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Fredric Wertham papers, 1818-1986

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Writings, 1895-1983 (continued)
BOX 160 "Do You Really Like the Untouchables?"
Correspondence, fan mail, 1960
Draft and printed version, 1960
Letter to the editor, 1960
Research file, 1940-1961, undated
"The Doctor As Disease or Who Pro-Pounds What?" (regarding Ezra Pound and Carl Jung) See also Container 179, Letters to the editor, General (letter of 10 Dec., 1945)
Correspondence, 1945-1949
Draft, 1949
Research file, 1947-1949
"Does Religious Education Curb Juvenile Delinquency?"1956-1957
"Fathers Are People," 1949
"Freud Now," 1949
"The Head Fixers," 1958
"How Can We Meet the Problems of Problem Youth?–Delinquent Mass Media and the Child," 1953-1954
"How Does Parents' Social Drinking Affect Children?"
Correspondence, 1935-1963
Drafts, 1962
Research files, 1927-1962, undated
(1 folder)
BOX 161 (2 folders)
"How Movie and TV Violence Affects Children"
Articles citing, 1960
Colleagues, 1946-1961
Fan mail, 1960
Publishers, 1958-1966
Printed version, 1960
"The Huckster As Headshrinker," 1964
"Human Violence and Society"
Drafts, undated
Research file, 1947-1980, undated
"Human Violence Can Be Abolished"
Fan mail, 1971
Publisher, 1970-1972
Drafts and printed version, 1971
Promotion, 1971-1972, undated
BOX 162 Research files
Not used, 1927-1971, undated
(5 folders)
Used, 1967-1971, undated
BOX 163 "The Impact of the Mass Media in This Age of Violence," 1966-1970
"Inconstancy of the Formal Structure of the Personality," 1932
"Is Exposure to Pornography Harmful to Teen-agers?" 1975
"Is Our Legal Sanity System Sound?" 1957, 1965
"Is So Much Violence in Films Necessary?"
Correspondence, publishers, 1967-1969
Drafts and printed versions, 1967-1969
Research file, 1966-1968
"Is TV Hardening Us to the War in Vietnam?"
Correspondence, 1966-1967
Drafts and printed version, 1966
Research files, 1966-1974, undated
(2 folders)
"Issue of the Day" (newspaper column)
"Can Comic Books for Children Be Effectively Controlled without Legal Censorship? No: Comic Book Control Needed as Public Health Measure," 1949
"Should Important Public Officials Be Given Periodic Psychiatric Tests? No: Holds Psychiatrists No Less Biased Than Other People," 1950
"Should the Legal Definition of Insanity Be Changed? No: Permits Progressive Scientific Methods to Be Used in Court," 1949
"It's Murder," 1949
BOX 164 "It's Still Murder: What Parents Still Don't Know About Comic Books," 1955
"The Ivory Couch," 1953
"The Jungle of Legal Insanity," 1958
"Juvenile Delinquency and Television Violence," 1961
"Laissez-Faire or Classification?" (regarding motion picture ratings)
Drafts and printed version, 1968
Research file (with special reference to the movie Bonnie and Clyde), 1968
"The Malignancy of Violence," 1974 See Containers 174-175, Pearson, John
"Mass Media and Emotional Development," 1957
"Mass Media and Sex Deviation," undated
"Mass Media and the Cult of Violence," 1969
"The Matricidal Impulse," 1941, 1968
"Medicine and Mayhem"
General, 1948-1981
Letters of appreciation, 1978-1979
Publishers, 1974-1978
Draft and printed version, 1978
Presentation copy list, circa 1978
Research files
Not used
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 165 Used
(4 folders)
BOX 166 Undated
(5 folders)
"Medico-Legal Report on a Deserter," 1947
"Mental Hygiene and the Mass Media of
Fan mail, 1955-1956
Publisher, 1955
Draft and printed version (in Dutch), 1955
Illustrations, undated
Research file, 1955-1962
"New Dimensions of Human Violence"
Colleagues, 1968-1970
Publishers, 1964-1968
Requests for reprints, 1969-1971
BOX 167 Drafts and printed version, 1968-1969
Presentation copy list, circa 1969
Research files, 1966-1972, undated
(3 folders)
"A New Sign of Organic Brain Disease," 1939 See Container 210, Wertham, Fredric
"Next Steps in Psychiatry," 1949 See Container 117, Columbia University
"Nine Men Speak to You: Jim Crow in the North," 1954
"A Note on Personality As the Unit in Psycho-pathology," undated
"On Letter-writing," 1960
"On Motion Picture Ratings–Against," circa 1970
"Organized Obscurity," 1948
"Progress in Psychiatry," 1930
"A Psychiatric Lynching?" (regarding Albert Fish), circa 1936
"Psychiatric Observations on Abolition of School Segregation," 1953-1957
"The Psychiatrist As an Expert Witness," 1961
"A Psychiatrist Looks at Psychiatry and the Law," 1953
"Psychiatry and Censorship," 1947-1958
"Psychiatry and the Prevention of Sex Crimes," 1938
"The Psychiatry of Criminal Guilt"
Correspondence, 1948-1950
Draft, program, and discussion by others, 1949
Research file, 1948-1953
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