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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings, 1895-1983 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Brousseau, Kate, Mongolism, 1928 | |||||||||||||
Brown, Carlton, Brainstorm, 1944 | |||||||||||||
Bühler, Karl, Die geistige Entwicklung des Kindes, 1929 | |||||||||||||
BOX 173 | Cassity, John Holland, The Quality of Murder, 1959 | ||||||||||||
Cohen, Louis H., Murder, Madness, and the Law, 1952 | |||||||||||||
Cox, Oliver Cromwell, Caste, Class and Race, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Devine, Henry, Recent Advances in Psychiatry, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Doestoevsky, F. M., Stavrogin's Confession, undated | |||||||||||||
Dunsany, Edward John, War Poems, 1943 | |||||||||||||
East, Norwood, Society and the Criminal, 1952 | |||||||||||||
Eissler, K. R., ed., Searchlights on Delinquency, 1949 | |||||||||||||
Ellson, Hal, Duke, 1949 | |||||||||||||
Fenichel, Otto, The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Fitzsimmons, Laura W., Textbook for Psychiatric Attendants, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Flugel, J. C., Man, Morals and Society, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Freud, Sigmund | |||||||||||||
Leonardo da Vinci: A Study in Psychosexuality, with an introduction by A. A. Brill, 1947 | |||||||||||||
The Question of Lay Analysis, 1950 | |||||||||||||
Fromm, Erich | |||||||||||||
Man for Himself, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Marx on Freedom, 1962 | |||||||||||||
Gil, David G., "Violence against Children," 1971-1972 | |||||||||||||
Gilbert, G. M., Nuremberg Diary, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Glover, Edward, The Roots of Crime, 1961 | |||||||||||||
Glueck, Sheldon, Probation and Criminal Justice, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Göttler, Joseph, System der Pädagogik in Umriss, 1932 | |||||||||||||
Gottlieb, Bernhardt S., Understanding Your Adolescent, 1956 | |||||||||||||
Gutheil, Emil A., ed., The Autobiography of Wilhelm Stekel, 1950 | |||||||||||||
Guttmacher, Manfred S., Psychiatry and the Law, 1952 | |||||||||||||
Guyon, René, Sexual Freedom, 1950 | |||||||||||||
Hamer, Alvin C., ed., Detroit Murders, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Hollingshead, August B., and Fredrick C. Redlich, Social Class and Mental Illness, 1958-1959 | |||||||||||||
Hollingworth, Ledta S., The Psychology of the Adolescent, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Hubbard, L. Ron, Dianetics, 1947-1951 | |||||||||||||
Hübner, A.H., Die psychiatrisch-neurologische Begutachtung in der Lebensversicherungsmedizin, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Hühner, Max, A Practical Treatise on Disorders of the Sexual Function in the Male and Female, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Hunter, Richard, and Ida Macalpine, Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry, 1535-1860, 1963 | |||||||||||||
Jackson, Charles, The Fall of Valor, 1946, undated | |||||||||||||
Jacobson, Edmund, Progressive Relaxation, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Janet, Pierre, Principles of Psychotherapy, 1926 | |||||||||||||
Jaspers, Karl, The Question of German Guilt, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Jocobowsky, Bernhard, Liquorstudien bei progressiver Paralyse, 1930 | |||||||||||||
Josephson, Matthew, Stendhal, 1946-1947 | |||||||||||||
BOX 174 | Karpman, Benjamin, The Sexual Offender and His Offenses, 1955-1956 | ||||||||||||
Kelley, Douglas M., 22 Cells in Nuremberg, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Klages, Ludwig, Prinzipien der Charakterologie, 1932 | |||||||||||||
Kluger, Richard, Simple Justice, 1951-1976, undated | |||||||||||||
Komarovsky, Mirra, The Unemployed Man and His Family, 1941 | |||||||||||||
Krauch, Elsa, A Mind Restored: The Story of Jim Curran, 1939 | |||||||||||||
Kretschmer, Ernst, Hysteria, 1926 | |||||||||||||
Kuntz, Albert, The Autonomic Nervous System, 1930 | |||||||||||||
Laignel-Lavastine, M., La pratique Psychiatrique, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Lennox, William G., and Stanley Cobb, Epilepsy, 1928 | |||||||||||||
Leopold, Nathan F., Life Plus 99 Years, 1946-1958, undated | |||||||||||||
Link, Henry C., The Rediscovery of Morals, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Lundberg, Ferdinand, and Marynia F. Farnham, Modern Woman: The Lost Sex, 1947, undated | |||||||||||||
MacCurdy, John T., Problems in Dynamic Psychology: A Critique of Psychoanalysis and Suggested Formulations, 1924 | |||||||||||||
Maeder, A., Die Richtung im Seelenleben, 1928 | |||||||||||||
Mallet, Raymond, Les Obsédés, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Marcuse, Harry, Die psychischen Reaktionsformen, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Mayo, Elton, Some Notes on the Psychology of Pierre Janet, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Meagher, John F. W., A Study of Masturbation and the Psychosexual Life, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Meyer, Adolf, The Collected Papers of Adolf Meyer, vol. I, edited by Eunice B. Winters, 1952-1953 | |||||||||||||
