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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings, 1895-1983 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Zilboorg, Gregory | |||||||||||||
Mind, Medicine and Man, 1943 | |||||||||||||
The Psychology of the Criminal Act and Punishment, 1955 See also Container 168, "Psychoauthoritarianism and the Law" | |||||||||||||
Chronological file, 1928-1935, 1945-1962, undated | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 177 | Contributions to works by others | ||||||||||||
Aswell, Mary Louise, ed., The World Within, 1947, an anthology of psychological short stories compiled by Aswell and analyzed by Wertham | |||||||||||||
Drafts | |||||||||||||
By Aswell | |||||||||||||
Chapter précis, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Foreword, 1947 | |||||||||||||
By Wertham | |||||||||||||
Chapter analyses, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Introduction, 1947 | |||||||||||||
General research files, 1925-1975, undated | |||||||||||||
Related materials | |||||||||||||
Advertisements, 1949, 1953 | |||||||||||||
Book reviews, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence with editor and publisher, 1946-1947 | |||||||||||||
Bolitho, William, Murder for Profit, 1964, introduction by Wertham, 1963-1974 | |||||||||||||
Brazier, Donn, creator of Titlefanzine, to whichWertham contributed essays, anecdotes, poems, vignettes, etc. | |||||||||||||
Correspondence with publisher, 1972-1981 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Drafts of contributions, 1964, 1974 | |||||||||||||
Research materials, 1948-1977, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Ellson, Hal, Tomboy, introduction by Wertham, 1950 | |||||||||||||
BOX 178 | Halleck, Seymour L., and Walter Bromberg, eds., Psychiatric Aspects of Criminology, 1968, chapter entitled "Discussion" by Wertham | ||||||||||||
Correspondence with editors, 1967 | |||||||||||||
Draft by Wertham, 1967 | |||||||||||||
Drafts by other contributors, 1966 | |||||||||||||
Related materials, 1967 | |||||||||||||
Kutash, Irwin L., ed., Violence: Perspectives on Murder and Aggression, 1978, chapter entitled "The Catathymic Crisis" by Wertham, 1937-1978 See also Container 22, Irwin, Robert, "Writings regarding the case"; and Container 159, "The Catathymic Crisis" | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Miscellany, 1954 | |||||||||||||
Norman, Dorothy, "Youth Wants to Know" (unpublished), based on notes taken during an experimental guidance seminar for juveniles, conducted by Wertham | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1944-1953 | |||||||||||||
Drafts, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 179 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
Discussions of works by others | |||||||||||||
Alexander, Franz, paper on crime, 1923 | |||||||||||||
Browder, Jefferson, and Russell Meyers, "Comparative Pathophysiological Alterations Produced by Increased Intraventricular Pressure," 1940 | |||||||||||||
Elkish, Paula, unidentified paper, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Gillman, Arthur E., "A Gang Member's Reaction to Unexpected Crime," 1957 | |||||||||||||
Kernohan, J. W., and A. D. Ecker, "Arsenic As a Possible Cause of Chronic Encephalomyelitis," undated | |||||||||||||
Lambert, Charles I., et al., "The Unspecificity of the Histological Lesions of Dementia Paralytica," 1932 | |||||||||||||
Lowenstein, Otto, et al., "Discussion on `Psychosomatic Problems in Ophthalmology,'" 1945 | |||||||||||||
Ruotolo, Andrew K., "Dynamics of Sudden Murder," 1965-1978 | |||||||||||||
Spiegel, John R., "Psychosocial Factors in Riots–Old and New," 1967-1968 | |||||||||||||
Weil, Arthur, "Experimental Retinoblastoma," 1941 | |||||||||||||
Letters to the editor | |||||||||||||
General, 1943-1974, undated | |||||||||||||
New Statesman (1 July 1967), 1967-1968 | |||||||||||||
New York Times (1 May 1977), 1937-1978 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous phrases and quotations | |||||||||||||
Aphorisms, 1922, undated | |||||||||||||
Clichés | |||||||||||||
"Dynamic forces," 1939-1963, undated | |||||||||||||
Miscellany, 1943-1972, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 180 | Psychological jargon, 1949-1979, undated | ||||||||||||
Mottos, proverbs, quotations, and sayings, 1941-1978, undated | |||||||||||||
Phrases, 1938-1978, undated | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
Replies to critics, 1960-1973, undated | |||||||||||||
Vocabulary, 1957-1975, undated | |||||||||||||
Wit, 1957-1960, undated | |||||||||||||
Poems, 1915-1978, undated | |||||||||||||
BOX 181 | Public speaking engagements | ||||||||||||
