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Fredric Wertham papers, 1818-1986

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Writings, 1895-1983 (continued)
Brousseau, Kate, Mongolism, 1928
Brown, Carlton, Brainstorm, 1944
Bühler, Karl, Die geistige Entwicklung des Kindes, 1929
BOX 173 Cassity, John Holland, The Quality of Murder, 1959
Cohen, Louis H., Murder, Madness, and the Law, 1952
Cox, Oliver Cromwell, Caste, Class and Race, 1948
Devine, Henry, Recent Advances in Psychiatry, 1929
Doestoevsky, F. M., Stavrogin's Confession, undated
Dunsany, Edward John, War Poems, 1943
East, Norwood, Society and the Criminal, 1952
Eissler, K. R., ed., Searchlights on Delinquency, 1949
Ellson, Hal, Duke, 1949
Fenichel, Otto, The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, 1946
Fitzsimmons, Laura W., Textbook for Psychiatric Attendants, 1947
Flugel, J. C., Man, Morals and Society, 1946
Freud, Sigmund
Leonardo da Vinci: A Study in Psychosexuality, with an introduction by A. A. Brill, 1947
The Question of Lay Analysis, 1950
Fromm, Erich
Man for Himself, 1948
Marx on Freedom, 1962
Gil, David G., "Violence against Children," 1971-1972
Gilbert, G. M., Nuremberg Diary, 1947
Glover, Edward, The Roots of Crime, 1961
Glueck, Sheldon, Probation and Criminal Justice, 1933
Göttler, Joseph, System der Pädagogik in Umriss, 1932
Gottlieb, Bernhardt S., Understanding Your Adolescent, 1956
Gutheil, Emil A., ed., The Autobiography of Wilhelm Stekel, 1950
Guttmacher, Manfred S., Psychiatry and the Law, 1952
Guyon, René, Sexual Freedom, 1950
Hamer, Alvin C., ed., Detroit Murders, 1948
Hollingshead, August B., and Fredrick C. Redlich, Social Class and Mental Illness, 1958-1959
Hollingworth, Ledta S., The Psychology of the Adolescent, 1929
Hubbard, L. Ron, Dianetics, 1947-1951
Hübner, A.H., Die psychiatrisch-neurologische Begutachtung in der Lebensversicherungsmedizin, 1929
Hühner, Max, A Practical Treatise on Disorders of the Sexual Function in the Male and Female, 1929
Hunter, Richard, and Ida Macalpine, Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry, 1535-1860, 1963
Jackson, Charles, The Fall of Valor, 1946, undated
Jacobson, Edmund, Progressive Relaxation, 1929
Janet, Pierre, Principles of Psychotherapy, 1926
Jaspers, Karl, The Question of German Guilt, 1948
Jocobowsky, Bernhard, Liquorstudien bei progressiver Paralyse, 1930
Josephson, Matthew, Stendhal, 1946-1947
BOX 174 Karpman, Benjamin, The Sexual Offender and His Offenses, 1955-1956
Kelley, Douglas M., 22 Cells in Nuremberg, 1947
Klages, Ludwig, Prinzipien der Charakterologie, 1932
Kluger, Richard, Simple Justice, 1951-1976, undated
Komarovsky, Mirra, The Unemployed Man and His Family, 1941
Krauch, Elsa, A Mind Restored: The Story of Jim Curran, 1939
Kretschmer, Ernst, Hysteria, 1926
Kuntz, Albert, The Autonomic Nervous System, 1930
Laignel-Lavastine, M., La pratique Psychiatrique, 1929
Lennox, William G., and Stanley Cobb, Epilepsy, 1928
Leopold, Nathan F., Life Plus 99 Years, 1946-1958, undated
Link, Henry C., The Rediscovery of Morals, 1947
Lundberg, Ferdinand, and Marynia F. Farnham, Modern Woman: The Lost Sex, 1947, undated
MacCurdy, John T., Problems in Dynamic Psychology: A Critique of Psychoanalysis and Suggested Formulations, 1924
Maeder, A., Die Richtung im Seelenleben, 1928
Mallet, Raymond, Les Obsédés, 1929
Marcuse, Harry, Die psychischen Reaktionsformen, 1929
Mayo, Elton, Some Notes on the Psychology of Pierre Janet, 1948
Meagher, John F. W., A Study of Masturbation and the Psychosexual Life, 1929
Meyer, Adolf, The Collected Papers of Adolf Meyer, vol. I, edited by Eunice B. Winters, 1952-1953
