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Fredric Wertham papers, 1818-1986

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Personal Miscellany, 1906-1982 (continued)
"Firsts" in Wertham's professional career, 1945-1964, undated
Miscellany, 1940-1981, undated
Obituaries, 1981, undated
Printed matter citing Wertham, 1937-1982, undated
(3 folders)
Drawings depicting Wertham, 1917, undated See Oversize
BOX 197 Medical bibliography (consisting mostly of books in German), circa 1914-circa 1921
A-O (bundles III-VII)
BOX 198 P-Z and mixed (bundles VIII-X and I-II)
BOX 199 Mixed (bundles, unmarked)
BOX 200 Miscellaneous notes
Card indexes, undated
Fanzine notes
(1 folder)
BOX 201 (1 folder)
BOX 202 D-G
BOX 203 H-Ma
BOX 204 Me-Re
BOX 205 Rh-Z
Gutheil, Emil, notes
BOX 206 Meyer, Adolf, notes
Psychiatrists, notes
Schilder, Paul, notes
BOX 207 Loose notes
By Florence Hesketh Wertham (consisting mostly of abstracts of books in German), 1932, undated
(2 folders)
By Wertham, 1923-1931, 1940, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 208 Student notebooks
(6 folders)
BOX 209 1920-1922, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 210 Mosaic test See also Container 215, Mosaic test by Wertham
Diamond, Bernard L., and Herbert T. Schmale, "The Mosaic Test," 1944
Dörken, Herbert
"The Mosaic Test: Review," 1952
"The Mosaic Test: A Second Review," 1956
Kral, V. Adalbert, and Herbert Dörken, "The Influence of Subcortical (Diencephalic) Brain Lesions on Emotionality As Reflected in the Rorschach Color Responses," 1950
Lal, Gobind Behari, "Explore Your Mind with Baby's Blocks," 1944
McCulloch, Thomas L., and John B. Girdner, "Use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test with Mental Defectives," 1949
"Navajo Sand Paintings As Decorative Motive," 1923
Wertham, Fredric, "A New Sign of Organic Brain Disease," 1939
Wertham, Fredric, and Lili Golden, "A Differential-Diagnostic Method of Interpreting Mosaics and Colored Block Designs," 1941
Zolotow, Maurice, "A Doctor's Method for Madness," 1944
Zucker, Luise, "The Clinical Significance of the Mosaic and Rorschach Methods," 1950
Cambareri, John D., 1953
Lowenfeld, Margaret, 1950-1954
Miscellany, 1948-1952
Zucker, Luise, undated
BOX 211 Productions of various patients
(1 folder)
BOX 212 (1 folder)
BOX 213 1950-1952, undated
Research file, 1949-1979, undated
Trays for holding blocks, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 213-216 Photographs, circa 1900-1978
Photographs of Wertham, his family, various associates, and subjects of interest.
Arranged alphabetically under four categories: individuals, locations, objects, and subjects.
BOX 213 Individuals
Cammarano, Romeo, undated
Cianci, Anthony, undated
Fish, Albert H., x-rays showing needles inserted in groin area, undated See also Oversize
Florance, Ralph M. (Harold), undated
Irwin, Robert (Fenelon), undated
Kray, Reginald and Ronald ("Kray twins"), undated
Lavin, Martin J., 1938
Miscellany, undated
Sobell, Morton, 1967
Tilt, Rosalie S., 1947
"Trenton Six," undated
Vivers, Paul, undated
Wagner, Elizabeth, undated
Hesketh family, circa 1900
Wertham, Florence Hesketh, circa 1900-1949
Wertheimer, Sigmund and Mathilde, circa 1900, undated See also Oversize
BOX 214 General
Appia, Adolphe, autographed, 1928
Hitchcock, Alfred (with Wertham), undated See also Oversize
Meeropol, Anne, undated
Miscellany, 1945, undated
Paton, Alan, autographed, 1977
Toller, Ernst, undated
Wylie, Philip, undated
Kraepelin, Emil, 1957, undated
Meyer, Adolf, undated
Miscellany, undated
(2 folders)
Wertham, Fredric
Group shots, circa 1920-circa 1970
Single shots
At Bluehills, Kempton, Pa. (Wertham's country address), 1969-1978, undated
(4 folders)
Miscellany, circa 1920-1975, undated See also Oversize
With art collection (including Hesketh), 1946-1949 See also Container 195, Art collection; and Container 215, Art collection
Group shots
"Firing Line," undated See also Container 185, Undated, "Firing Line"
"Mike Douglas Show," 1967 See also Container 185, 1967, Apr.-June, "Mike Douglas Show"
"Mike Wallace Interview," 1960 See also Container 185, 1960, 9 Feb.-14 Nov., "Mike Wallace Interview"
Unidentified, in Wertham's living room, undated
Miscellany, 1935-1968, undated (contains glass slide)
BOX 215 Single shots
At 44 Gramercy Park, New York, N.Y. (Wertham's city address), undated
Miscellany, undated
Bellevue Hospital, New York, N.Y., records room, undated
Bluehills, Kempton, Pa. (including Hesketh), 1966-1970, undated
Lafargue Clinic, New York, N.Y. (including Wertham et al.), undated
(2 folders)
Miscellany, undated
Pisa, Italy, undated
Queens Mental Hygiene Clinic, Jamaica, N.Y., 1951
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