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Tom Connally papers, 1896-1952

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Servicemen, 1941-1952 (continued)
BOX 429 Monk-Murrell
BOX 430 Muston-Nolan
BOX 431 Nolte-Parker
BOX 432 Parker-Penn
BOX 433 Pennock-Pond
BOX 434 Pond-Ralph
BOX 435 Ramos-Richardson
BOX 436 Richardson-Rochester
BOX 437 Rodgers-Sanchez
BOX 438 Sandarin-Scotka
BOX 439 Scott-Simmons
BOX 440 Simmons-Smith
BOX 441 Smith-Sonfield
BOX 442 Sorola-Strickland
BOX 443 Stringer-Thannisch
BOX 444 Theiss-Tucker
BOX 445 Turks-Walker
BOX 446 Wallace-Wehmeyer
BOX 447 Weiner-Williams
BOX 448 Williams-Wolfe
BOX 449 Wolfe-Yancy
BOX 450-466 Veterans, 1941-1952
Letters sent and received. Primarily correspondence with Texas veterans seeking help in obtaining veteran's benefits.
Arranged alphabetically by name of veteran.
BOX 450 Adams-Bayer
BOX 451 Beal-Burke
BOX 452 Burks-Comer
BOX 453 Conaway-Dorries
BOX 454 Douglas-Estes
BOX 455 Ettinger-Garrett
BOX 456 Garrett-Hatch
BOX 457 Hawkins-Johnson
BOX 458 Johnson-Lenterna
BOX 459 Levan-McWharter
BOX 460 Macias-Null
BOX 461 Oates-Pettis
BOX 462 Phipps-Sanders
BOX 463 Sandoval-Smith, L
BOX 464 Smith, R-Taylor
BOX 465 Teer-Warr
BOX 466 Warren-Wyatt
BOX 467-492 Postmasters, 1932-1950
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by locality in Texas.
BOX 467 Abbot-Atlanta
BOX 468 Aubrey-Big Sandy
BOX 469 Big Spring-Burkeville
BOX 470 Burlington-Clarendon
BOX 471 Clarksville-Crockett
BOX 472 Crosby-Devers
BOX 473 Devine-Encino
BOX 474 Ennis-Fort Worth
BOX 475 Franklin-Graford
BOX 476 Graham-Henrietta
BOX 477 Herford-Iola
BOX 478 Iowa Park-Kirkland
BOX 479 Kirvin-Lipscomb
BOX 480 Littlefield-Magnolia Beach
BOX 481 Malakoff-Martindale
BOX 482 Mason-Mineola
BOX 483 Mingus-Odem
BOX 484 Odessa-Pleasanton
BOX 485 Pledger-Rising Star
BOX 486 Roanoke-San Augustine
BOX 487 Sanatorium-Sherman
BOX 488 Shriner-Sunset Heights
BOX 489 Sweetwater-Thornedale
BOX 490 Thornton-Waxahachie
BOX 491 Weatherford-Zephry
BOX 492 Alaska and Texas
BOX 493-511 Current Jobs, 1941-1952
Letters sent and received. Correspondence with Texans seeking federal government jobs.
Arranged alphabetically by name of applicant.
BOX 493 Abbot-Barron
BOX 494 Barter-Boyd
BOX 495 Brewer-Childs
BOX 496 Chilton-Cowant
BOX 497 Coyel-Edwards
BOX 498 Eilers-Fay
BOX 499 Felker-Gillumt
BOX 500 Gipson-Hancock
BOX 501 Handkins-Hollub
BOX 502 Holt-Jordan
BOX 503 Keeting-Lee
BOX 504 Levels-Mc/Manzano
BOX 505 Martin-Moore
BOX 506 Morgan-Pitts
BOX 507 Polk-Rose
BOX 508 Rowe-Sparks
BOX 509 Spears-Wagnon
BOX 510 Waldon-Williams
BOX 511 Wilson-Zimmerman
BOX 512-521 Nominations, 1944-1952
Letters sent and received. Includes constituent correspondence concerning nominations for federal appointments and Cabinet positions, correspondence with nominees, and supporting material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of nominee.
BOX 512 A-B
BOX 513 C
BOX 514 D-Her
BOX 515 Hu-Od
BOX 516-518 Ol-L
BOX 519 P-R
BOX 520 S
BOX 521 T-Z
BOX 522-538 Thank You Letters, 1946-1952
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 522 A-B
BOX 523 B
BOX 524 C
BOX 525 C-D
BOX 526 D-F
BOX 527 F-G
BOX 528 H
BOX 529 H-J
BOX 530 K-L
BOX 531 L-M
BOX 532 M
BOX 533 N-P
BOX 534 P-R
BOX 535 R-S
BOX 536 S
BOX 537 T-W
BOX 538 W-Z
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