Meyerson, Abraham, The Psychology of Mental Disorders, 1928
Miller, Arthur
Death of a Salesman, 1949-1964
Focus, 1946
Monrad-Krohn, G. H., and Paul B. Hoeber, The Clinical Examination of the Nervous System, 1926
Moreno, J. L., Psychodrama, vol. I
Correspondence, 1947
Draft, entitled "Costumes by Appia" (Adolphe Appia), 1947
Related materials
Miscellany, 1947
Moreno, J. L., "Some Data on the Relationship of Psychodrama to the Theatre," undated
Wilder, Joseph, review of Psychodrama, 1947
Morgenthaler, W., Bildung und Ausbildung beim schweizerischen Pflegepersonal fuer Gemüts- und Geisteskranke, 1934
Mourgue, Raoul, Neurobiologie de l'hallucination, 1932
Müller, L. R., Ueber den Instinkt, 1929
Pahmer, Marcel, Les Methodes de Choc et autres Traitements physio-pharmacologiques dans les Maladies mentales, 1946
Paton, Stewart, Prohibiting Minds and the Present Social and Economic Crisis, 1932
Peale, Norman Vincent, The Art of Real Happiness, 1950
Pearson, John, The Profession of Violence: The Rise and Fall of the Kray Twins
Letters of appreciation, 1974
Publisher, 1972-1974
Requests for reprints, 1974
Drafts and printed version, entitled "The Malignancy of Violence," 1974
BOX 175 Research files (with special reference to Reginald and Ronald Kray, a.k.a. the "Kray twins"), 1949-1975, undated See also Container 213, Kray, Reginald and Ronald
(8 folders)
Prinzhorn, Hans, Psychotherapie, 1929
Rank, Otto, Grundzüge einer genetischen Psychologie, 1927
Reich, Wilhelm, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, 1946
Riese, Walter, Die Unfallneurose, als Problem der Gegenwartsmedizin, 1929
Rittwagen, Marjorie, Sins of Their Fathers, 1958
Roback, A. A., The Psychology of Character, 1929
Roche, Philip Q., The Criminal Mind, 1959
Rosenfeld, M., Die Störungen des Bewusstseins, 1929
BOX 176 Sachs, B., and Louis Hausman, Nervous and Mental Disorders from Birth through Adolescence, 1926
Sachs, Wulf, Black Hamlet, 1947
Schauer, Franz, Die Mangel-Diagnose als Voraussetzung fuer die Ermöglichung seelischer Gesundung, 1934
Schulhof, Fritz, Lehrgang für Irrenpfleger, 1930
Schwarzschild, Leopold, The Red Prussian: The Life and Legend of Karl Marx, 1947, undated
Selincourt, Hugh de, One Little Boy, 1924
Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, with an introduction by Ernest Jones, 1947
Shipley, Thorne, Classics in Psychology, undated
Simenon, Georges, The Man Who Watched the Trains Go By, 1946
Simmons, Ernest J., Tolstoy, 1947
Sjögren, Torsten, Klinische und Vererbungsmedizinische Untersuchungen über Oligophrenie in einer nordschwedischen Bauerspopulation, 1932
Smith, Leroy, and David Loth, I Was a Drug Addict, 1953
Stekel, Wilhelm, The Interpretation of Dreams, 1943
Steyerthal, Armin, Pathologie des Unbewussten, 1929
Storr, Anthony, Human Aggression, 1969
Svirsky, Leon, ed., Your Newspaper, 1947
Tait, C. Downing, Jr., and Emory F. Hodges, Jr., Delinquents, Their Families, and the Community, 1964
Targowla, R., and J. Dublineau, L'intuition délirante, 1932
Taylor, Edmond, Richer by Asia (research prepared, but review never written), 1947
Taylor, Edward Wyllys, Psychotherapy: Mental Elements in the Treatment of Disease, 1926
Thiele, Rudolf, and Hermann Bernhardt, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Narkolepsie, 1933
Tillich, Ernst, The Shaking of the Foundations, 1949
Unruh, Fritz von, The End Is Not Yet, 1947
Ward, Mary Jane, The Snake Pit, 1946
Weisz, Eduard, Diagnostik mit freiem Auge, 1933
Wortis, Joseph, Soviet Psychiatry, 1948-1951
Wright, Richard
Black Boy, 1945
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