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Fredric Wertham papers, 1818-1986

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Writings, 1895-1983 (continued)
Munzel, Mark, "Public Kill: The Death of the Ache," 1974
Rubinstein, S. L., "Fundamentals of General Psychology," 1940
BOX 194 Schilder, Paul
"Der Begriff der Demenz," 1928
"Das Körperbild und die Sozialpsychologie," 1933
"Über Stellungnahmen Todkranken," 1927
"Ueber die kausale Bedeutung des durch Psychoanalyse gewonnen Materiales," 1921
Related materials, 1940-1967
Shoul, Bernice, "The Marxian Theory of Capitalist Breakdown," 1947
Slovenko, Ralph, and Cyril Phillips,"Psychosexuality and the Criminal Law," 1962
Smith, Margaret Chase, "'Sick Movies'–A Menace to Children," 1967
Sokol, Jack, "A Pioneer Approach in the Treatment of Offenders," 1954
Stekel, Wilhelm, "Der telepathische Traum," undated
Syz, Hans, "Problems of Perspective from the Background of Trigant Burrow's Group Analytic Researchers," 1959
Szasz, Thomas, "What Psychiatry Can and Cannot Do," 1962-1973
Tieplov, B. M., "Soviet Science of Psychology during the Last Thirty Years," 1947
Trembly, Francis, various newspaper articles, 1973-1974
Walters, Richard H., and Edward Thomas, "Enhancement of Punitiveness by Visual and Audiovisual Displays," undated
Weinerman, E. Richard, "The Anatomy of Anxiety," 1955
Wilson, Edmund, "Brokers and Pioneers," 1932
Wolf, K. H., "Der Pariser Kommune-aufstand," undated
Zolotow, Maurice, "The Psychiatrist at Work," undated
General, undated
"The Unarraigned Criminal," undated
Book reviews, 1942-1963, undated
French, 1926-1927, 1935-1959, undated
German, 1922-1938, 1951-1964, undated
BOX 195 Miscellany, 1895, 1904-1974, undated
(2 folders)
Unidentified, 1929-1977, undated
BOX 195-213 Personal Miscellany, 1906-1982
Correspondence, research notes, biographical information, drawings, notes in bound, loose, and card format, bibliographical information, and psychiatric testing information and materials.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type of material.
BOX 195 Art collection See also Container 214, With art collection; and Container 215, same heading
Flannagan, John, 1931-1973, undated
Lissitzky, El, correspondence by others regarding Lissitzky, 1946-1982
Meyer-Chagall, Ida, 1960
Doodles, drawings, watercolor sketches, and art reproductions, 1914-1973, undated See also Oversize
Research files, 1922-1982, undated
(2 folders)
Biographical information
Wertham, Florence Hesketh
Art by Hesketh, 1936, undated
Artist catalogs, 1946-1947
Biographical articles, 1939, 1945
Wertham, Fredric
Biographical articles, 1935-1967, undated
BOX 196 Curriculum vitae, 1948-1981, undated
"Firsts" in Wertham's professional career, 1945-1964, undated
Miscellany, 1940-1981, undated
Obituaries, 1981, undated
Printed matter citing Wertham, 1937-1982, undated
(3 folders)
Drawings depicting Wertham, 1917, undated See Oversize
BOX 197 Medical bibliography (consisting mostly of books in German), circa 1914-circa 1921
A-O (bundles III-VII)
BOX 198 P-Z and mixed (bundles VIII-X and I-II)
BOX 199 Mixed (bundles, unmarked)
BOX 200 Miscellaneous notes
Card indexes, undated
Fanzine notes
(1 folder)
BOX 201 (1 folder)
BOX 202 D-G
BOX 203 H-Ma
BOX 204 Me-Re
BOX 205 Rh-Z
Gutheil, Emil, notes
BOX 206 Meyer, Adolf, notes
Psychiatrists, notes
Schilder, Paul, notes
BOX 207 Loose notes
By Florence Hesketh Wertham (consisting mostly of abstracts of books in German), 1932, undated
(2 folders)
By Wertham, 1923-1931, 1940, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 208 Student notebooks
(6 folders)
BOX 209 1920-1922, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 210 Mosaic test See also Container 215, Mosaic test by Wertham
Diamond, Bernard L., and Herbert T. Schmale, "The Mosaic Test," 1944
Dörken, Herbert
"The Mosaic Test: Review," 1952
"The Mosaic Test: A Second Review," 1956
Kral, V. Adalbert, and Herbert Dörken, "The Influence of Subcortical (Diencephalic) Brain Lesions on Emotionality As Reflected in the Rorschach Color Responses," 1950
Lal, Gobind Behari, "Explore Your Mind with Baby's Blocks," 1944
McCulloch, Thomas L., and John B. Girdner, "Use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test with Mental Defectives," 1949
"Navajo Sand Paintings As Decorative Motive," 1923
Wertham, Fredric, "A New Sign of Organic Brain Disease," 1939
Wertham, Fredric, and Lili Golden, "A Differential-Diagnostic Method of Interpreting Mosaics and Colored Block Designs," 1941
Zolotow, Maurice, "A Doctor's Method for Madness," 1944
Zucker, Luise, "The Clinical Significance of the Mosaic and Rorschach Methods," 1950
Cambareri, John D., 1953
Lowenfeld, Margaret, 1950-1954
Miscellany, 1948-1952
Zucker, Luise, undated
BOX 211 Productions of various patients
(1 folder)
BOX 212 (1 folder)
BOX 213 1950-1952, undated
Research file, 1949-1979, undated
Trays for holding blocks, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 213-216 Photographs, circa 1900-1978
Photographs of Wertham, his family, various associates, and subjects of interest.
Arranged alphabetically under four categories: individuals, locations, objects, and subjects.
BOX 213 Individuals
Cammarano, Romeo, undated
Cianci, Anthony, undated
Fish, Albert H., x-rays showing needles inserted in groin area, undated See also Oversize
Florance, Ralph M. (Harold), undated
Irwin, Robert (Fenelon), undated
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