903
Russian famine relief, 1892
(1 folder)
BOX 105 (1 folder)
Swasey, Perley and Ambrose, 1912-1915
Waynesburgh and Canton Railroad Co., 1888-1898
Wills, 1893-1905
BOX 106 Notes on cases, 1888
Garfield and Garfield register, 1889-1897
BOX 107-138 Subject File, 1892-1943
Letters sent and received and related topical and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or name of organization, with the bulk pertaining to the Institute of Politics at Williams College.
BOX 107 Alpha Delta Phi, 1939
American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression, 1940
Constitutional government and politics, typewritten copies of Woodrow Wilson's notes, 1903
Consular reform
BOX 108 Legislation and correspondence, 1898-1913
Council on Foreign Relations, 1940-1941
Cuban Relief Fund, 1898
BOX 109 Dupont Circle Citizens Association, Washington, D.C., 1933-1940
English Speaking Union, 1936-1940
Far East, memoranda, 1936
BOX 110 Food Administration Price Fixing Committee, 1917
BOX 111 Institute of Politics, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.
Who's who at the institute, 1926
"Present Problems of the British Commonwealth of Nations since the War," Herbert Heaton, leader, 1927
Eighth session, 1928
"Protection of American Citizens Abroad," Edwin M. Borchard
"Inter-American Economic and Commercial Relations," Harry T. Collings
"Population Problems on the Pacific Rim," R. D. McKenzie
"Problems of the Pacific," George H. Blakeslee
"Recent Inter-American Relations and Problems," Charles W. Hackett
"Methods of Social Direction," Graham Wallas
"Modern Turkey and its Problems," Halide Edib Hanum
BOX 112 "Agriculture and the Agricultural Surplus: An International Approach," C. R. Fay
"Special Conference on Prohibition," Garfield
"Problems of Peace in Europe," Count Carlo Sforza
"Special Conference on Kellogg Treaties," Philip Marshall Brown
"Forum on Latin America," C. R. Fay
"Problems of Africa," Raymond L. Buel
Ninth session, 1929
Address of welcome by Garfield
"Inter-ally Debts and Reparations," Jacob Viner
"Post-War Constitutional Changes in Europe," George Young
BOX 113 "Mexico: Financial, Social, and Political Changes since 1910," Eyler N. Simpson
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