Interviews | |||||||||||||
Conferences and panel discussions | |||||||||||||
1947 | |||||||||||||
2-4 May, "The Future of American Capitalist Democracy," Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., 1942-1947 | |||||||||||||
22 May, forum on Soviet psychiatry sponsored by Soviet Russia Today, New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
1948, 19 Mar., "The Psychopathology of Comic Books" (Wertham's first public condemnation of comic books), New York Academy of Medicine, New York, N.Y., 1948, undated | |||||||||||||
1949, 22 Nov., "America's Town Meeting of the Air: Do Our Churches Offer a Sound Basis for Faith and Living?" WJZ Radio, New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1949-1950, undated | |||||||||||||
Drafts and transcript | |||||||||||||
Research materials, 1920, 1949, undated | |||||||||||||
1952, 7 Jan., "The Paradox of Poe" (readings from the poetry and prose of Edgar Allan Poe by Burgess Meredith with psychoanalytical commentary by Wertham), Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. | |||||||||||||
1954 | |||||||||||||
14 Mar., "Bulletin Forum: How Can We Meet the Problems of Problem Youth?" Philadelphia, Pa., 1953-1954 | |||||||||||||
21 Sept., "America's Town Meeting of the Air: What Remedy for Teen-age Terror?" WABC Radio, New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
1957 | |||||||||||||
7-11 Apr., "Juvenile Problems: Their Prevention and Handling," Eastern District Association and American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
1 Sept., "Open Mind: Television and Children," WRCA-TV, Boston, Mass. | |||||||||||||
1958, 14 Sept., "Open Mind: Racism," WRCA-TV, New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
1961 | |||||||||||||
20 Apr., "Youth and the Social Crisis," World Federation for Mental Health: United States Committee, Inc., New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
27 Jan., forum on capital punishment, District Attorneys Association of the State of New York | |||||||||||||
1965, 17 Nov., "Sadism, Violence and Censorship," WNYC, New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
1968, 19 Oct., "Aggression in Our Society," Fifth Annual Arthur P. Noyes Memorial Conference, Norristown State Hospital, Norristown, Pa., 1968 | |||||||||||||
1969, 15 May, "Law and the Obscenity Revolution," New York State Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section, New York, N.Y., 1969, 1974 | |||||||||||||
Magazines and periodicals | |||||||||||||
1949, Nov., "What's Right and Wrong with Our Churches?" Pageant See also Container 181, 1949, 22 Nov., "America's Town Meeting of the Air" | |||||||||||||
1955, 9 May, "Psychological Fallout: Big Bombs Breed Small Ones Wielded by Criminals, Criminologist Warns," North American Newspaper Alliance | |||||||||||||
1956 | |||||||||||||
Mar., interview with Wertham by Richard Strunsky (four-part series), Labor's Daily | |||||||||||||
"American Humor Goes Sick," Esquire | |||||||||||||
1957, Jan., interview with Wertham, State of Mind, 1956-1957 | |||||||||||||
1959, 2 Jan., interview with Wertham by C. Jack Stamm, Aufbau, 1958-1959 | |||||||||||||
1963, Apr., "A Redbook Dialogue: Alfred Hitchcock and Fredric Wertham," Redbook | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1962-1963 | |||||||||||||
Draft and galley proof, undated | |||||||||||||
Miscellany, 1962-1966 | |||||||||||||
Research materials, 1961-1963, undated | |||||||||||||
BOX 182 | 1964, Feb., "Why Murder Is Contagious," McCall's, 1963-1964, undated See also Container 32, Kennedy, John F., assassination | ||||||||||||
1965, July, two-part article on suicide, Berks County Record, 1965 | |||||||||||||
1966 | |||||||||||||
11 Aug., "Pornography of Violence," Playboy | |||||||||||||
27 Nov., "Why Sam Sheppard's Strange Marriage Is Working," National Enquirer | |||||||||||||
1967 | |||||||||||||
Jan.-Feb., "An End to Violence?" SKF Psychiatric Reporter, 1967, undated | |||||||||||||
15 Feb., "The Killer Stalks Our Culture: A Dialogue with Dr. Fredric Wertham," American Dialog, 1960-1967, undated | |||||||||||||
July, article on Wertham, MD | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1967-1969 | |||||||||||||
Miscellany, 1961-1967 | |||||||||||||
Research materials, 1923, 1967-1975, undated | |||||||||||||
Sept., article on violence, UAW Washington Report | |||||||||||||
18 Nov., "Mass Murderers Among Us," Record Magazine | |||||||||||||
1968, Apr., article on Benjamin Spock, National Enquirer | |||||||||||||
1969 | |||||||||||||
May, article on Benny Smith case, Los Angeles Times, 1968-1969, undated | |||||||||||||
Dec., "Ask Them Yourself," Family Weekly | |||||||||||||
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