The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Thomas Henry Carter papers, 1883-1917
Some or all content stored offsite.
BOX 16-17 REEL 11-12 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1886-1911
Drafts of speeches, reprint of an article, drafts of congressional bills, and drafts of an unpublished book.
Arranged by type of writing and chronologically within the speeches.
BOX 16 REEL 11 Article entitled "The Post Office as a Depository for Savings"
BOX 16 REEL 11 Draft of congressional bills
BOX 16 REEL 11 Draft of book on Carter, chapters 1-25
(3 folders)
BOX 16 REEL 11 Letter to the editor, Christian Endeavor World, circa 1911
BOX 16 REEL 11 Miscellaneous draft of book on Carter
BOX 16 REEL 11 Draft of book on Carter, 1888-1889
BOX 16 REEL 11 Speeches
BOX 16 REEL 11 1886-1903
BOX 16 REEL 11 Address, 1886, July 4
BOX 16 REEL 11 Dedication of Lewis and Clark County Court House, 1887
BOX 16 REEL 11 Welcome to representative of Pope Leo XIII, 1889
BOX 16 REEL 11 Memorial Day address, Elks Club, Helena, Mont., 1893
BOX 16 REEL 11 "Montana: Its Past, Present, and Future," 1897
BOX 16 REEL 11 Address at banquet for Marquis Hirobumi Ito of Japan, Seattle, Wash., 1901
BOX 16 REEL 11 Address, Montana Republican State Central Committee, 1902
BOX 16 REEL 11 Commencement address for medical class, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., 1903, Apr. 25
BOX 16 REEL 11 Program, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1903, Apr. 30
BOX 16 REEL 11 Commencement address, Montana School of Mines, Butte, Mont., 1903, June
BOX 16 REEL 11 Address at banquet of Knights of St. Patrick, 1903
BOX 17 REEL 12 1904-1911
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address, stock growers convention, Miles City, Mont., 1904, Apr. 19
BOX 17 REEL 12 Commencement address, Montana Wesleyan University, Helena, Mont., 1905, May 24
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address of acceptance of senatorship, joint assembly of Montana, Helena, Mont., 1905
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address, Montana Theater, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1906, Mar. 11
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address, dedication of the cathedral, Helena, Mont., 1906
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address, opening of state campaign, Missoula, Mont., 1908, Sept. 24
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address, Anaconda, Mont., 1908, Oct. 7
BOX 17 REEL 12 Address, American Irish Historical Society, Washington, D.C., 1908
BOX 17 REEL 12 Campaign speech, Montana, circa 1908
BOX 17 BOX 12 Commencement address, National University Law School, Washington, D.C., 1909, June 6
BOX 17 BOX 12 Address, Dry Lands Farming Congress, Billings, Mont., 1909, Oct. 28
BOX 17 BOX 12 Address, Chamber of Commerce, Utica, N.Y., 1909
BOX 17 BOX 12 Address on tariff on wool, U.S. Senate, circa 1909
BOX 17 BOX 12 Address and notes on the tariff, circa 1909
BOX 17 BOX 12 Political address in Montana, circa 1909
BOX 17 BOX 12 Public lands, circa 1909
BOX 17 BOX 12 Address, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., circa 1910
BOX 17 BOX 12 "The Facts concerning the Railroad Rate Bill," circa 1910
BOX 17 BOX 12 Miscellaneous
BOX 17 BOX 12 Speeches
(2 folders)
BOX 17 BOX 12 Writings
BOX 17 BOX 12 Notes and lists
BOX 17 BOX 12 Fragments
BOX 18 BOX 12 Montana County Election File, 1898
Notebooks recording county votes precinct by precinct for each Montana county.
Arranged in numerical sequence. Notebooks for county numbers 13, 16, 18, and 20 are not in the collection.
BOX 18 BOX 12 Cascade, no. 1
BOX 18 BOX 12 Choteau, no. 2
BOX 18 BOX 12 Valley, no. 3
BOX 18 BOX 12 Flathead, no. 4
BOX 18 BOX 12 Feton, no. 5
BOX 18 BOX 12 Silver Bow, no. 6
BOX 18 BOX 12 Sweet Gross, no. 7
BOX 18 BOX 12 Yellowstone, no. 8
BOX 18 BOX 12 Park, no. 9
BOX 18 BOX 12 Dawson, no. 10
BOX 18 BOX 12 Custer, no. 11
BOX 18 BOX 12 Carbon, no. 12
BOX 18 BOX 12 Fergus, no. 14
BOX 18 BOX 12 Missoula, no. 15
BOX 18 BOX 12 Beaverhead, no. 17
BOX 18 BOX 12 Madison, no. 19
BOX 18 BOX 12 Ravalli, no. 21
BOX 19 REEL 13 Invitation File
Invitations and announcements.
Arranged by name of person.
BOX 19 REEL 13 Roosevelt, Theodore
BOX 19 REEL 13 Taft, William H.
BOX 19 REEL 13 Sherman, James Schoolcraft
BOX 19 REEL 13 Miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 20-21 REEL 13-15 Financial File
Accounts, bills, receipts, invoices, deeds, and ledger.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 20 REEL 13-14 Bills and receipts
(10 folders)
BOX 21 REEL 14-15 Bills and receipts
(7 folders)
BOX 21 REEL 14-15 Ledger
BOX 21 REEL 14-15 Deeds
BOX 22-25 REEL 15-16 Miscellany
Biographical and genealogical material, photographs, scrapbooks, and printed matter.
Arranged by type of material
BOX 22 REEL 15 Biographical material
BOX 22 REEL 15 Genealogical material, Julia Anne Carter Lang, "Reminiscences"
BOX 22 REEL 15 Filing notes
BOX 22 REEL 15 Photographs
BOX 22 REEL 15 Blueprints and maps
BOX 22 REEL 15 Pamphlets
(5 folders)
BOX 23 REEL 16 Scrapbooks
BOX 23 REEL 16 Bound
BOX 23 REEL 16 1908-1910
BOX 23 REEL 16 1910
BOX 23 REEL 16 Jan.-May
BOX 24 REEL 16 Mar.-July
BOX 24 REEL 16 June-July
BOX 25 REEL 16 Unbound
BOX 25 REEL 16 circa 1910
BOX 25 REEL 16 Undated
BOX 25 REEL 16 Clippings, 1897 See Oversize
BOX 25 REEL 16 Commission, 1892 See Oversize
BOX OV 1 REEL 16 Oversize, 1892-1897
Clippings and commissions.
Arranged according to the series container, and folders from which the material was removed.
BOX OV 1 REEL 16 Clippings, 1897 (Container 25)
BOX OV 1 REEL 16 Commission, 1892 (Container 25)

Contents List