Meyerson, Abraham, The Psychology of Mental Disorders, 1928 | |||||||||||||
Miller, Arthur | |||||||||||||
Death of a Salesman, 1949-1964 | |||||||||||||
Focus, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Monrad-Krohn, G. H., and Paul B. Hoeber, The Clinical Examination of the Nervous System, 1926 | |||||||||||||
Moreno, J. L., Psychodrama, vol. I | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Draft, entitled "Costumes by Appia" (Adolphe Appia), 1947 | |||||||||||||
Related materials | |||||||||||||
Miscellany, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Moreno, J. L., "Some Data on the Relationship of Psychodrama to the Theatre," undated | |||||||||||||
Wilder, Joseph, review of Psychodrama, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Morgenthaler, W., Bildung und Ausbildung beim schweizerischen Pflegepersonal fuer Gemüts- und Geisteskranke, 1934 | |||||||||||||
Mourgue, Raoul, Neurobiologie de l'hallucination, 1932 | |||||||||||||
Müller, L. R., Ueber den Instinkt, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Pahmer, Marcel, Les Methodes de Choc et autres Traitements physio-pharmacologiques dans les Maladies mentales, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Paton, Stewart, Prohibiting Minds and the Present Social and Economic Crisis, 1932 | |||||||||||||
Peale, Norman Vincent, The Art of Real Happiness, 1950 | |||||||||||||
Pearson, John, The Profession of Violence: The Rise and Fall of the Kray Twins | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Letters of appreciation, 1974 | |||||||||||||
Publisher, 1972-1974 | |||||||||||||
Requests for reprints, 1974 | |||||||||||||
Drafts and printed version, entitled "The Malignancy of Violence," 1974 | |||||||||||||
BOX 175 | Research files (with special reference to Reginald and Ronald Kray, a.k.a. the "Kray twins"), 1949-1975, undated See also Container 213, Kray, Reginald and Ronald | ||||||||||||
(8 folders) | |||||||||||||
Prinzhorn, Hans, Psychotherapie, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Rank, Otto, Grundzüge einer genetischen Psychologie, 1927 | |||||||||||||
Reich, Wilhelm, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Riese, Walter, Die Unfallneurose, als Problem der Gegenwartsmedizin, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Rittwagen, Marjorie, Sins of Their Fathers, 1958 | |||||||||||||
Roback, A. A., The Psychology of Character, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Roche, Philip Q., The Criminal Mind, 1959 | |||||||||||||
Rosenfeld, M., Die Störungen des Bewusstseins, 1929 | |||||||||||||
BOX 176 | Sachs, B., and Louis Hausman, Nervous and Mental Disorders from Birth through Adolescence, 1926 | ||||||||||||
Sachs, Wulf, Black Hamlet, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Schauer, Franz, Die Mangel-Diagnose als Voraussetzung fuer die Ermöglichung seelischer Gesundung, 1934 | |||||||||||||
Schulhof, Fritz, Lehrgang für Irrenpfleger, 1930 | |||||||||||||
Schwarzschild, Leopold, The Red Prussian: The Life and Legend of Karl Marx, 1947, undated | |||||||||||||
Selincourt, Hugh de, One Little Boy, 1924 | |||||||||||||
Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, with an introduction by Ernest Jones, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Shipley, Thorne, Classics in Psychology, undated | |||||||||||||
Simenon, Georges, The Man Who Watched the Trains Go By, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Simmons, Ernest J., Tolstoy, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Sjögren, Torsten, Klinische und Vererbungsmedizinische Untersuchungen über Oligophrenie in einer nordschwedischen Bauerspopulation, 1932 | |||||||||||||
Smith, Leroy, and David Loth, I Was a Drug Addict, 1953 | |||||||||||||
Stekel, Wilhelm, The Interpretation of Dreams, 1943 | |||||||||||||
Steyerthal, Armin, Pathologie des Unbewussten, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Storr, Anthony, Human Aggression, 1969 | |||||||||||||
Svirsky, Leon, ed., Your Newspaper, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Tait, C. Downing, Jr., and Emory F. Hodges, Jr., Delinquents, Their Families, and the Community, 1964 | |||||||||||||
Targowla, R., and J. Dublineau, L'intuition délirante, 1932 | |||||||||||||
Taylor, Edmond, Richer by Asia (research prepared, but review never written), 1947 | |||||||||||||
Taylor, Edward Wyllys, Psychotherapy: Mental Elements in the Treatment of Disease, 1926 | |||||||||||||
Thiele, Rudolf, and Hermann Bernhardt, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Narkolepsie, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Tillich, Ernst, The Shaking of the Foundations, 1949 | |||||||||||||
Unruh, Fritz von, The End Is Not Yet, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Ward, Mary Jane, The Snake Pit, 1946 | |||||||||||||
Weisz, Eduard, Diagnostik mit freiem Auge, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Wortis, Joseph, Soviet Psychiatry, 1948-1951 | |||||||||||||
Wright, Richard | |||||||||||||
Black Boy, 1945 | |||||||||||||
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