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George Gamow and Barbara Gamow papers, 1915-1975

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Personal Correspondence of Barbara Gamow, 1928-1973 (continued)
Lord, Eda, 1961-1972
Marquette, Mary, 1960-1972
Martin, John, 1931-1939
Maxwell, Helene Johanne (Mrs. Edward Hooker, Mrs. Joseph Brewer), 1940-1970
Maxwell, William Quentin, 1954-1969
McCandless, Ruth (Mrs. R. S.) and Duncan, 1960-1973
BOX 14 Newell, Hope, 1959-1965
Nisbet, Ada, 1949-1970
Norman, Charles, 1941-1973
(4 folders)
Pardo, Mimi Hayes (Mrs. Paul), 1958-1973
Peters, Agnes D., 1961-1971
Pierotti, Dorothy (Mrs. Ray), 1969-1973
Rathbone, Augusta, 1968-1973
Ratner, Peggy (Mrs. Marc), 1961-1973
Schuyler, William J., 1962-1969
Shepard, Morgan See Container 13, Martin, John
Shreve, Agnes A., 1970-1973
Smythe, Daniel Webster, 1937-1948
Sutherland, Gilberte (Mrs. Donald), 1964-1973
Tucker, Elizabeth (Mrs. Shepard S.), 1971-1973
Wedmore, Keith, 1957-1962
BOX 15-27 Speeches and Writings File, 1926-1970
Books and articles in manuscript, typescript, galley, and printed form, including some correspondence, reviews, and related material, and speeches and book reviews.
Arranged by type of material. Articles are arranged chronologically and books are arranged alphabetically by title, with printed copies at the end.
BOX 15 Articles
(62 folders)
BOX 16 1950-1969
(40 folders)
BOX 17 Undated
(10 folders)
Book reviews
Niels Bohr, by Ruth Moore
Otto Hann, translated and edited by Willy Ley
Remarks at Cosmological Conference, undated
Caracas, Venezuela, Conference, 1957
"Basic Theories of Modern Physics," manuscripts and illustrations, 1967
(9 folders)
BOX 18 (12 folders)
BOX 19 Biography of Physics (1961)
BOX 20 Biography of the Earth (1941), manuscript inserts, French edition, circa 1955
"Collisions of Galaxies and Cosmology," chapter typescript and Spanish translation, 1962
Gravity (1962), illustrations
Matter, Earth, and Sky (1958)
Manuscripts and typescripts
(15 folders)
BOX 21 (21 folders)
BOX 22 (22 folders)
BOX 23 (20 folders)
BOX 24 Mr. Tompkins in Paperback (1965)
(5 folders)
Manuscript fragment
Mr. Tompkins Inside Himself (1967)
Corrections and correspondence
(2 folders)
Mr. Tompkins Learns the Facts of Life (1953), preface not used, 1964
My World Line (1970)
Manuscripts, circa 1968
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-7
BOX 25 Final typescripts
Illustrations, notes, index
Draft, conclusions, miscellany
Miscellaneous notes, articles, sources
Reviews, miscellany
Uncorrected proof
"Relativity, Gravity, and Cosmology,"preface, 1964 (not published)
"The Sacred Grove," George Gamow's translation of a poem by Edmond Rostand
A Star Called the Sun (1964), typescript carbon
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Thirty Years That Shook Physics (1966)
(5 folders)
(3 folders)
"The Universe in the Making," manuscript
(2 folders)
BOX 27 Printed versions
Biography of Physics (1961), annotated
The Creation of the Universe (1952), with reviews and correspondence laid in
One, Two, Three . . . Infinity (1947), annotated with correspondence from Albert Einstein laid in
Thirty Years That Shook Physics (1966), annotated with reviews laid in (2 copies)
BOX 28-30 Miscellany, 1931-1974
Newspaper clippings, printed matter, scrapbooks, correspondence, miscellaneous personal records, notes, drawings, greeting cards, book reviews, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. Final box contains oversize awards, certificates, a drawing, and illustrations, arranged alphabetically by type of material, title, or subject.
BOX 28 Bibliographical and biographical material regarding George Gamow, circa 1940-1973, undated
(7 folders)
Calendar and address book, 1968
Consulting agreements, 1956-1958
Cosmology research notes
BOX 29 Drawings by George Gamow
Faust; Eine Historie
Lecture invitations, 1956-1957
Medical charts and related matter., 1947-1968
Memorial building lectures, 1969-1974
Notes, cards, and travel itineraries
Obituaries and lists, 1968
Printed matter
(2 folders)
Reviews and comments on George Gamow's books, 1959-1966
BOX 30 "RNATIE Club," 1954-1955, 1966
Russian poems from memory, undated
Scrapbooks, "A Gamovian Miscellany," 1931-1968
(3 vols.)
BOX 31 Addition, 1950-1967
Letters received and mostly copies of letters sent by George Gamow.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or topic.
BOX 31 Brosche, Peter, 1967
Herman, Robert, 1965-1967
Letters related to Immanuel Velikovsky, 1950
Yčas, Martynas, 1967
BOX OV 1 Oversize, 1951-1970
Awards and certificates, illustrations, miscellaneous drawings, photography album, and other oversize items.
Arranged alphabetically according to subject of type of material.
BOX OV 1 Awards and certificates, 1951-1965
Book illustrations
Matter, Earth, and Sky (1958)
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