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Katie Louchheim papers, 1906-1991

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Classified, 1944-1970 (continued)
M-V, 1970 (Container 58)
W-Z, 1968 (Container 59)
Subject file
Personal file, 1962-1968 (Container 60)
Unesco resignation, 1969 (Container 60)
BOX OV 1-OV 25 Oversize, 1945-1974
Scrapbook, an autographed photograph of Louchheim and Lyndon B. Johnson, and prints.
Organized and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Scrapbooks (Container 56)
Democratic National Committee
1952, convention and campaign correspondence
BOX OV 2 1952-1954, clippings and photographs
BOX OV 3 1953-1959, clippings and convention photographs
BOX OV 4 1954-1960, clippings and photographs
BOX OV 5 1955, Democratic Women's Regional Conferences
Apr., Milwaukee, Wis.
BOX OV 6 Sept., Kansas City, Mo.
BOX OV 7 Oct.
Spokane, Wash.
BOX OV 8 Las Vegas, Nev.
BOX OV 9 1956
Democratic Women's Regional Conferences
Feb., Nashville, Tenn.
BOX OV 10 Mar., Atlantic City, N.J.
BOX OV 11 May, Dayton, Ohio
BOX OV 12 Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Ill., women's activities
BOX OV 13 1958, Campaign Conference for Democratic Women Leaders, Washington, D.C.
BOX OV 14 1959, campaign conferences
Cleveland, Ohio
BOX OV 15 Hartford, Conn.
BOX OV 16 1960, campaign and election clippings
BOX OV 17 Miscellaneous
1945-1967, photographs
BOX OV 18 1961-1963, clippings and photographs
BOX OV 19 1961-1968, White House, State Department, and national beautification programs
BOX OV 20 1962-1968, State Department, Federal Women's Award, travel, photographs
BOX OV 21 1963-1967, clippings
BOX OV 22 1966, With or Without Roses, clippings and correspondence
BOX OV 23 1967-1970, clippings related to Unesco and other topics
BOX OV 24 1970-1974, clippings
BOX OV 25 1986 Addition
Photographs, undated (Container 74)

Contents List