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Raymond Clapper papers, 1908-1962

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Reference File, 1913-1962 (continued)
BOX 206 Rainey, Henry T., 1934
Raskob, John J., 1936
Raw materials, 1939-1942
Rayburn, Sam, 1941
Reconstruction Finance Corp., 1935-1936
BOX 207 Reed, James A., undated
Reorganization, 1937-1940
Republican Party
National committee, 1934-1935
BOX 208 National convention, 1936
BOX 209 1935
Pre-convention, 1940
Rhode Island, 1938-1940
Richberg, Donald R., 1934-1940
Ritter, Halstead L., impeachment, 1936
Robert, L. W. (“Chip”), 1935
Robinson, Frances, 1934
Robinson, Joseph T., 1933-1936
Rocha, Josephine, 1939
Rockefeller, John D. (1839-1937), 1937
Rogers, James Harvey, 1934
Roll calls, 1934
BOX 210 Roosevelt, Franklin D.
BOX 211 1936-1937
BOX 212 1937-1938
BOX 213 1938-1939
BOX 214 1940-1942
BOX 215 1942-1943
BOX 216 Speeches
BOX 217 1936
BOX 218 1937-1939
BOX 219 Speeches and third term, 1939-1940
BOX 220 Third term, 1937
Fourth term, 1942
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, James and Elliot
BOX 221 Roosevelt, Theodore (1887-1944), 1913-1936
Roper, Daniel C., 1934
Rubber and raw materials, 1943
Salary, 1936-1938
Savings and investment hearings, 1939-1940 (monopoly committee)
Scientific articles, popular, 1925
Scripps-Howard, 1938-1942
Scripps, Robert, undated
Secret Service, 1925-1935
Shipping and submarines, 1942-1943
BOX 222 Silver, 1935-1939
Sinclair, Upton, 1933-1934
Smith, Alfred E., 1936
Smith, Gerald L. K., 1936
Smoot, Reed, 1930-1932
Social insurance, 1938-1939
Socialists, 1936
Society, 1929
BOX 223 Solomon Islands campaign, 1942-1943
South Carolina, 1938-1940
South Dakota, 1938
Soviet Union
BOX 224 1939-1943
BOX 225 1940-1943
Spain, Francisco Franco regime, 1940-1943
Stassen, Harold, 1942-1943
BOX 226 1937-1940
BOX 227 1935-1943
Stimson, Henry L., 1940
Subsidies, 1932-1933
BOX 228 Supreme Court
BOX 229 1930-1936
BOX 230 1936-1937
BOX 231 1935-1938
BOX 232 1936-1941
BOX 233 1936-1941
BOX 234 1936-1937
BOX 235 1936-1938
BOX 236 1937
Sweden, 1943
Taft, Charles P., 1937
Taft, Robert A. (1889-1953), 1939-1943
Taft, William H., 1937
BOX 237 Talmadge, Eugene, 1935-1936
Tammany, 1933-1938
Tariff, 1934-1936
BOX 238 1933-1940
BOX 239 1935-1939
Tax evasion, 1937
Tennessee, 1939-1940
Tennessee Valley Authority
BOX 240 1933-1941
BOX 241 1936-1940
Texas, 1938-1940
Thomas, Elmer, 1934
Tin, undated
Tinkham, George H., 1934
Tobacco, 1935
Townsend Plan
BOX 242 1938
Treasury, 1933
Troyanovsky, Alexander A., 1934
Truman, Harry S., 1934
Trusts, 1926-1927
Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 1934-1935
Turkey, 1941
Two-thirds rule, 1932
Tydings, Millard, 1935
BOX 243 United States foreign policy
BOX 244 1933-1943
Vandenberg, Arthur, 1934-1940
Utah, 1938
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